Don't try to spoil me, cause I'm not coming back to this thread. But I genuinely thought this case was awesome...

Don't try to spoil me, cause I'm not coming back to this thread. But I genuinely thought this case was awesome, I'm playing through this game for the first time. Already way ahead of AA5 in my book. This case fucked with me so many times, and shattered my low expectations. I hope Sup Forums likes this game, because I certainly do so far. Jesus Christ.

I want to fuck Bonny

It was good.
Also, I think that was the first case when the perpetrator wasn't actually on the scene at the time of the murder. Correct me if I'm wrong.

This game has many firsts in the series.
The first suicide
The first Lawyer duke it out
The first time we handle two relatively unrelated cases in one chapter
The first time a case recieves minor localization changes fuck Rakugan.

>the perpetrator wasn't actually on the scene at the time of the murder
Turnabout Succession

why was case 4 so bad

Bonnie = Bunny
Betty = Bat-ty

It took me til literally days after I finished the game to realize this

Wright vs Layton had a suicide. 2nd case I think, the one where Layton was gone

This game and dual destinies are complete utter trash. Played both and can honestly say the ace attorney games went into a complete wrong turn. The cases are dull and boring, the voice acting (specially phoenix) is horrendous, you can no longer get a true game over with the try again option, consultation (lmao), prosecutors are vile clones of the previous installements always playing the wannabe rude role without a single grain of personality, I could continue listing...

Where did the good thrills of farewell my turnabout disappeared to? The mysteries from Rise From The Ashes like putting the police mascot head in the correct position to destroy Grant alibi? Or the brilliant plot of Turnabout Goodbyes? Not a single new villain in the new games are memorable like Dahlia Hawthorne or Manfred Von Karma.

RIP Ace Attorney Never Forget

Wait a second. Are you saying you ever got a game over in an AA game? How low is your IQ?
Anyway, opinion status: trashed.

>DLC case
>the murderer is the one character who you meet who isn't the defendant or her husband
>they expect you to have not instantly connected the dots on the blatantly obvious pocketwatch that matches the picture of the dead sister
come the fuck on

Because they tried to throw in as much bullshit as possible to try to add twists. The murderer is now conviently allergic to soba flour or whatever the fuck it was? Yeah that's just fucking horseshit.

honestly Case 4 felt like it was supposed to be the tutorial trial at one point in development
>no investigation
>relatively short case with simple answers (the only thing that stumped me was the type of noodles he prepared simply because I don't know noodles)
>dopey, unreliable, but wacky defendant
>Athena missing simple things and having your hand held by Blackquill the entire trial
>obvious as fuck bait-and-switch villain since Luke Atmey

honestly, I'm convinced this was supposed to be the tutorial trial, but they pushed it til later on, in order to
A) have the first case star Wright and establish him arriving in Kurai'in
B) evenly space out the America/Kurai'in trial ratio (K, A, K, A, K)
C) keep up tradition of Wright being the lead attorney for the first and last trials

at least, thats what I assume happened, it makes the most sense

>C) keep up tradition of Wright being the lead attorney for the first and last trials
They didn't even do this though, apollo was the lead attorney in the last trial

I didn't know Datz Arebal was supposed to mean 'That's a rebel" until long I finished the game. I just thought it was supposed to be "That's horrible"


I'm going to be honest, my 3DS died before I got a chance to finish the final trial, just got right to the part where the Queen revealed she was a prosecutor, so I have no clue

You missed out on some quality Apollo, user. He's our guy now.
Apollo Justice 2 when?

The trial had started by that point, you wouldn't seen apollo in the main attorney position and phoenix in the assistant position

SoJ WAS AJ2. Thankfully Apollo as been removed from the game now. I can't wait for Athena's own game.

Hardly, Apollo didn't even get the story focus until case 4.
>removed from the game
Tough luck user, he's still got a lot of backstory left. He'll come back from Khura'in when enough law firms are established, and Thalassa will tell him and Trucy the truth before she dies.

Do you think wincest would be better when they don't know, or when they do?

AA7 will be Athena's game but Apollo will get one case, just like Athena had one case in this one

After they know. Ignorant wincest is just vanilla in disguise.

oh fuck

I thought it was "that's our boy"

I think he'll stay there and we get more Khura'in trials with seances from his side. Doubt they'll sideline the mechanic.

Case 3, The Goldern Court.


What if it starts vanilla, then they find out, and they keep doing it anyway.

Can we talk about how shit the ending for AA6 was? Apollo was alright, but they seriously fucked him up character wise. After you find out his 'backstory', so many 'why's' come in it's just blatantly bad writing.

Apollo leaving was a shit, hasty decision and is going to cement my dislike for him, especially because of that random ass cheap, knock-off shit edgeworth they shoe in for him.

I wanted Apollo to grow on me more than what they gave me. I don't know if the creators decided no one liked him and just canned him or fucking what, but it was such a bad decision and, story-line wise, seems permanent.

I'll be honest, I was only ever in it for Phoenix in AA5 and AA6. Apollo JUST started to grow on me and then, nothing.

I feel cheated and used, especially since how 'grow into your own' stories fuck with my emotions hardcore. I hated it, but it made me feel a little bit and made me wish he stuck around a bit more.

All in all, it would have been a much better decision for Phoenix to remain in Khura'in, since he had the people behind him and it would've been a great stroke-off story for him in the sequel where we see him actually evolve into an elder god attorney instead of just god attorney.

Anyone else with me on that or am I just crazy?