HOI!! welcom to da TEM SHOP!

hOI!! welcom to da TEM SHOP!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Boner intensifies

post it.

why is swfchan so full of malicious ads jesus fuck

Fuck I can't wait! Fucking post it already YAAAAAASSS FUUARK!

well, they do store millions of porn flashes forever, so

why is Sup Forums so full of malicious ads

Holy shit, Tem... like ITEM.


uh oh spaghettios.... incoming!!

Take the ban and post that shit




I slapped myself after reading this

fuck man

that was embarrasing

Holy shit, this is why i only save porn and lewd shit on my PC, your cellphone its not safe for it man, specially in situations like these.

You know I have pretty low standards and will fap to a lot of shit, but god damn.

This isn't even well done.

How are people aroused by this?

Jesus christ

As a man who occasionally faps to oppai loli monster girls raping shotas:
Who the fuck would fap to this?


I did fapped to it, while the animation is lazy and the sound quality is shit, it was the slurps sounds, but i think i just rewinded the last 5 seconds of that video for me to do it.

literally me

When I was a kid one day the internet was down so I drew A girl sucking a dick on paint and fapped to it

get on my level nerds


I fapped to the lewd shit that I did with the girls in my class even tho it was all teasing with clothes on. Masturbating to a stick and a deformed face on paint surely has it's merit.

this the slurps and the last 5 seconds go diamonds

How do people find temmie appealing? These are the same people who masturbate to MLP shit.

In all fairness, horse vaginas are the most beautiful of all vaginas.

Why are you guys so obsessed with this

I agree.

Frisk is way cuter

Dolphins hold that honor dude

Sup Forums doesn't try to spring open a popup when you click on anything

Something about it being kind of stupid but cute. The cat like features also have feminine features too.

Also people will fuck anything.

sea vags will cut your dick

I wouldn't fuck a dolphin, but their vags are much cleaner than other mammal fuckholes


Wonder how the situation is now.

>putting porn on your phone
>video porn at that

I made a "sexy" woman in LittleBigPlanet level editor on psp and fapped to it. Git gud faggot

They taste better too

>salty sea water

I've fapped to some half jap talking about pokemon

That artist makes killer hypno art

I know

>not Chara

I do it all the time.

Hidden folders are the bomb.

>those last 5 seconds

Why couldn't the whole thing be like that holy shit

serial killers are not for sexual

just you try to stop me

Your funeral dood

Got anymore?

pedrovin on deviantart and tumblr

I'm like 99% sure he lurks here, so if he's reading this, hey man, your art strikes the best balance between cute and fappable

I drew boobs in some dust with my finger and fapped to it. Acquire skill homosexual


>someone actually did animation for this
oh man am i laffin

belly button fug?

I wanna fuck tem.

He definitively lurks here. He even posts about his game in the Game Dev General at /vg/ constantly