Pic related is Doom but better

>pic related is Doom but better
>Sup Forums loves Doom but hates DOOM
This is why kids shouldn't be allowed on this board.

>This is why kids shouldn't be allowed on this board.

Time for you to leave then.

I don't like the chainsaw mechanics.


DAAM is more like a mix of Painkiller and Quake than Doom.

Its not bad but levels are more linear, there are less enemies and is much easier. Original Doom was about using resources in a smart way and not losing too much health. In the new one you can use melee to constantly get more health and ammo.

This desu, NU doom is gay

Not OP but my first run was Nightmare mode and it kicked my ass. I played it like DS tbqh

I do agree anything less is for babbies

I only used it to see the executions, then I completely forgot about it

I do love the part in Doom where each room is an arena and there is little to no actual enemy placements outside of these arena rooms.

Oh wait, it was never like that. Even when enemies "spawned" into a room, they were behind secret doors and in hidden rooms.

>underage calling other people children

That's adorable.

I like D44M but no.

There are elements of OG Doom (Of course there is, most shooters have elements of OG Doom), but it is a different tone and gameplay loop.

>This post is why kids shouldn't be allowed on this board.

I missed the DOOM run on gdq, has it been uploaded anywhere already?

walking into a room and not being able to leave is annoying as fuck

I really love the part where half of neo/v/ goes rabid defending what is essentially cinematic take down animations and tries to pretend it's actually something else

said like a true underage.

No, it's more like a mix of Doom 1 and 3.

>Sup Forums is one person

I'm currently playing this on my PS4.
No, it's Doom at all, even Doom3 was more Doom.
It's more like RAGE on Mars.

>i learned a new buzzword today
>everyone who doesnt agree = underage

I hope the slag that gave you birth gets cancer

So you didn't play on nightmare difficulty.

Done well though. Done better than anything else. I usually hate anything that takes control away from me, the player. Modern conventions like having animated 'hands' that open doors and things I usually hate. Doom just does it better than the rest I don't even mind it.