>fires a crit rocket
>270 damage on direct hit
>splash is enough to instakill anything with 150 health and below
Random crits are fair and balanced.
>fires a crit rocket
>270 damage on direct hit
>splash is enough to instakill anything with 150 health and below
Random crits are fair and balanced.
>fires at floor
>kills everything in a 100m radius
>two snipers standing next to each other
>kill both of them with a random crit rocket while I'm in the air
>they start to rage in the chat
PSA: TF2 is the best multiplayer shooter that exists.
>full health
>round corner to come face-to-face with a heavy
>fire crit rocket
>I die
>he lives
>random crits
And they have the balls to say overwatch is shit
Top fucking kek
Sounds like little baby man problem
I make complaints about the game from time to time.
But I still love it.
Still the best. 2007.
How to fix TF2 forever:
>Add Highlander (9v9 with only one of each merc in a team) as an official gamemode
there you go
also, remove random crits
Problem is that certain classes benefit from random crits far more than others.
This. Not even Dark Souls has RNG like that.
Because who the fuck wants balances and optimizations?
We have lots of game modes.
Most of them abandoned. Most of the problems with them can be fixed be either making maps that work with them or minor tweaks to them.
But medieval is broken and was at release. It launched with demoknight, so to speak, and the demoknight was balanced to work even against opponents with their full loadouts. Imagine how those opponents do with maybe one or two items available at any given time when those classes and weapons were designed to work with full loadouts/unrestricted.
The result was medieval was just demoknight mode. Plus huntsman.
dem f2p kiddie you still cryin
How to fix TF2 forever:
Remake it in Source 2
Kill yourself
b4nny pls go
>add highlander
>wait 2 hours for a game because no one will pick medic
>demo fires a crit
>can instantly decimate an entire team
>soldier gets a crit
>instantly charges his banner
>pyro fires a crit
>you can't even tell because he was either going to get a 100% critical with something or he actually burned you to death, which is what pyro should always be able to do anyways
How did you enjoy the new comic?
Learn to dodge OP, or go play competitive (either valve or community)
>And they have the balls to say overwatch is shit
Because it is.
This existed for a brief moment and was garbage. You need the filter of a third party program to weed out the absolute retards
I hate how unbalanced the classes are, to the point that the original purpose of some of them ones has been lost entirely. Examples:
>No one falls for spy anymore, so let's give him an item that makes him completely impossible to kill and gives super speed, so that he can do matadors. It's not tricking anyone, but it makes for great youtube montages
>Pyro's damage sucks, and the many many buffs and unlocks for spy means that it can barely even perform the basic job of spychecking anymore. Pyro's flamethrower is so weak that using it is considered newbie. The real strat is to burn someone then switch to a second weapon to get crits for a kill - something no other class in the game has to resort to, but for some reason no one has a problem with, not even pyro mains.
>Literally no one ever uses demoman for laying traps. If they do, they're wasting their time.
Pyro update coming, hopefully they'll rewok the fire particles to at least not be dependent on your fucking ping.
The only good part of Highlander would be watching snipers get stuck in a 17 hour queue.
You're right except for the stickytraps part, good demos still lay traps. They just don't sit around like idiots staring at their trap to detonate it
Fair enough. Then I'll bitch about demoknight usurping the class. Instead of fixing stickies they just threw items (and cosmetics) at it until people were sated with a new playstyle.
that's kind of the issue with comp matchmaking. Even in 6s it's hard to get a good mix going because some retard insists on playing spy the entire round.
How do you want to set up a highlander lobby? Put 18 people in a game and makes them dibs the class slots? Lobby per class and have 16 people wait for two medics?
Also agree with that. I hate demoknight because it's the most patched on melee class I've ever seen; why would the melee class have lower than average walking speed and an explosive sidearm? On the other hand I can also kind of understand it because the Sticky Launcher is the best weapon in the game and it's really hard to design something similar to it without making it worse or grotesquely overpowered
Valve really botched it by not making heavy the melee class.
>hey let's give melee arsenal to this guy who already has a fun variety of weapons, instead of a hulking giant with an extremely linear playstyle.
>>No one falls for spy anymore, so let's give him an item that makes him completely impossible to kill and gives super speed, so that he can do matadors. It's not tricking anyone, but it makes for great youtube montages
Actually, competitive players do occasionally fall for good Spies. One trick is to disguise as an ally and reveal yourself (thus making them think you're a normal member of your team and there is no Spy present), then go on the offensive for a Medic pick.
clips twitch tv/teamfortresstv/FinePigDeExcite
Spy is not full-time viable, but he does work, and is used once or twice every other competitive game. The speed boost was not there for "matadors", it was so he could keep pace with Medic and actually do his job.
>Pyro's damage sucks, and the many many buffs and unlocks for spy means that it can barely even perform the basic job of spychecking anymore
Not gonna argue with that. Pyro is a shit underpowered class and that's why it's getting the Pyro Update.
>The real strat is to burn someone then switch to a second weapon to get crits for a kill
Actually that's not the "strat" at all. Degreaser got nerfed, and Axtinguisher got fucking gutted.
We didn't have a problem with it because it was the closest thing Pyro had to skilled play. Now we don't have a problem with it because it's unviable.
>Literally no one ever uses demoman for laying traps
That's also wrong. Competitive players and pub players do it all the time, and often get results.
That would have been so much better, Heavy is by far my least played class. He's just so fucking boring
>why would the melee class have lower than average walking speed
because he gets a speed boost. You fail to understand the basic tenet of Demoknight's design: he gets a shot at attacking the enemy with charge, and if he fucks up the charge, they get a chance to escape.
If he was just flat out faster than everyone, it would just boil down to "Demo runs at you and you can't run away. kill Demo before he kills you". Instead it's the more interesting "anticipate Demo charge, you have a choice to try and kill him before he kills you, or try and run away."
DESU Heavy could still be a melee class if they fix the Buffalo Steak Sandvich. I'd love to see him running around thwacking people.
The trick to it, in my opinion, is to change the small speed boost granted on consuming BSS into a large speed boost if he takes damage while under the effects, a sort of Incredible Hulk deal. This provides counterplay to enemies: Shoot Heavy and he'll be able to catch you, don't shoot Heavy during the duration and he won't be able to catch you.