Whst are some American made JRPG's? I can't think of a whole lot except pic related.
Whst are some American made JRPG's? I can't think of a whole lot except pic related
Penny Arcade Adventures, Cthulhu Saves the World, Costume Quest 1 and 2, Black Sigil, Rainbow Moon, and Chroma Squad off the top of my head.
That's actually the only one I've played. As far as I know Undertale was turn based so that counts as far as I'm concerned. I think some people fail to realize it's a genre and not just an RPG made in Japan, and that might be holding the genre back as a whole. Then again it's better that the west stays out of them by and large, it's quality control.
>rainbow moon
Not even the right continent, friendo.
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
It's a shitty, non-canon movie tie in, yet somehow remains fun. It has the standard turn based, menu heavy gameplay as a JRPG.
Steven Universe: Attack the Light
So then Avatar is anime and Soulsborne games are wrpgs?
It's a genre, dumbass. I bet you think modern Final Fantasy and Xenoblade are JRPGs too, huh?
Are you retarded?
>Soulsborne games are wrpgs?
They're ARPGs if anything, I hope you're not retarded enough to call them JRPGs.
they aren't masterpeices like skyrim and witcher 3 fucking weeb
By JRPG do you mean turn based?
JRPG = RPG made in japan
what are you even trying to say here
Can we quit being pedantic about the label and talk about some American made RPGs that feature parties, turn based combat, and menus?
JRPGs are turn based RPGs.
>American made Japanese Role Playing Games
I bet you think Dark Souls is a western RPG.
I really like this color.
Is it a meme?
Do you care if it's isometric? Because Wasteland, Fallout, Shadowrun and Underrail.
I don't think so, you're safe
Dark Souls is my favorite JRPG.
Septerra Core.
This just in, many role-playing games made in Japan are not Japanese role-playing games.
Did you fall on your head a lot as a kid?
I don't care at all.
Is 2 as good as the first game? I have played through the first one, and it's a masterpiece.
I personally think 2 is better. People who hate it usually only bitch about the pop culture references.
Except they aren't.
The term jrpg was first applied tp Japanese P&P games. Next it was applied to Japanese made roleplaying computer games, years before DQ1 came out.
The earliest jrpgs were arpgs and srpgs, followed by drpgs and then the standard "console-style" aka DQ style turn-based games.
The term jrpg in regards to video games applies to rpgs made in Japan, and always has. This "it's a genre" meme is a new thing spouted by retards ignorant of history, whose autism makes them think they've discovered some intrepid new way to interpret the term that no one else uses or gives a shit about.
Are you special? JRPG is a genre dumbass, it's a traditional Japanese role playing game, meaning it's fucking turn based. Action RPGs are a completely different fucking genre, they're not JRPGs.
Dragon Age: Origin. Shame about the sequels though.
Also old Bioware.
Anything like NWN seems obvious choice.
Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc.
Planescape Torment
>people falling for this shallow ass bait
Every god damn time.
> 2011+9-3
>Still supporting skub
Shadow madness?
Lmao. You must be new here.
Didn't realize fresh off the boat non-skub plebs still posted here.
How's your BEING BAD AT VIDEOGAMES doing for you?
Is a completely ridiculous term and an awful descriptor.
They are.
I bet you have a game of thrones/lotr poster in your bedroom.
JRPG is a really stupid term and always was.
And what would you call games like Wizardry and Ultima? The quintessential RPG videogames of western making?
Silly claims like yours just make it sound like you've played really few RPGs no matter the region.
JRPG means it has to be made in japan.
JRPG is a genre of games, produced in Japan. That is what the J means in JRPG, you colossal retard.
Secret of Evermore