For Honor closed beta begins January 26th/ends on the 29th.
For Honor closed beta begins January 26th/ends on the 29th
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Looks fucking terrible
like the technical tests and alphas? I was hoping it would be open so I don't need to beg for an invite again.
Why is it still closed?
Because you're always supposed to shut the lid on garbage
bannerlord will save us. if it was ever released ;_;
Do you need to apply again or are you in the running if you applied to an earlier one?
Who are you gonna main Anons?
at first I was all Warden, then conq, now peacekeeper
>similar games
the fuck are you on?
I had the most fun playing Lawbringer but I ended up playing Warden more often somehow.
I see a tetsubo class. Looks like a winner
Probably Warden.
I do like the Raider and Berserker though. Shame about the Lawbringer.
i'll bite, mr. marketeer
i never said they are similar games. it's just that one of them is taken from the other.
for honour's combat is like mount and blade's. except it's 3 instead of 4 way attack, the new games' "class" system and a "guard break" button because some people are good at blocking and they can't have that.
Played in the last alpha/beta last month, it's fucking horrendous. Easily one of the worst games I've played in years.
The directional thing is the only thing these games have in common when it comes to combat.
FH is way more complex that mount and blade
>Having just one main
In the last beta I started with Warden decided he was too basic. Went to Peacekeeper but felt too cheap mashing grab at retards. Then Raider, but he was kind of boring.
I had just started on Nobushi when it ended, but she seems crazy fun. Probably going to be nerfed in the next one though, although I'm not sure how bad she needed it, I never had trouble beating them, and didn't have significantly more success than with anyone else. Hopefully she's still fun, it was the only class where I actually felt like I had to carefully manage my stamina usage, but it felt really rewarding to keep the pokes and dodges going effectively indefinitely if you made the right reads.
the medieval theme is also in common.
I haven't played for honour so I can't say it's more complex. i guess i'll see when it's released.
>finally a good melee based simulator
>Played Conq an assload in both techincals
>Got good and fundamentals and shit on bads, almost always went for throws into wallbounces into heavies
>Started to figure out how to use Conq's heavy windup block as first technical test ended
>Shit on people even more during 2nd technical test
>Literally last day of technical test it got to the point where a raider stopped useing his unblockable on me because I would parry it for the free gaurdbreak and throw him into a wall for the free heavy, then just fucking infinite him with heavy-bash-heavy-bash till I was out of stamina or he finally timed the dodge right
Goddam I've going to violently shit on people.
They really need to give some classes more options though, I love Conq but he has a tiny toolkit compared to Warlord. And Kensei's basically just kill themselves once you can parry their unblockable consistently.
Warden, Lawbringer, Orochi and Nobushi.
Warden is the only one I don't completely suck with, and with Orochi I'm lucky if I can win anything. But it's fun.
>Good melee simulator
It's absolutely not
>need to sign into ubisoft
interest immediately lost
whats wrong with lawbringer?
They said anyone who's taken part in previous tests are automatically in this.
I'm curious to see what they've done to Orochi. It was what I mained in alpha but people were bitching quite a lot about it so if it has been nerfed to shit there is always Warden.
They could of tried making the females look cute
Peacekeeper is my waifu
this game is gonna flop so hard
uplay is pretty bad, but Siege and For Honor are worth it.
If they add dlc characters, I want to see some kind of roman centurions.
Despite being published by ubishit, the game is actually pretty fucking solid which you would know if you had ever actually tried it.
mods will fix it
>warden peacekeeper
>orochi nobushi
>vikings implying
is there any other way?
Can he only see out of one side of his helmet?
In the test a few weeks ago they changed his light out of deflect to do less damage and they changed deflect for everybody. If you want to deflect now, you have to dodge in the direction of the attack at the right time.
>Deflects are harder and riskier
>free light out of deflect does less damage
>He doesn't know
>3 character i cant make out
>another warden?
>ninja with a kusarigama?
I liked the Lawbringer and Kensei, even though they were supposedly bad. Lawbringer's facegrab animation is great.
>everyone else is an existing class
That's bullshit, but I want to believe in the first one.
Six new warriors. SIX. Nice try Ubisoft.
Sauce on the image? Seems like bullshit to me.
Ubisoft US store
They aren't that bad, definitely one of the least picked though
You even need uPlay for the steam release?
How many betas/alphas has this game had? What's the point of buying the game if you've played it multiple times already
Warlord until they nerf him
i assume it just launches up uplay when you start it on steam
It's fucking fun
what the fuck kind of argument is this?
apparently the closed alpha was the most popular in ubisoft history. i think this game may be a surprising hit.
>black swordsman armor
>both arms
>both eyes
at least make it correct
will this be like siege where you can buy the characters with ingame currency? or real money only?
like siege, even better i think. as you can play every character without buying them.
Buying a character will give you the option to customize them.
At least the alpha was like this.
Now I can record and make webms with no nda
you could already do that on an anonymous image board retard
>>everyone else is an existing class
God Sup Forums is fucking retarded
Even reddit figured out those are place holders while the front two are closer to completion
They did the same exact thing with siege
>muh reddit
Except it had you uplay all over the screen xDD
>the hug box website with retarded upvotes easily figured out something muh anonmoose 12 year olds couldn't
We are legion amirite Sup Forumsros??
>good melee based simulator
I think the terms you were reaching for are mediocre melee based arcade you dumb nigger
>tfw no Gallowglass class
Defense mechanisms: Acitvated
You sound triggered.
>has an autistic fit upon reading the word reddit
Projection is unhealthy
Mordhau will blow this game out the god damn water
Lawbringer cause chaosfags are the worst
Mord what?
No, really, I see that name slung around in FH threads but I have no clue what it actually is. Last time someone posted something it looked like a Chivalry clone.
> for a game only about dueling with 12 premade samey characters and a minion mode
>armors have highfantasy designs with typical bodybuilder characters instead of showing the depthful and complex armor designs of the medieval era
>flashy animations aside the combat is just reacting to arrows appearing around the enemy
Why are so many people hyped for this game?
>that kid that didn't get in to alpha
>the shill that just got his 0,05$ deposited into his account
>combat is just reacting to arrows appearing around the enemy
so you admit you know fuck all about the actual game
Lol what
Last time I checked Bannerlord still had the cringy looking combat the old M&B has. The directional thing is a nice idea but it looks terrible and plays terrible in multiplayer, FH does it better.
Is chivalry any good? thinking of playing it while waiting for FH.
last test I played Raider the most, but next beta I wanna focus on Warden because a good one was one of the only players to constantly kick my ass
>Easily one of the worst games I've played in years.
I spent over 50 hours during the last technical test over like 4 days and it was easily one of the best games I played in years.
>And Kensei's basically just kill themselves once you can parry their unblockable consistently.
That's where feinting comes into play
I'd roll conqueror but seeing how the fucking beta is closed and lasts 3 days looks like i'll just roll another game. I'm not buying ubishit games unless i try them first.
just sign up with multiple accounts or beg for keys when the beta starts. all beta players get 3 keys they can give away
If I was in the alpha, am I automatically in the beta?
Duel me
Uplay: readhed
Nope but you should be already registered for the beta lottery.
No but higher chance if you played alot/filled out the survey
>tfw filled the 1st survey but not the longer one
How are my chances?
Is there no viking with shield+axe?
I'll get it if they add proud sons and daughters of Rome.
> beta starts 2 weeks before release
What did they mean by this?
I really have to wonder what I should get the game on, assuming I like the gameplay as much as it looks like I will.
You had the advantage using the keyboard over the controller in the alpha, but if they add key remapping it could be fixed.
Do you automatically get access to the closed beta if you preorder?
It's not NDA'd so twitch streamers will promote the game for free, stress test for the p2p netcode and general balance tests.
the Mordhau is an execution in For Honor where the Warden uses his hilt to kill an enemy
you can see it here
that's why you read the word "Mordhau" a lot in these threads