i picked up this game last week again and i have leveled a nightblade with magicka build and am having fun. whats ur opinion on it?
Whats ur opinion on Elder Scrolls Online
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console GW2 with good user made addons but jew shit to make you sub like no mat bank unless u pay.
Looks like shit and I hate hotkey based MMOs so I'll never play it.
another boring everquest clone with PVE raids as endgame
but pvp is awesome, never saw such good pvp. its like planet side with MMO theme
Good single player for MMO and shit multiplayer.
Planetside is garbage though.
>multiplayer game has shit multiplayer
What did she mean by this?
I really got into it for a while, but none of my irl mates play it and I went on holiday and apparently my guild had a big falling out and split.
My main is also a magicka nightblade, SUPER fun way to play draining enemies and shit.
The mat bag is pretty new, just expand your slots and make some bank characters and you're all good.
u got diarrhea taste mate, why even bother playing games
Really fun, been playing on and off since launch, more off lately cause they don't seem to want to add new ability lines.
Throw in a new class or just some more weapon classes.
Is this ironic?
If the combat wasn't so floaty I'd probably like it.
Son I've played Planetside and thought it was disgusting garbage, I'm sincerely sorry that my opinion doesn't fall in line with yours.
Now fuck off.
worse than GW2's WvW desu
waiting on Camelot Unchained at this point, as both as so disappointing
>Shit controls
>WoW clone
>stamina is a joke
Do you like
>Extremely large world
>can go anywhere and do any quest because One Tamerial scales everything
>a fuck and i mean a fuck ton of PVE content
>voice acting on every quest on every character
>Gear progression and crafting up the ass
>Amazing pvp
>fucking awesome DLC
>One tamerial update makes playing with friends enjoyable
>good controller support
>Fukhueg mod community
Then this is for you
You're the second person to praise its PvP. I haven't played it, what's so good about its PvP?
fucker makes me want to try it again.
>Camelot Unchained
Will that ever get released? Heard nothing about it ages now, getting a vaporware vibe.
god tier my man
who redy
>>can go anywhere and do any quest because One Tamerial scales everything
This is the one thing that sounds lame from your description. I really like having parts of a game world that are beyond me until I get stronger. It's a lot harder feeling a sense of accomplishment when you can take on the same enormous beast dragon eldritch whatever in the first hour as you can 300 hours later.
Need new skill trees plz
Game was so boring even the pvp, Got too veteran 3 and never touched it again, Also has one of the most jew buy 2 pay models.
give it another 2 years
>buy game
>don't have to buy subscription
>literally 15 dollars for an mmo and thats it
Yes this is truly the jewest mmo out there currently
Long in the cash shop ya dingus, At least most other buy 2 play games let you earn nice costumes and mounts.
then play the quests in order
You get costumes and mounts by doing quests and reaching certain milestones like being champion 30 or 60
fuggin lel
>complaining about things you dont have to buy
>Got too veteran 3
its not even the same game anymore
The game in it's current state is unbalanced as fuck. Devs seem to not care that much about addressing issues such as game bug. There take on fixing anything is to throw out a band aid fix that breaks the game and does more harm then good. then tell you that well your going to have to wait 3 months to we put out a new "fix" that fucks more shit up. But hey they sure do like to shovel more cash shop stuff at you cause that seems to be there focus other then fixing there broken game.
game is meh would be good if the devs gave a fuck.
>veteran rank
m8 the game went through a realm reborn
Veteran ranks don't exists. It's champion points we league of legends now boi
Most people like to customize themselves in mmos not look like generic player #14472, Costumes shouldn't be all locked behind a paywall and the few you can get from quests most are from the fucking dlc.
But its still plagued with the same issues, PVP is still the generic zerg rush and pve is the same old braindead hit it till it dies.
>Hadn't played it since the beta
>Friend convinced me to buy it during a sale
>Didn't know my log in info so I requested a reset
>Didn't know the answer to my recovery question so I asked if I could change it
>They locked the account
>Requested unlock they said no
>Asked them to delete the account so I could make a new one on my same email
>"We don't make changes to locked accounts"
Refund button worked pretty good
devs in a nut shell they don't give a fuck
>datamined vvardenfell map
>everything is the same as third era
>ESO takes place in the interregnum
Fucking morons.
>everything is the same
look at vivec m8
this is 2nd era morrowind
Do you even fucking know what I mean when I say Interregnum you little pissant?
everyone uses bots
name two people who use a bot
that guy I saw in coldharbour that leveled characters and changed them to keep botting was the first one I saw
then I noticed how many people used bots
Then you understand why pointing that it's 2nd era is redundant?
>tfw people buy crowns for gachashit
Fucking n'wah going beyond the sub fee.
Yes but Balmora and other such settlements probably shouldn't be there as this pre dates house settlement on the island.
It's hard to explain, when it's good it's really good, when it's shit it's really shit. Part of the open world siege warfare with the "play the way you want" mentality.
Exactly my point - Vvardenfell was closed off to settlement until about 13 years before Morrowind starts.
>Costumes shouldn't be all locked behind a paywall
Is this cosmetics? Then are you one of the special snowflake that likes to look different from thousands of other players that are in a mmo?