What fighting games will the switch have?
What fighting games will the switch have?
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>fighting games
Like 2 or 3 and at least one will be a multiplat, just like the wii and wii u.
They'll also have the smaller communities for what multiplat fighters it gets by a huger margin.
MvC:I, i hope
Not because i'm interested in the Switch, i just want them to fucking reveal something already
Its a fighting game fag
I could see Capcom putting out a quick port of SFV tbqh
as far as I'm aware, Street Fighter IV 3D sold surprisingly well on 3DS
Rival schools.
No its not you autist
No it isn't but keep living in la la land if you want to.
Weren't those sales numbers inflated because it was part of a bundle
Now THIS is autism
>no u
Not an argument, smash confirmed not a fighting game and you confirmed for a salty autist, thanks for playing
The switch will save fighting games.
Confirmed by who? Thats what i thought.
Most Mario games are bundled as well, what's your point?
anything that can run on PS3, so everything but the big 3 for 2017, MVCI, Injustice 2 and Tekken 7
Pokken Switch Edition
No, I dont think there was a bundle
I actually remember watching people buy 3DSes with only SF4 to play because I was standing in a long line at Gamestop
already hard
Probably a new X vs. Capcom (I doubt it's TvC 2 since they already used all the interesting Tatsunoko characters). Maybe Shounen Jump vs. Capcom or Toei vs. Capcom.
Garou MOTW 2 would be ace too.
>not Kai
Please be right.
I can't imagine that port was cheap, while capcom isn't exactly rolling in it
T7 is more likely as they are still waiting to reveal the launch date, but it would need a serious downgrade
If smash isn't a fighting game, then why can i play as Ryu and do the hadokens and shoryukens?
Sakurai IIRC
what is it then?
No user, your fairytale ideas are not gonna happen and nobody played garou
Oh right, Bamco is all buddy buddy with Nintendo now. I guess T7 is more likely then.
>tfw we will never get Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2
Mobile Tekken 7or SFV with crossplay would be a day one purchase for me.
Still more likely than SFV or MvCI.
Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2
I think Tekken (although the dev studio wasn't given a dev kit apparently) and maybe a SFV port.
Otherwise? Probably Smash, Pokken and maybe an exclusive Capcom fighter like that awesome Wii one
>with crossplay
that would be great
1.4 mil I believe including digital sales.
It should be noted that sales skyrocketed last year with the Humble Bundle deal so I don't know how indicative that is, really
>Tatsunoko vs. Capcom 2
With what content? Don't get me wrong, I love the first one but unless they make the same game with more Capcom characters, it's pretty much impossible.
>people thinking Hori is making a fighting stick for Smash
Compared to classic fighting games Smash Bros is pathetically easy which is why I'm turned off from the series. I might be more interested if Nintendo had a better system for finding matches, with the last game everybody I ended up playing against pretty much played the same as everybody else which is boring. Occasionally you'd get somebody who used the game mechanics and exploits in interesting ways but they were a rarity.
People really expect Tatsunoko?
A game that didn't sell amazing, was made when capcom had money ( they don't now) and was made 3 years ahead of MvC3 (so no overlap)
Like just because it is the one fighting game you remember as an exclusive does not mean it has a chance in hell
>game where characters fight
>no fighting game
>grab your switch on the go
>but bring a fightstick while playing with friends
Sounds fucking counter intuitive
just use the tiny controllers with no d-pad, perfect for fighting games
Cant they just add more people from the series they already got in there?
Like additionally to Casshern they could add Lyuze, Dio or Braiking Boss.
And they could update all the Gatchaman characters to their Crowds counterparts
Easy, SF isn't a fighting game
A party game
Best case:Tatsunoko vs Capcom2
Meh case:Pokken Port, Tekken whatever
Worst Case:street fighter 4, MvC3
Do you literally have to have specific sticks and controllers for consoles? Dont they use bluetooth?
Lel fucking console babbies
pokken doesn't need arcade stick tho
Is Devil May Cry a fighting game? Is Dark Souls a fighting game? Is every musou ever made a fighting game?
>Street fighter or Marvel vs Capcom on those dinky uncomfortable looking controllers
Fuck that shit!
A new MVC was just as unlikely after Disney purchasing Marvel.
We only lucked out that the toys to life scene began to peter out that Disney started to license their IPs to game developers again.
None of those have Ryu in them so no
>A new MVC was just as unlikely
Given the circumstances that lead up to it like them closing all their gaming division no you are simply wrong. In fact it was the first thing people suggested when that happened
There are not those signs with Tatsunoko while MvCi makes it more unlikely now.
>MvC 3
Asura's Wrath is a fighting game? Project X Zone is a fighting game?
Only because MCU blew up after Avengers took the world by storm.
MVC3 was getting taken down digitally on all fronts and there was no news as to why for the longest time in Gen 7.
Mortal Kombat Subzero.
Sounds about right, yeah.
Smash switch versiom
I'll leave this here
How can a company come up with titles like Breath of the Wild and Metroid Elite and yet have Frost Land and Lord Fredrik's Revenge also be allowed to exist
Another months old version of guilty gear Xrd released at full triple A price
If SFV was being ported then there would be madcatz sticks seeing as they have a deal
>Ubisoft revealing new installment of their flagship IP at a Nintendo presentation for a console which has yet to prove itself
No no, you take that garbage list with you.
this is totally real
Why would you want to play fighting games on a switch instead of a pc
If you're a casual "just mess around with some friends" player then you may as well just play the classics on fightcade, which runs on a block of cheese without melting the cheese
If you wanna be semi-serious / enthusiast / want to git gud enough to enter tournaments, then you've got to play on one of the primary platforms where the competitors are
What if they don't have a gaming PC?
Which is why I made the point that fightcade runs perfectly on a surfboard
>If you're a casual "just mess around with some friends" player then you may as well just play the classics on fightcade, which runs on a block of cheese without melting the cheese
What if I want to play newer releases instead of retro games for nostalgiafagging?
KOF XIV switch
Then you're wasting money spending extra on the newest releases as opposed to playing old games for free, when you're not going to spend the time to learn to play them properly
If you are going to learn the game, you're wasting money buying it for the switch because you'll have no one to play against
imagine attach that thing to the side
pretty radical
I Know it's shocking, but some people won't consider their money wasted if they have fun with the game with friends without getting autistically competitive over it.
>Samurai Pizza Cats
>Speed Racer
>Honeybee Hutch
>Super Fighter Goliath
>SDF-1 Macross
>Leopard Doronjo
>Hajime Ichinose
Pretty easy once ya think about it...
None, because its d-pad is four seperate buttons, haha.
Or at least they will all be shit, and it will be a travesty, haha.
But you can have the same, possibly better, fun with friends playing 3rd strike, completely for free
Picking SFV over 3s in this scenario adds nothing
In a perfect world:
>Nintendo vs. Capcom
>Tekken 7
>KOF Switch
>Guilty Gear Revelator
>Blazblue Central Fiction
>Pokken 2: It Doesn't Suck Edition
>Smash Bros. 5
In reality:
>nothing but Mario
No way in hell we aren't getting blazblue on it
will my current HARP4 with a usb work on the switch?
>pic related, it's on the right
Like remember Blazblue on Wii U? Good times.
It will beat wii U in install base, the thing is also apparently easy to develop for. We got blazblue pretty early on in the 3ds's life (vita got extend too), we are getting it on switch.
I dont get why people would care about fighting games on the switch. They will have the absolutely smallest playerbase of all versions available. You're better off buying just about any other version.
Why would you want the worst fighting game
>>>Tatsunoko vs. Capcom 2
>With what content?
Tatsunoko have spend the last five years making new entries in all their franchises
I promise you its pokken they are going to try and make it competitive and it will fail badly. I promise you though its pokken. Hey look fighting game fans we have a fighting game too! Come buy it!!!
Nintendo is really out of touch man.
It's not like they're going to actually buy the games, they just want to be able to say "Hey, we have this too!"
SFV online barely even works as it is.
This. T7, and defo Guilty Gear Xrd, and Blazblue CF, since ASW was on the list of partners.
Maybe Switch will see SFV and KoF as well.
There's a reason they pushed Splatoon as the "big esports" game in the reveal instead of Pokken or Smash.
When is the event again? Anyone know?
Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2
Project x Zone : Fighting Climax
Marvel vs Capcom : Infinite
Nintendo vs Capcom
>we could have a game with Loli Doronjo Jr. involved
I'd play it. Speed Racer when?
>Project x Zone : Fighting Climax
I know it won't happen, but PLEASE. Shit, just reskin Dengeki Bunko and you're half way there. Unless that's what you're already referencing?
Pokken is already fine competitively. The issue with pokken was never the game itself (well, aside requiring LAN for proper local multiplayer), it's a demographic one:
>FGC people don't play it because it's nintendo so they assume it's casualshit
>Smash people don't play it because it's too much of an actual fighting game for them
>Pokemon fans don't play it because their 1 favorite pokemon out of the 900 we have now didn;t make it in and they are all butthurt
Despite that it actually has a somewhat decently active competeively scene, not a big one but enough to have frequent locals and regionals, it's just it has absolutely zero content creation and fourm presence online.
Tekken obviously
justin wong was pretty hyped about it. even did that trainer thing
tpci mismanaged it's tournament circuit though
>Project x Zone : Fighting Climax
I'll take TvC2 all day but I didn't even know I wanted this as well!
>reskin Dengeki Bunko
>reskin a game from another company
Not to mention the fact the fucking arcade characters still aren't out for it on console 6 months later
SJxC or don't even fucking talk to me.
But really, I'd take FE Arena by ASW