Dumbest shit youve ever seen in gaming??
They did a run today at GDQ called Honey% where they beat LoZ OOT with honey on their fucking controllers
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Dumbest shit youve ever seen in gaming??
They did a run today at GDQ called Honey% where they beat LoZ OOT with honey on their fucking controllers
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CWC's """"""clitorris"""""" is still the dumbest thing I've ever seen. This is a distant secons though.
Ocarina of time fanboys in particular have always been mentally ill. There is something about these overrated and easily accessible games that attracts the dregs and degenerates of society, similar to the Sonic series.
Look at cosmo and the EH REH guy for example.
thats fuckin dumb
Show me
>killing controllers
i'm mad
What the fuck?
No stop
Show me you fucking double negro
>Doing silly shit to make people donate to a cancer research charity
What's the problem?
Cancer prevention, still important though.
You really don't want to see it, or know what it is. Trust me on that.
Listen user, I want to die. Give me a reason.
"at least that's not me" will give you a reason to live, now with nightmares
>cancerous faggots who need to constantly spam pictures of some mental fuck up to feel better about their sad existence
Not what you asked but this is the best OOT speed category.
Show. Me.
this is the kind of dumb shit you would only expect to see in old GDQ before it got big
I'm surprised they even allowed it
Nothing. People will bitch about anything.
Yeah, it is.
>Guys, come on, stop getting cancer.
>Did you know that cancer is actually bad ?
>Remember kid, if you see cancer, run away as fast as you can.
Gee, I'm glad I've been a good goyim and gave 50$ just to say a silly sentence on stream.
10 minute video for like a 2 second joke at the very end
I don't have any pictures and I would never save something like that. If you really must see, go and find them yourselves.
>not doing oil% where the controllers are doused in vegetable oil so they're all electronically fine and actually using the controller is much more difficult
>just take it apart and clean it later
Gdq is filled with morons and I'm a genius
>research charity
They don't research shit. They make fucking billboards like "wow there is a cancer". Money literally wasted on nothing.
Give me a summary, at the very least. Why is it so horrible?
This, most of these cancer charities are moneymaking schemes to reel in sympathy bucks. If you think actual cancer research isn't progressing due to lack of funding, you are retarded. Most of them are for cancer awareness. Pretty sure everyone is fucking aware of cancer at this point.
there will never be a cure for cancer
its a hundred different diseases with a thousand different causes
you can treat or try to prevent certain kinds but trying to "cure cancer" is as dumb as looking for a cure for booboos
they're trying to make money to help PREVENT cancer, man
it's like preventing the flu: there's a clear-cut way to prevent it
well they're still learning how to prevent cancer, and it's also expensive enough that not everybody can afford to do it (pay for the tests, follow-up care, etc)
Chris decided to get a taint piercing because that's where he believed the clittoris was located on a female.
His body rejected the material (likely because he didn't wipe his ass enough) and got infected. Instead of seeking medical attention or it least letting it heal, he repierced it hinself, which led to an even worse infection.
Eventually the percing was removed, so Chris (still hellbent on getting a vagina after watching too much crazy shit on YouTube and insane on sex change hormones) cut a gash in his taint with a knife which became and abcess.
When he started parading his "clittoris" on Facebook, people urged him to get help.
According to Chris, he went to the doctor and the doctor told him that his "labia was coming in nicely."
It's truly fucked and he still has it I believe.
Ok yeah what the fuck
>pretty sure everyone is aware of cancer at this point
The average person doesn't think about stuff that isn't immediately affecting them. They're busy keeping track of football scores and partying with friends and not remembering who has the right of way at traffic circles, they can't be bothered to remember how to check for tumors without being constantly reminded.
There's no clear cut way to prevent a flu wtf
You are right, we need to keep giving billions to charities so they can pay millions after overhead to remind people to feel for lumps.
It's a deep rabbit hole. And at the bottom I'm sure there are the pictures you seek.
Show your work
fuck you cunt
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.4
Thank you for doing what the govt wants
This what people donate thousands for. Fucking retards i swear.
It's called Un-Clit, and it's in its second phase now, so the proper name is Un-Clit 2.0.
>A bee colony died for this
>Un-Clit 2.0
My sides
Bees don't really care, they are eusocial.
Humans sure do care. Bees are the most important creature on the planet for us.
The greatest problem bees face right now has to do with diseases.
Start a charity to raise awareness for it
My grandad was a honey farmer. You're honestly better off spending the money making new cultivations at this point and increasing the price of honey so farmers can manage it. Reaearch is too slow.
as a beekeeper i disagree
its earthworms
I hope all you have a bad swarm you cant control and your queen leaves.
Well those will probably never go extint so we gucci.
>complaining about the dregs of society
user, I think destroying good ol' 64 controllers is a travesty as well but really
where do you think you are?
Read pcf's financial statements. Your estimate of their annual income is off by a factor of a thousand.
>Pass the controller bro
jeez what a jerk
where did the beekeeper touch you user
were his padded gloves cold and tacky with wax?