This is fucking bullshit and I will explain why!

Necroa virus on casual is fine but when on normal it's pure bullshit as in fucking glitched/bugged bullshit!

The zombies die almost faster than you can place down reanimate action and even with the slowing decomposing upgrades the zombies die fast no matter what.

Z com pops up the instant you have zombies on the map and even with upgrades to your zombies you aren't generating enough points to afford the increase zombies horde size and the upgrade at the same time to combat Z com that just popped up.

Even once you finally destroy a Z com building suddenly five more z coms has spawned and they are spread out on the entire map and it is fucking impossible to get to them with the rate the zombies die out and the ever increasing cost of points!

Z com bases will kill your entire hordes of zombies even with the horde upgraded to the fucking max without some bullshit RNG!

You can't upgrade any of the transmissions without getting a mutation less than a minute and even though you devolved the mutation it comes back again thirty seconds later.

The moment you are spotted the cure is instantly being researched at full maxed funding and the research bar fills up in less than few minutes.

Even without transmissions your virus will mutate and will keep mutating at a bullshit speed and when you are at zombie levels it stops mutating fast.

Lastly the Devs of the game has not made a single update nor did they addressed this issue and when I try to find any news on it all I get is old shit from 2014 instead of the current fucking year!

I tried all the guide and none of them worked at all because this shit is bullshit at normal difficulty while yet I can easily beat bio weapon disease at hard!?

Jesus fucking Christ.


Another selfish bump

For fuck sakes doesn't anyone play this game!?

Someone fucking say something goddamnit or I swear to god I will start spamming this site with this just like on Sup Forums with that watermelon girl


ayy lmao

it was free ten years ago
why would you spend money on it

git gud

its a mobile game u fucking retard

That virus and the virus for the monkey based on planet apes movies, were both broken and impossible. Poorly programmed. Don't ever expect a fix. It's a shit game

lol its a mobile game, idiot. git gud or buy some upgrades

Incase you're actually fucking retarded the plague inc EVOLVED is for COMPUTERS AND CONSOLES not MOBILE DIPSHIT

do it faggot, I fucking dare you

Plague inc=mobile

Plague inc evolved=computers and consoles


theyre the same game, are u retarded? LOL!

why don't you e-mail the devs you autistic fuck
why would you expect any of us to know about your shitty little Flash game?

lol bro u fuck'ing idiot play a real game not some gayass new grounds crap, pussy

Really because i don't see the plavue inc evolved on the app store numbnuts

But go ahead and keep saying the two versions of the game is the same despite the fact one is mobile while the other isn't

OP you clearly suffer from retardation

First off transmit your plague to all countries and build immunities. Just go straight for Air Transmission 1, Water transmission 1, Cold protection 1 (2 if youre playing on hard) if you've started in a hot country or Hot transmission 1 if you started in a cold country, and Wealthy country protection 1
Wait and build up points.
Once your disease is in all countries and has infected more than 90% of the global population then choose to increase chances of mutation and go all out in symptoms.
Then make a straight bee line in the symptoms page to giving your zombies combat advantages.

Done. Easy. If you're virus gets symptoms through mutations in the early stage then remove them.

Then tell me which "real" game allows me to make a diseas and infect the world and watch the world die without the linesr story bullshit plot or force cut scenes or made from some guy in india


>For fuck sakes doesn't anyone play this game!?

played the free version 10 years ago when it was called pandemic 2
and it was a better game

>You can't upgrade any of the transmissions without getting a mutation less than a minute and even though you devolved the mutation it comes back again thirty seconds later.


Except you couldn't effect Madagascar without hacks

when i played it it was free, and it was okay. fun for an hour.

if it now costs fifteen bucks and makes you this upset, i dont think i want it

Then you obviouslt didn't play the plague inc [[[EVOLVED]]] FOR COMPUTERS AND CONSOLES REMINDING YOU THAT IT IS NOT A MOBILE VERSION! on necroa virus on normal

At least on the mobile it is easy to beat it but on the pc and console version it isn't

I'd love to help OP but I haven't played the game in a long time.

But from what I'm reading, you are shit. The zombie virus is one of the easiest ones

If your on mobile version or playing on casual on the console version then it is easy but when it is on normal on the console version then no it is not easy because of the listed problems that I actually posted

I played necroa on brutal plague inc evolved on the computer

mutations dont happen every minute. maybe you have darwinist gene. use creationist gene if you unlocked it. either way. mutations didnt happen every minute for me like you described. and i beat it on brutal.

Yeah I think I quit playing at Necroa Virus too. Great concept for a game but too difficult and restricting on how you can actually win. Had to look up a guide on like the third scenario whatever it was and you had to upgrade the right things at the right time or you couldn't win. Stupid. It's a simulation game, not a puzzle with one solution.

also pick the genetic upgrades that decrease the chance of mutations

I do have creationist on and even with it on I get a stupid bug like problem were when I'm infecting nations either hypersaliva bullshit or the i cant sleep shit pops up and when i devolve it i get a pop up a minute later that it's back

They need to update this game because I'm trying to beat it on normal so i can unlock the cheat options on the evolve already

No lie

A customized scenario of the zombie virus is easier and not broken as the official necroa virus is which says alot about the devs on their poor programming skills.

>when I'm infecting nations either hypersaliva bullshit or the i cant sleep shit pops up and when i devolve it i get a pop up a minute later that it's back

mutation wasnt that bad a rate for me. its either your version of the game, an actual glitch, or you just suck.

I liked this when it was called Pandemic.

>paying for mobile game ports

>implying i paid

>playing mobile game ports

Hmm, I didn't have such a hard time with this to be honest?

I took the devolution bonus points trait. Where you actually get points back for devolving a viral trait. Stockpiled evolution points while grabbing all the infection traits that have little to no symptoms.

Once the viral cat is out of the bag I just dump all my points into making my zombies as buff as possible.

I don't suck trust me.

I'm starting to suspect the game is glitched because every time i devolve the mutations it comes back and on rare occasions the devolved mutations actually stays devolved for a while anyways

>playing mobile games on pc

so what if its a moble port? its still fun

>Early Access for 4 years

Just play Pandemic II

look up playthroughs on youtube and compare how often other are getting mutations to how often you get mutations

What the fuck is this thread?
I sincerely hope the OP isn't this retarded.

And don't forget the customized scenarios you get to play

The game is stupidly fun but it is stupidly difficult and outright broken on some of the diseases like the ooga booga disease and the zombie virus

I thinking of doing that but seriously though someone has to have notified the devs about this issue though?

And I'm still waiting for the shadow plague update for the evolved version.

shadow plague update?

It was a hard for me, so I cheeses it by devolving symptons and infecting everybody before mutating into a zombie virus

The movile version got a shadow plague update recently

It's a vampire disease were you controle a vampire abd you go infect nations abd depending on your playstyle you can either infect the world with your one powerful Dracula and few other vampires or you can turn all infected to be vempire slaves for you

Also there are z comz but instead of z comz its Templars

>z coms

Stupid typo errors

Shadow plague was already released on the pc version

You have an old version of Plague Inc Evolved

>make weak, harmless plague that spreads like a motherfucker
>once 100% infected make it extremely lethal
>wipes out everything and pretty much guarantees a win
>tfw every plague I've done so far seems to work best with this strat
>every time

Is this seriously all it is? Who designed this shit? It's just doing the same, slightly varying strategy every time because if you don't:

>many places get very suspicious
>manage to get around 60%
>a major country completely fucks you over by blocking off all access to it
>or some random location goes full damage control before you can get to it
>plague is dead in the water

Should add I haven't played in a while and there are probably new plagues where this doesn't work (hopefully)

But how many plagues does this "meta" strategy work for? This does seem like the most common thing people do.


I got xbox one s (inb4 sony fans) how come my version didn't get it?

With Neurax Worm, Nano virus, Simian Flu and Shadow Plague the strategies are pretty different.

And multiplayer you have to be more aggressive against a decent player, if you can find one

>paying money to play a phone game on your PC

Is this a fucking bot thread?

>xbox one

That doesn't have the latest updates. It's just the way it is. You can get the latest on Steam or somewhere else.


Your telling me they stopped updating the xbox version?

What the hell

>Being so shit you play this game on casual
>Being so shit you can't beat NECROA on normal
>Demanding devs nerf an already incredibly easy game
Yeah okay dude go give NAZG a try and talk about bullshit

Life is full of disappointments



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