Why were Dark Souls 2 bosses so generic and uninspired?
Why were Dark Souls 2 bosses so generic and uninspired?
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Miyazaki was not involved and it was made by a different team.
the pursuer was OK
Why was Dark Souls 3 so generic and uninspired in general?
This was one of the more interesting ones (although that isn't saying much). You could've posted something like the two dragonslayers instead
what happened to that poor snake .
where has its head gone.
is it going to be okay .
dont worry friend it's right there in her hand
Was a living gorgon, now an undead gorgon. She'll be fine.
>those graphics are only two years apart
What the fuck
and people talk about graphical stagnation
Das2 got fucked over during development
They reduced it so appeared to pc as Well Optimized game when in fact, just ugly and lazy graphics
Really makes you think.
One year actually
Mirror Knight and Demon of Song were great.
Rest of the game is hot garbage
Dark Souls II looked like shit even at the time of its release though.
There seems to be a lot of bosses, it's kind of annoying. Then they just recycle them as monsters a few rooms later. And a lot of them are just recycled from older games, just easier. I think I'm almost done, can't wait to finish and move on to Dark Souls III. Do they recycle as much in that game?
And enough with the fucking "tongue but hole."
ok cool
That's Bloodborne, but it and DaS3 use a different engine.
They recycle 70% of DaS1 in DaS3
They don't recycle but the majority of the bosses are easy. The few hard ones are great though
Dark Souls 3 is a better game because the mechanics are floaty shit, but it's possibly even more uninspired.
The entire game is a retread of Dark Souls 1. There's some interesting areas and enemies, but it's pretty disappointing as a whole for how much it wants to be the first game. The DLC that just came out is a slap in the face, too.
DaS2 defense force will tell you its full of rehashes because it has actual ties to the first game, unlike the fanfiction that was 2. Its not though.
>mfw I bought DaS2 day 1 after seeing the original trailers
>mfw experiencing the downgrades
Aldia's Keep was the ugliest piece of shit in the game, and the one I was most looking forward to from all the original gameplay trailers
DS2 is totally Recycled DS1
I had to look up Aldia's Keep just to remember what it looked like even though I 100%'d the game. Thats how forgettable the whole thing is.
nice cherrypicking
Idk guys, das1 was the best, but also because for most people its the first "soulslike" game ever. Das2 felt kinda shitty, a little bit low budget, but fun anyway.
Das3 had good graphics, fun bosses and the leveldesign was better than in das2.
I liked all games, but bloodborn, thats some fucking boring lame ass shit. dont know why everybodys drooling so much about this game. maybe because of MUH EDGE
>watching trailers, gameplay and getting on the hype train in 2k16 or even now, in 2k17
I pity people like you
Dark Souls 2 really is fucking trash.
95% of the bosses and enemies are incredibly generic.
I can't believe I sat through that game. It felt like fanfiction.
I'm missing the connection
They essentially chose 60fps/480p over 15fps/720p
It's fucking sad how shitty the combat in the game is when you see it in motion. No resistance. Like if you're stabbing a cup of pudding
>DaS2 is fanfiction
Can somebody please explain this? I've seen it around a bit and I don't really get it. From what I can tell the entire series' lore is fanfiction.
one of the images of the archstones is a green blacksmith looking man
It was a direct sequel to one of my all-time favorite games.
If anything I should thank it for teaching me to not hype anything ever. Went in blind for Bloodborne, and that's From's masterpiece as far as I'm concerned.
I don't get Bloodborne fans, who played Dark Souls and thought "Hmm, this is a nice start but I really wish the combat was more about hitting the light attack button as fast as possible"?
Holy shite
60fps no drops
development hell, made from the ground up two times
lighting engine scrapped because bad performance
30fps with constant drops
4+ years of development in a smooth ride
pushes muh graphix because of sony wanting to show off
Hardly a fair comparison.
>mfw i fought that boss like five times before i realized you could drain the poison
i would've beat her too if fucking gavlan hadn't up and left with the moss
Agreed, aside from the darklurker and dlc bosses like fume knight I can't think of a boss I liked
Das2 60fps
Not on consoles
>3 games.
>Enemies still strike through each other and have no influence on each other physically.
>Hardest part of the throne watcher was kiting double strikes through their own bodies, nothing about the mechanics of the bosses themselves.
But Bloodborne was also a better game, so there's that.
>difficurty or your fired! gaijin rike difficurt games
>make weapon upgrades comprex! gaijin rike comprex games i think
>add evir npc kirrs other npcs, but dont reave any hints
>firthy gaijin better rike our game, otherwise we never rerease in west again
>gaijin rike demon sours, better make more!
>fuck, game making is hard now! where is optimise button?
>make everything simprer! gaijin too dumb for comprexity
>you hate swamp rever, fuck you! add toxic!
>why is first part of game so open?! second harf is proper! no time to fix it now
>stop working on izarith and rerease game arready
>what do you mean """""gaijin rike open worrd""""?
>make game open worrd or your fired
>why is game so shit?? fix it arready!
>why you fired me???? firthy gaijin!
>hey guys! We're not allowed to change much, but lets try our best!
>whats the best QoL improvements we can make?
>only 5 weapons? fuck that, let's add 50
>more magic! more armour! more consumables!
>let's also make armour useful!
>oh shit, we just lost months of work and we only have 10 seconds to finish
>Quickly, put that shit back together right fucking now
>Sorry guys, let's just hope for the best. Maybe we'll keep our jobs after all this
>das2 faired so rets repeat Das1, but arso add BB erements too! gaijin rike bb
>enemies fast rike bb but prayer not? good! more difficurt rike bb
>remember THIS thing?? add it now!!!
>can't think of anything new, rets put some more nostargia-bait in
>new bracksmith? why when we can just add in das1 bracksmith?
>incrude arr those improvements made in 2? fuck that
>poise? defence??? is that some sort of takeaway food?
>murtipre paths through worrd? what? your fired!
>''''''corour parrete'''''? worrd is ending, need more grey! worrd ends with ash!
>what do you mean "come up with ideas for drc"???
So this..... Is the power......... Of ps4................... Woah.................................
Oh boy, copy pasta boy is here.
>same unfunny copypasta
Stop posting that you autist, theres no humor in it
This post gave me cancer.
I found the Lost Sinner to be quite interesting, both as a battle and for the lore.
The looking glass knight is also quite epic with an interesting mechanic.
bruh, you haven't even begun to learn the power of the ps4
PC cuck detected
I finished DaS2 about a year ago and I remember defending it on Sup Forums, having quite enjoyed it. But it is weird how much of it I've forgotten. I went back to play the DLCs a week or so ago and I honestly could remember so little, whereas I've only played the entirety of DaS1 once and I imagine I could happily map my way around most of the world from memory right now.
>gay jailed fag gets the bed of chaos in his eye
True, but it still ran smoothly on a 6 year old hardware (that was already outdated at the time), while BB was made to run on only a 2 year old (also already outdated) hardware, again, DaS2 was completely fucked on all regards.
While you can argue that development hell was also a big factor on that, i can't disagree with you. BB>DaS2, simple as that. not like that is much of a accomplishment though
I like Dark Souls 2. I like all Souls games. They're fun.
also ruin sentinels are pretty cool
>the superior way to experience a game
>is cuck because of that
Oh how the console peasants mix up what words mean
Best boss fight to show off the hitboxes and shockwaves
>his eye
DaS2 > DaS > BB > DaS3 > DeS
Fuck off you fucking faggot
I don't mind das2 but putting it at the top is honestly a disrespect to how better the other games are
Ive been playing ds3 and...I kind of dont like it. It has its moments as do all souls games but this one seems weak in most respects aside from fanservice. Does this game have unanimously not good bosses or is it just me
You anti DS2 faggots really don't understand how perfect the game is. It has everything you love from the first game but with actually good boss fights that are especially epic. Nothing in the first game does anything better than 2
agree, those are some sweet legs
Nameless King and Pontiff are awesome. The rest doesn't come close.
I haven't fought them yet, last two ive done are Deacons of the Deep and High King Wjolnr, they suck and the other bosses havnt been as gimmicky but not very interesting anyway. At least all the weapins are cool :(
Okay, wait, I also liked Abyss Watchers, Dancer, Oceiros, Champ, and Lothric.
I guess I liked it a little more than I thought.
Those two suck balls, and it's especially shitty because they come so close to each other.
Well hopefully I have more to look forward to, Maybe the second half of the game has better stuff. The big tree boss was ok too I guess.
>This was one of the more interesting ones
Defiantly agreed. The whole poison thing and being able to beat her while the whole floor is poisoning you is a fantastic design that makes the fight a heap more interesting.
I don't necessarily agree with this, but there's more truth here than most DS1 fangs would like to admit. DS2 is the top of the series in so, so many aspects of gameplay and fixes shit the other games just get wrong. Magic actually being well thought out is one of those nice things.
Boss fight wise DS1 is way weaker then most of its fans seem to think, with a tons of its fights being large, lumbering things that you run around and attack the limbs or behind of. Do we really need more Ceaseless Discharges or Iron Golems?
>largest selection of weapons
>largest selection of spells
>largest selection of varied armor types
>largest selection of rings
>non linear
>nice pvp system
>great music
>a bit large but gorgeous settings
>comfy shrine music
>shrine hub has comfy lighting and placement of characters
All these things DS3 did not do
>grey grey grey grey locations with brown
>limited weapons, spells and armors
>cut out tons of content in those 3 terms
>literally no fun edition leaves no customizability
>cant upgrade armors
>aside from Abyss Watchers, all boss themes are forgettable
>boring ass firelink HUB
>easy ass fuck bosses
Honestly the only complain i have of DS2 is Soul Memory and iframes
>no fun edition
They literally fucked over all spell builds, i have never seen someone main a sorcerer, cleric or pyro in DS3. Because they suck ass and Mana Flasks make them useless in the long run.
I dont understand how they could remove magic almost entirely just like that, the most magic i see is buffs and thats it
Magic is for shitters. If you relied on ANY MAGIC whatsoever to beat the game you didn't really beat it. You played it on baby mode.
>Complaining about patches
That's like complaining about the moonlight greatsword
>Do we really need more Ceaseless Discharges or Iron Golems?
Obviously not. We need more humanoid mobs with expert tracking
>talking shit about based Sinh
>What do you want, truly?
All I feel is pity for people who can't appreciate tanimura's masterpiece.
Daily reminder: The people who bitch about DS2 is because it didnt pander enough the fanbase of DS1. If it was anything like DS3 in terms of setting/bosses/whatever they would give it a free pass like DS3 but since it has its own "original" story and setting and a less broken PVP is not okay. Granted they shouldnt had downgraded the graphics, but hey it was bound to happen, this is video-games nowdays.
>muh rolling
Holy shit dude, you got like 5 ADP.
The only things i call out on DS2 is Soul Memory and boss difficulty, if matchmaking was still using levels and the bosses were tad harder the game would have been even better.
I agree, but pointing out the flaws or critizing aspects that were just bad is still ok
I personally think 3 was worse than 2 but 2 has lots of flaws as well, my wish would be if they took the best parts from both and made it into one game, how hard can that be? perfect souls game right there.
>the best 2 souls games are sony exclusives
>bandwagon pcucks will never admit this
>hey boy, wanna join our boss fight?
They shouldve just gotten 2 and started from there without rebuilding and copypasting DS1
They just needed to fucking fix things, not start all over
lol, nice patched ending, bro
DS3 is exactly what happens when you're stuck on the past. DaS2 would've been pretty damn good if it didn't have the shit gameplay mechanics. There' splenty of items and spells and all that shit, but when all swords feel like there's no weight to melee, it doesn't matter. Spells useless since you use slots for the same three OP spells/miracles/hexes.
You are my wife now.
>i can't disagree with you. BB>DaS2
I can. BB is shorter, simpler, more linear and more repetitive than DaS2 and I have no idea what people see in it. It's not bad, but it's clearly weaker than the mainline Souls series and gives up on its difficulty outside the DLC after the first few bosses.
I had the exact train of thoughts a few days ago while thinking about DaS3 while on the toilet.
>tfw my last name is Darwin
gtfo, lolicon
ds2 was a boring slog of unmemorable shit. the game itself is decent but its easily the weakest in the series.
the level design is shit and it barely has any neat shortcuts, just bonfires everywhere.
>muh skyrim level design where every dungeon leads back to the start
I find demons and dark are pretty equal, never played BB though
Because it's Dark Souls 2 and thus you can literally shit on it in any way you want to any extent and anyone would accept it. Watch.
>So I went to fight the ogre thing at the beginning of the game and what the fuck? I tried to fight it and realized I wasn't doing any damage so I ran past it, but then as I got near the end to the waterfall I suddenly teleported 15 feet back into a grab! Fucking broken ass hitboxes grabbing me from way back there!
And everyone here would believe it. You hate it because everyone wants to hate every single aspect of it, no matter how ridiculous.
Level Design in DS3 is shittier though, whats your point?
I found her great actually, theres actually some build up to the fight with her and I like how she can throw her head as a grenade.
I hated the game, but the gender swap coffin was a pretty cool "reward" for getting past the 1HK monster