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Yo this game was fun
who do the shoes and guns reperesent?
Sanic and Laura Craft
the shoes belong to the bandicoot you homo fagrectus
Fitting, since the devs were pissed at Nintendo for stealing their concept for an open world Mario game.
If only it wasn't flawed...
Crash and Lara Croft
> sonic was so irrelevant and fringe even back then that even shitty second rate platformers like croc didn't even consider him
Really makes one think
>no belly bulge
Not even hot.
haha do you think croc had trouble trying to eat lara croft
>Tomb Raider
Were people in the 90's retarded? or?
I fuckin love this game.
First game I ever owned. Was hard as fuck when I was 6.
Replayed it a few years ago, still gets pretty fucking intense.
I still have ptsd about dantes castle.
Croc HD never ever
>"CROC has more moves than you can shake a stick at."
I don't really remember him having many moves.
People were desperate to identify a Sony mascot back in the late 90s. Crash was the first candidate, but others such as Lara Croft and Spyro the Dragon were all contenders.
To date, Sony Computer Entertainment has never really had a de facto mascot like Mario or Sonic.
Tomb Raider is a 3D platformer.
Do you think she is squirming in his stomach haha just wondering
Man, Croc was OK.
The gameboy sequel was shit though.
Having several good ones is better than having one great one desu.
They don't have a mascot because Sony is not a gaming company.
what if you took croc and inhaled him through a tuba?
that'd be really hot
C'mon senpai
Rip in peace Nario
>"Like Lara Croft, CROC has more moves than you can shake a stick at."
What did he mean by this?
They want the scaly audience
>tank controls
i wonder what colour lara would be as poop haha just wondering
That's because Sonic never got his first gen 3D Platformer.
It's Croc's 20 year anniversary this year. We must celebrate.
>gobbos confirmed for cutest collectable
Croc 2 was good but I never finished it
Haha what if a tuba swallowed him afterwards
the mid 90s were dark times for sega
haha, this is really funny
what do you guys think the inside of croc's tummy is like? just curious lol
He'd be hard to ingest.
Looking back on the game objectively, Croc is objectively a very shitty platformer full of Repetitve, uninspired level design. It's not superman 64 bad just nowhere near as good as Spyro, Crash or Mario.
>shitting on much better games
>got one sequel before fading into oblivion
That's hilarious indeed.
I could tolerate its bullshit up to the icy levels.
>imagining the densely packed remains of Laura Croft, Crash Bandicoot, and Mario permanently interwoven as shit, all of them now indistinguishable from one other
>get a boner
I didn't choose this life
>Croc ends up dying instead of Sonic, Mario and Crash
>I didn't choose this life
Yes you did. Stop avoiding blame for your own actions.
Crash was only just reborn. Croc will emerge back from the swamp.
>tfw they just released this on steam
Shame it's $15 but the devs are really chill about it and even opened up the workshop.
>early access
>preordered that game from Funcoland when I was but a wee lad
>it came with this Croc plush
I genuinely don't know how I haven't lost the fucker at this point.
It has workshop? are people actually modding?
Reminds me of Glover's commercial.
It's sad thinking how great the Saturn could have been if Sonic X-Treme got made and Sonic Jam was a full fledged game instead of a collection.
At least the Adventure series took off after that, I still wish I owned a Saturn though but the games are super expensive.
Isn't it still in early access? Why the fuck does a port need to be early access?
It just got out of early access if I recall correctly
How long has pre-ordering for vidya been around anyways?
I don't really remember it popping up until 6th gen.
Nice plush btw
Haha what do Crash's shoes smell like
I miss 90's gaming
Working Designs has some cool pre-order stuff.
>replay Croc
>controls like shit
>enable analog
>WAY better
>get to water level
Holy shit, NOTHING can make those good. The controls underwater are fucking SHIT.
And fuck whoever thought it would be a good idea to have an entire level of minigames with Gobbos where losing one means doing the whole level over.
Why miss something that still exists? Just play the game RIGHT NOW.
I remember being a huge croc fan as a kid.
I want a HD Croc 2. Looking back it wasn't very good, Croc controls like a tank, but it's a wonderful looking game visually.
>mfw Croc 2 on Gameboy Color
Anyone else remember?
Who owns the rights Croc?
No one now that Argonaut is dead
Would you kickstart a sequel?
I remember really liking the hub world number 2 had
Croc was just because Nintendo wouldn't let them use Yoshi.
wait what the fuck?
explain this shit
it's a finished game from years ago, why the FUCK does it need early access and what is even mising from it
Yeah, I know you hate giving ANYONE views, because "muh shills", but
at 7:53 explains in detail how and why Croc came into being.
And we're better for it
I still have no idea how Larry extrapolated that Nintendo somehow copied Croc with Mario 64. I mean the two games aren't even remotely similar outside of them being in the same genre.
Did the research.
You can do too.
>Fact Hunt
>like everyone else for the past however how long, can't post an image of the quote from the journalist which is supposedly in written form
His research didn't prove anything of the sort.
you idiots it literally cites all 3 in the critic section
I only miss the platformers and JRPGs. The rest was just a steaming pile of shit.
Wait, also doom.
Wait, also adventure games.
Shit, I guess I miss '90 games more than I realized
Don't forget that if it wasn't for croc we wouldnt have had mario 64.
Citation needed.
>Don't forget that if it wasn't for croc we wouldnt have had mario 64.
Man, Miyamoto is definitely a hardass behind the scenes but this just seems like baseless character assasination.
Haha what if Croc was swallowed by a tuba haha. What do you think it'd feel like if the tuba played a deep bass note around him haha.
Tomb Raider is basically an adventure platformer.
If I looked under his hat, would I find any hair?
God bless Croc. He died for our sins
This game was almost responsible of me quiting videogames.
I tried it in a hotel room while i was on a trip with my family at the age of 7 and i thought it was an uncontrollable mess. Coming from a sega megadrive, i just came to the conclusion that 3D games were a pile of doo doo and that there was no need to move on.
A month later I played Mario 64 at some friend's and now i'm a nintenyearold.
>If we didn't have a mediocre game that lauched after Mario 64 and wasn't anything like it except it was a platformer...we wouldn't have Mario 64.
Kids don't have a developed brain at that age, so I'll forgive you.
>digital inputs for a platformer
If you can't make your merry-go-lucky platformer game appealing to 7 year olds without many standards, you probably didn't do that great.
When did you start gaming? 30?
video game advertisement back then
>funny and laid back tone
>cool movie guy announcer and music taken from the game
>all gameplay footage
video game advertisement now
>serious and melodramatic tone
>bad cover of a popular song that doesn't even relate to the game
>all prerendered footage
where did it all go so wrong?
PlayStation Japan has a solid mascot in Toro Inoue.
PlayStation of America used Polygon Man in pre-launch ads, but he was dropped quickly when Ken Kutagari had a shitfit.
But lowkey PaRappa is the real PlayStation icon and always has been.
>those Blood Money magazine adverts
What about cloud and Mr solid snake and Resident Evil and Silent Hill chars
If I could complete the game when I was 10 there' no excuse you can't complete it now
>mr solid snake
Third-party IPs.
If I'm being real, I think PS's strength is that it has no mascot. PS is a variety console, there's something for everyone.