Will it be good? Feeling a bit iffy after seeing the combat

Will it be good? Feeling a bit iffy after seeing the combat

Fuck no. With nuBioware's track record it will be, at best, aggressively mediocre.
Though really I'm expecting it to be nothing more than Inquisition in space.

They haven't released a good game since DA:O
So no

Fucking hell, how's mass effect 1? Never really got into any Bioware's games, and I've heard mostly good stuff from this. Watching Star Trek made me feel like some space adventures again.

1 is good.
2 is also good but completely different in tone.
3 is an abomination.

>3 is also good until you leave Tuchanka and then becomes an abomination.

1 is boring as shit and has aged like milk in terms of combat and rpg mechanics. 2 miles better and fixes everything about 1 but unfortunately lacks in terms of weapon variety. That being said 1 is still worth a slog through on casual for the story so you can import your guy and learn the lore

Yeah I doubt in any meaningful way.

It's hard to say, Bioware is being very secretive with its advertising and information. I hope it still feels as cool as being commander Shepard with some unproven no name.

>a decade isn't considered "aged"
ok dawg

No, ME3 is shit from start to finish. You get bombarded with side quests but you have very little to no information where to go to complete them. You have to hope they overlap with other missions and then you have to explore every inch to not miss them or they're gone and don't even get me started on the fucking eavesdrop quests that you just happen to pick up wandering around a fucking bar and, oh wonder, the quest NPC is still there weeks later.

Decade here isn't a decade a decade before. I've been playing since 1999. I don't need any autoaim or other "improvements" designed for braindead people.

ooooohhh since '99? Big boy eh?


ME2 had way more real combat type missions even small anomaly detected ones on planets.

I love how easily nu-Sup Forums is triggered.

The combat is the only thing that looks good. The Character designs are horseshit

>switching classes on the fly

fuck that, I wanna roll around an empty planet in my tank

>innovations? no thanks
stop holding back the industry you mongoloid

>le triggered meme

no class no character

then don't switch classes and stfu, problem solved

Picking a loadout of 3 powers is just a step backward not innovation. ME1 and 3 had more than 3 powers.

ME1 didn't give you enough points to effectively use more than 3 powers.

But the combat looks the same as the other games, but with jumping and improved dashing.

It's easily the best one. You can actually just beat 1 and be satisfied. 2 is the worst. 3 is slightly better than 2 with a good multiplayer mode.

i think it is necessary

>korean f2p single mmo
>Will it be good?

>bioware making anything good
You're either underage, or retarded.

According to what?

Shitty, but easy combat, and a great atmosphere, and decent story. Fuck the others.

Even if you couldn't max all powers you still had more powers to use than 3 in all games

When did they mention this? Please tell me this is a meme.

fuck off back to VG with your garbage series.

1 is unrefined RPG shooter as originally envisioned by WRPG guru company.

EA bought bioware before their RPG scheduled to be released after ME 1 was finished and fatally cursed all bioware would ever create after.

ME 2 and 3 under EA leadership became pure shooters in space with as many RPG mechanics as the latest cod games. Take that as you will.

If you are into the story, only play the first. 2 and 3's story is absolute dogshit (and really even ME1 has big faults but they aren't nearly as bad as whats to come)

There's a new vid on youtube

>dat persent

Back to DND, nerd

And here I thought ME couldn't get much more casual. God damn, what the fuck.

2 may be miles ahead of 1 in combat mechanics, but it is leagues behind the 3rd person cover based shooters it tries to ape.

And at least 1 was not just a series of small combat arena rooms that locked the player in for several braindead waves.

Nothing about it looks very good. It will be perfectly meh and leave you empty just like DA:I.