Can we have a custom painted console thread?

Can we have a custom painted console thread?

>Have you ever painted a console?
>Are you planning to do it?
>Any simple mods that you know of?
>Post cool paintjobs

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What does that gameboy smell like?

>What does that gameboy smell like?

Oh no not with this shit again

I made this, now I just have to get an NES sticker for the cartridge door.

>That gold controller

Actually looks pretty good

Does anybody know how to make small designs like these with spray paint?


Ugh I only have painters tape and an exacto knife at hand

Got this motherfucker for $15, planning to paint it.

Any ideas for color combinations?

fucking want

get a plastic cutting mat. Pretty cheap at a craft store. Gonna need to buy paint anyways.

White with black buttons

I never had a Dreamcast but this is making me want one.


That controller looks like it's been in a chainsmoker household for at least a week.

I need ideas. I bought this SNES at a garage sale for cheap that works but has a heavily corroded exterior.
What are some places I can stick the inside parts? I can't find shells alone for SNES.

Post pics?

Let me dig it up.

Why? I don't even smoke.

Order something 3D printed from shapeways, then smooth out the printing lines using an acetone vapor chamber

It just looks filthy, I didn't imply that you smoke.

The console looks fine aside from the shitty off-center Triforce
The controller looks like fucking shit


>On a PS1 no less


How expensive is this option?

oh damn

Fucking hell.

Don't listen to the 3D printer guy, too much work. Just get a water damaged one and swap the internals and use the hydrogen peroxyde method if the new one is too yellow.

I actually wouldn't mind having a unique casing for the SNES.
I just don't have a clue what to use. I know for a fact I want it to be colored like my waifu.

looks like garbage

>colored like my waifu
I uh... What?

no idea, but if you can find an n64 3d model (should be easy) you can upload it and they will give you an instant quote.

Or you can just buy a different one for a fraction of the cost...

*snes 3d model

Oh shit, that's nice

>ps2 spyro on a ps1
>no coating, paint looks scratched already
>spyro looks like some deviant art tier fan art
>those fucking sharpie "open" and "power" buttons
looks like trash son

spay painted me 360 faceplate gold and used a knife to ingrave my gamertag when I was like 14

I'd like to custom paint it to match her colors.
I'll look into this. Thank you.

Who is your waifu


>Pokemon Waifu
>Not Gardevoir


So green and pink?

Why not get the water damaged one user was talking about and spray paint it

I zelda'd my wiiu

Cheeky motherfucker

why do you lie


Purple and green :^)

What do you think about the clear window meme

I got an entire slew of custom DC's

Just pretend it's a Doomsday-themed SNES.

Damaged retinas.

>that thumb
You're English or at least have English ancestors, right?
