Torrent Games

So i'm new to PC gaming and i'm not the richest person out there. If I think a game/company deserves my money i'll buy it, but for the mean time I need to save up. How exactly do i torrent games/what programs do i need besides uTorrent? Also what are some games I should check out?

>having to justify piracy
>asking how to torrent
>using uTorrent
>not even sure what he wants to play
Can you even sage anymore? Anyways stop being stupid

Is utorrent not downloading your shit properly or something? It's what I use if I'm going to pirate something. If I remember correctly I think I got Morrowind from the Bay. I usually pay for games but I paid full price for Morrowind on Xbox back in the day and it was just kind of a matter of principle when I replayed not to have to pay another $10 or whatever on Steam.

tl;dr You're thinking about this too hard, use TPB and uTorrent.

most of the things you do online probably fall under privacy laws so i wouldnt go there. I meant most files are .ISO what do i do with that file? How would i know what to play if i never played on PC before?

Do you like strategy games? They're not for everybody but I primarily use consoles for most genres so this is the first thing to come to mind for me personally when I think about PC gaming.

OP, please don't endanger yourself.

Don't do it until you get some sense in your head.


yeah, any i should look into?

this is why i'm ASKING so i don't endanger myself, or do you not know what a question is?

It would take me many moons to impart such knowledge to the unready such as yourself.

You can pirate the fucking shit out of the Paradox games. Crusader Kings 2, for example. Be sure to get all the DLC, too. Hell even if you bought CK2 you'd want to pirate the DLC. There's way too much of it.

Also there's the Civilization series of course. That's more accessible than CK2 (or anything else Paradox makes) but if you can get into it, I think CK2 is cooler.

If you like squad tactics, check out XCOM.

>using utorrent


use deluge

Are you underage or just stupid? lurk until you're 18 or get some sense

ill check them out thx

is literally no one going to explain what i have to do with the .ISO file for the game?

What's wrong with utorrent? I've always figured "If it ain't broke..."

it has ads and bloatware

I don't guess it ever bothered me enough to change, but since you pretty much just spoon fed me an alternative, I'll check it out. Thanks duder.

its a virtual image u mount it and install like you would normally would a cd

do i need a specific program for that?

Different fag here but no. I'm not a mustard either and it's been a while since I used an .iso so I don't remember exactly what the deal is but I remember it's easy. You're letting this PC shit intimidate you way too much bro. They don't put self-destruct buttons on these things. If you do the wrong thing, just do another thing until it works.

i think thereres one by default on the new windows so u might not need one. if u do need one daemon tools

ISOZone. If it's an older game, no need to torrent. This said, qtorrent's the way to go. I have the same mindset as you about games, but I don't like the folks behind utorrent these days. Too close to the fire- utorrent's known to be watched by the powers that be (and owned by some of them).

thanks it seems to be working for the most part

yeah there is a built in program
will check both those out, thanks

So you'll get a lot of weird terms for ISOs and things like that. Some people will call them "roms" but this is not quite right. A rom is a copy of all the information on a board, be it a cartridge game or otherwise. This would be your old Sega Genesis games, most arcade games before the 2000s, etc. An ISO is the same sort of deal, but it's the information off of a disk. Dreamcast games that are 1:1 copies use a format called GDI, but whatevs. Right, so to use ISOs for PC games, you've got two options: you can install 7zip, which will get all your files out of the ISO, or you can install a program like WinCDEmu (virtual CD drive emulator) to make your computer think it's got the disk inserted into your computer "the usual way" (as though you had a physical disk). The second method may work better for most games since the game itself will be convinced you have the actual disk, in most cases, which was your basic copy protection for a lot of games like Morrowind. That should cover you. ;)