AGDQ 2017

- Fart sniffer edition

Other urls found in this thread:

first for chair sniffer


Hey Cube Head!

Post THAT sniff webm

>decided to learn to speedrun burnout paradise so i could go to gdq and subject everyone to 40 minutes of HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND
>stream regularly gets 7 viewers (all of them are me)
>willing to pay airfare
>don't get accepted
How do I become a tranny so I can go to sgdq?
Will it be worth it?

>all right so im gonna kill myself here

gas the frames animal wars now


Our guy Haber raises a good point.


Guys can you REALLY blame him?

I've sniffed chairs after way less hot girls sat in them


Nice zero info OP shitdick
At least you got the ebin meme in there right

>stream regularly gets 7 viewers (all of them are me)
Don't take pills nigga just get a pink wig and fake boobs.

>Will it be worth it?
No. Not by a long shot. Maybe three years ago
post twitch name user. would chill sometime

beard stroker is cringiest man alive

Why would more attractive girls have better smelling chairs?

That seat sniffer is the perfect representation of a weeaboo

Smooth animations for this game

Is it me or does everyone here seem ready to jump at the smallest attempt at controversy this GDQ?
It seems like everyone is just waiting for some huge drama to unfold so they can nitpick the show to pieces, as if they need to get justice for bonesaw getting banned and personally prove GDQ is shit. I mean there's been technical hiccups and a few donation reading issues like every GDQ, but I'm doing fine enjoying it myself. It's just something I've noticed particularly about how this season's gdq is being approached. Something like 75%+ of threads are overwhelmingly negative.

This run is actually OK

welcome to post-gamergate/fappening Sup Forums

5am got at least another hour left in me anything worth staying up later for?



>have a day off
>its awful games done quick day





*was actually OK. Good going, you fucking asshole



It's not about the smell itself. It's about the girl that the smell came from.


Why do you watch autistic trannies play shit games

wow it's another runner i don't know or care about running a game i don't know or care about





Of course the person making these accusations is a fucking tranny. What a surprise.


>they can't reset the timer

Best techies.

Fucking cube head

6 minutes with 12 minutes estimate so we are going to have to go 6 minutes over estimate?

>can we restart the timer?
That's not how it works, haha


sorry ;__;

>cant even restart timer

haha goyim you run game and make us money!

>gf has IBM but she really wants to go to a speedruning event
>she begs me to go with her because she does bad at places like that alone
>I go despite my very very poor eyesight
>as we leave I check her chair to make sure she didn't have an unfortunate accident
>have to get up close due to poor eye sight
>become known as the chair sniffer

Based on the dude on the couch's reaction, it sounds like the techies yelled at him about not resetting the timer

What happened

>mfw sniffgate made me smell my computer chair out of curiosity

>Of course the person making these accusations is a fucking tranny. What a surprise.
who are you talking to?

this GDQ in a nutshell

Why didnt they reset the timer? thats fuckin bullshit.

>US election mentioned

I can tell just from the wording that this is copied directly from reddit

He restarted his run. That is how it works. The staff is just so incompetent they don't know how to without breaking something else.

You fucking wish, you fat, bald toad.

Damn I used to hang out with this guy as a teenager. Weird firing up the stream and seeing him for the first time in 10 years.


Was it good or bad? Mine is an odd scent but I enjoy it. Probly because it's my own scent though.

And the other 900 le epic chair sniffer comments dont?

All i want is to discuss video games

what's the harm in that? would you prefer they fuck up everything? it's 4am they're obviously on a skeleton crew

>US presidential election sim

Know who that reminds me of?

hey user, that's mean

he's probably a frog, not a toad

Tranny makes a webm of the chair sniffer guy and cuts it off a second before it shows that he's just grabbing his water bottle.

I need to know who's the girl that got her chair sniffed

asking for a friend

>Do we have donations? I'm a shit entertainer
I understand they need to fill, but goddamn get people who can talk a little at least

i swear these donation messages are generated by some bot
they have to be


>girlfriend has an intercontinental ballistic missile

Don't what? Don't be copypasta from reddit?

Don't reply to me ever again you mongoloid piece of trash.

That goes for you too.

im sure they are banned for possibly triggering people and for having to restart


What do you want them to talk about when they already played through that section once?

Real talk? This dude is blazing past the game real quick. Feels faster than before.

He should be done by now, he's run out of things to talk about

People see the writing on the wall. It's full of sell outs and a different demographic of GenZ retards.

All the people with a soul and skill are banned and half of it is shill and forced. The people behind it are shady as fuck, it's attracted an audience full of normal scum that ruin everything they touch, trannies flooded in and are creating a no fun environment due to the introverted male demographic being some of the only spaces left in this hugbox world that challenges their shit just like they flooded into the chans post 2008.

Half the threads are trapfags and homosexuals derailing and samefagging with off-topic shit completely oblivious to anything under the surface as they are only here for attention just like half the whores the event focuses on now.

The scheduling is horrid, 90% of the games are irrelevant and there is a huge library of classic/nostalgic games that are entertaining/skill based they ignore in favor of obscure shit. The long games are completely boring, nothing makes them unique or entertaining.

retarddit, tumblr, a new generation getting involved infested with trannies and social media attention whore zombies, etc.

Also the old guard growing up and getting lives from Trihex to Wester (as much of a life raising your wife's son is).


Because it's suppose to be a SPEEDRUNNING event and not an e-celeb jerkoff event.

You're dumb. He didn't need to do a 180 and get on the ground to grab it. Look at the way he's acting noticing she's about to get up. And even IF that were true, who's the say he didn't smell it at the same time. He didn't need to bend down and shove his face into her chair to reach for it. Get fucked.

Don't make her use it, kid.


IBM probably stands for irritable bowel movements

where's the comfy agdq thread I can't handle the bants

>can't improvise for a few minutes about a game you've run autistically forever

message me

>gf has IBM
My gf is a mark 18 wakeless torpedo

When will it be legal to kill trannies? Honest question.

It's TORtanic all over again


>ywn sniff the chair of a cute girl while being recorded on a stream with 100k people watching

>boss is a DINDU in a cave throwing rocks
oh, you japs, cheeky fuckers

most people should, but what do you expect- they're autistic

9 more days


has anyone done a run without fucking something up?