anyone else notice that on the dead rising 1 remaster on the pc that the kent quest doesnt work? after i take the first two shots im ment to get a cutsceen but dont?
also dead rising thread
Anyone else notice that on the dead rising 1 remaster on the pc that the kent quest doesnt work...
Works for me. You're just shit.
so i get the first two pics, get the skill for jump kick then what?
nothign actualy happens after what am i ment to do? i have waited untill i time out but nothing happens
>then what?
You fucking kill yourself, you useless cunt.
thanks for the autism man, i guess ill just get the skill and leave it.
>muh special secret club
Fuck off already.
can you please take your pills man?
can you please fuck off man?
If you take your fluoxetine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), sertraline (Zoloft), clomipramine (Anafranil), or what ever other pill you talk for your autism.
I'll do that after you fuck off.
id like you to take it now child, how else will i know you have taken it.
I want you to get a friend and mabey get a girl so you can loose your virginity but you wont be able to do that if you keep being an autistic loser mate.
Fuck off already.
You're literally too stupid to play a video game, then come begging for help like an idiot.
>do what the quest says and nothing happens
>do what a walkthrough says and nothing happens
>try a number of things and nothign happens
I assume by the way you cant get the situation and the way you are getting mad that you have missed your pills for a coupple days now, please go and take them user you are starting to become erratic.
again how are you meant to have at least one friend acting like this?
Make it 3
Still no answer other then an autistic rant by someone who has not taken their pills for a day or two?
And no one want to talk about this franchise?
You have to beat the main scenario for the first day, then start the quest.
Dont listen to the other dick head hes just being a casual that follows everythign by the books
>Replying to yourself after a google search
Fuck off, OP.
lol what? your getting desprate now autsim fag.
im dont with the first day anthign thing else you can think of thats stopping me drom doing it?
>im dont with the first day
I'm* done*
You illiterate moron.
Are you having a seizure or something?
been drinking so when im sober i can spell witchis only situational iunlike you, you will always have autisum mate
>been drinking
wooooow guys im so drunk xD
Kill yourself, you fool.
Are you literally underage?
>adults cant drink
ok mate, biut for real plese take your pills.
i honestly hope you dont act like this in public
Guys I'm so fucking drunk woooo xD
Kill yourself.
are you autistic?
>op asks a question
>autism ensues
Never change Sup Forums
Are you new?
The post timers are too close together to be samefag, you absolute moron.
...What in the flying fuck happened to this thread?
no i was asking if both of you were autistic, you just sayign that proves my point that you are actual autismos
No underage allowed.
>Literally comes to Sup Forums to be spoonfed rather than use google
Those post times are more than a minute apart
He literally said he used a walkthrough here that implies he used google to find the answer.
Great thread guys, you truly are the Dead Rising.
>Needing a fucking walkthrough for Dead Rising 1
Jesus fucking Christ, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt at first, but this is just sad.
All jokes and shitposting aside, but are younger gamers actually this fucking stupid? I thought them all being dumb as fuck COD players was a meme.
Anything saying you were drunk wasn't there for me when I said that, you dumb fuck.
According to my shitposting research, women are more prone to use the word 'Fuck Off' more because they have nothing else better to say.
>Posters: 8
>Replies: 40
>could have had a fun dead rising thread
>ruined by some autist
You were willing to google which insults women use (due to your lack of contact with them, I assume), but not what to do in a fucking video game?
this, all some one could of said wahs oh you have to finsih day one before doing that because the game is a bit buggy if you do the kent quest first.
not everyone is a casual that just blindly follows the story, some of us actualy ecplore the game while doing the story.
>all some one could have done was spoonfeed the illiterate "drunk" underage rather than tell him to fuck off and use google
Really made me think
>had to watch 3 youtubers to find out the answer
yeah i doubt any of you actualy knew thats why you all had to shit post you fuckign casuals
>yeah i doubt any of you actualy knew
Well I "actualy" did know, so what now faggot?
hahha thats easy to say now that the fact was said, isnt it?
fuck off you casual scum
You appear upset, friend.
Good thread OP
I hope Trump makes Sup Forums great again.
nice projecting casual scum, im not the one who whent full autisic because of a legit question.
also did autism user take his pills?
Fuck off dsp.
>doing what you want in a free roam game is the same as dps bitching
way to reach user, its like you like linear shit, go back to ff10 and 13 baby
No, being a retard, not listening to the fucking game and making the claim that its bugged is what makes you dsp, you fucking spastic
What the fuck hapened in this thread.
Maybe he phrased the simple question he couldve googled because he wanted to start a discussion about the game.
Now i see why they focus tested all the autism out of dr4.
spoonfeeding is wrong
newfags who are too dumb to use google should fuck right off back to plebbit
christ when did the autistic anti-spoonfeeders from Sup Forums get here?
Don't you have doujins to whine about?
Anyways is the HD remaster worth getting for $20?
Take a picture when he flips you off. NOT when he kicks a zombie.
>this style of thead works for monster hunter
>anything else autism starts
wow Sup Forums stay classy
I bought it for cheaper during xmas. Hadnt played it since i had it on console.
Dont regret it at all. Its an amazing port
No spoonfeeding under any circumstances
nice to see we have a parrot