The world is ending in 3 days, how are you going to spend the little time you have left?

The world is ending in 3 days, how are you going to spend the little time you have left?

Oh, and Majora's Mask thread anyone?

mass rape

Finish Blood and Wine and not go to work.

Fuck bitches whether they want to be fucked or not

Quick question for those of you who emulate n64 games. If you're using like a 360 controller, how do you have the C buttons mapped? I'm thinking of putting them on either the dpad or the ABXY buttons (and mapping a and b to the shoulder buttons) because having them on the right joystick is fucking killing.

Unlike most of the anons here, I still have family that loves me so I'm going to spend time with them.

X - sword
A - action button
Y- left c
Right bumper - up c
B - right c
Right trigger - lock
Left trigger - shield

I guess I will do the same, after all, I don't want to die as a virgin

get ss by the farm lady


Fuck something. Also get in a car chase

Drink a bottle of this.

Also Romanee may or may not be named after Romani Conti, one of the rarest and most expensive wines in the world.

Do whatever I could to fight off people like , and .

People deserve to make the most out of the time they have left. Go find an inevitable mass orgy that's happening somewhere instead of ruining someone else's last few days.

White knight/10

You want your fucking prize?

So, you'd be spending your precious time left fighting opportunistic rapists? Sounds hilariously retarded. Just let them be.

I'm asexual, bruh. I'm just content to die for other people's happiness.

Asexual, or "I am a kissless virgin but I'll just claim to be asexual" asexual?

"Incapable of attracting human affection" and "asexual" are not the same thing, friendo

Romani Conti doesnt seem to exist on google, but I am seeing the one in your pic with the two e's

Listen to Death Grips - The Money Store at progressively higher volumes until my eardrums rupture and I die just before the apocalypse

what if the world never ended and now you're just deaf?

Woops typo.