Which game has the saddest ending?

which game has the saddest ending?

Other urls found in this thread:


just give me the sauce fag

no it's all mine


I'll start
Red dead redemption.

Fuck that

Just give me games with happy endings

Oh shieeeet Its Shindol alert



looks too shindol for me

The Last Guardian
Crisis Core FF VII

Please brother, I need a source or I shall surely perish.

Fuck you, you know goddamn well that family nor the ending is happy.

update your shit nigger




>Sup Forums
>twitter and everything else
no sorry, i'm fine

i don't get this meem


What is this one about Sup Forums?

Lufia II has THE saddest ending of any game out there

You think you want it but you don't™

>Everybody is saved
>Some people are saved
>Everybody is killed

Read more books my dude

it's an r9k memerino
let it die peacefully, both brothers cannot possibly survive with the oat supply they are given.

>the collegehumor furfag videos
oh man not again

Is this art?


>left to right instead of up and down
fucking disgusting who the hell made this shit
fucking tumblrtale fags


Nier's endings are pretty depressing


I just want old ShindoL back

top fucking kek

Just give me the title name so I don't have to search exhentai for hours please.

I might be a huge pussy, but the dude that drew these things is a fucking crazy bastard, no matter what you think.
Do i dislike rape and the such highly? Yes, obviousl.
But god damn, no one with a sane head can't tell me the dude behind this shit isnt crazy.


ecks dee my duderino, you sure showed him what's up

So did she actually die?

shindol adaptation when?

Man i can't handle the feels in that doujin

Of course it's fucking Shindol. It's the final chapter of the one whose name we dare not speak

You dont want it

stop right there cunt, i can take this thread down in seconds

That nigga got the HULK dick

I've never understood this picture. Is it just supposed to depict increasing bitterness and negativity after a long time on Sup Forums or what?

I really do I have nothing else to do tonight.

Mission 46 Truth - The Man Who Sold the World*

ShindoL seems like a cool guy on facebook though. I read some of his posts before he restricted his privacy settings, and he was pretty funny.

Shindol never really changed considering he always been super depraved.

How shit Sup Forums has become and how old we are.

Emergence was just too much forced drama at the dad part that it was almost funny. Couldn't even care for it by that point.

what are you gonna do? dump some quizillax?


It aint gonna make that dick hard

Japanese are so nice

You can't escape truth.


Okay never mind some buddy told me about it

Or, just humor me for a second, he wanted to convey despair and sadness through his work? Heavy-handed, sure, and unfitting in erotic fiction, but he tried. It doesn't mean he enjoys the suffering of others.

whats this

So people figured out who he is already?

They wrote it in English, but she's Japanese and can't read it. They're really bullying on another level over there.


we all started somewhere

but these fags today, they just dont see it cause they are living it

From what I remember, and i'm skipping a lot of the suffering, but the general summary is:
>Girl wants to be popular
>Meets some guy
>He gets her addicted to drugs while turning her into a slut
>Meanwhile her dad rapes her
>Eventually found out, dad blames her
>Parents kick her out, she moves in with her boyfriend
>Eventually she gets pregnant but her boyfriend makes her get an abortion
>He leaves her eventually
>She gets pregnant again
>Decides she'll do it right this time
>Gets some money by whoring herself
>Gets raped by homeless people
>Some teenagers eventually find her
>Kick her until they kill the baby
>take her money
>She regrets her life
>Fantasizes about what could've been if the kid had survived
>Dies overdosing on drugs


Go ask /h/

I'm pretty that had a happy ending.

Not going to believe anyone that says otherwise.


Yep, that's about right.

Yeah, and he isn't even trying to hide it.

His name is Lawrence Shindo. Larry Shindo.



>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who can't recognize ShindoL's art at a glance

delet this thread

>tfw knew someone in a similar situation (minus the dad rape and similarly ridiculous nonsense)
>tfw saved him from certain death by giving him a hug, telling him people cared about him, and getting him professional help
>tfw he struggled a lot but eventually made it out OK

That story fucking stings because I saw someone go through a similar ordeal, and yet not even her mom would help her.



>therare peoplele who think this picture is real

What games let me romance a disabled woman?

This is actually the bad ending.
It's like one of those NTR doujins where the cuck knows everything and acts like nothing happened.



Postgame of Fire Emblem Awakening. Marry the autistic sister.


This was ShindoL's best doujin


I really wanted more romantic stories. That one was really good.

>Oh wow such a cute female girl gets wrung out by the dark side of humanity and everything is horrible better not post source or the name because it might summon Cthulhu or so some shit because its so damn horrible.

You fags wouldn't even fucking care if it wasn't some animu waifu going through this.


Katawa... Oh nvm.

>You fags wouldn't even fucking care if it wasn't some animu waifu going through this.
Yes? I can watch real puppies burned alive or people being beheaded without a flinch.
Just leave my anime qts alone dammit!

Literally Shindol's magnum opus, no work he will do in the future can surpass this.

read the thread. it's


We're watching you... SCUM.

>Say No to Drugs!

what did he mean by this?

Red Dead Redemption
Telltale's Walking Dead season 1
Halo Reach

She is literally a cripple. But a woman I'd very much respect.
Funny how you'd find "strong female characters" of this calibre erotic chinese cartoon comics like this.