Select difficulty

>select difficulty

>game won't give you the true ending on easy

>select difficulty

>select difficulty

>give me a story
>give me a challenge
>give me [game title]

>select difficulty

>It isn't actually impossible

>select difficulty
>Im too young to die
>Hey, not so rough
>Hurt me plenty

do not cry small hamster, you are in safe hands

w-who're you?

>Game doesn't let you progress to the end on easy

>game has one difficulty easier than normal and five difficulties harder

>game berates you for choosing easy

>game offers you an easier difficult for sucking so bad

>game gives you health/ammo when you're already maxed

>crysis warhead difficulty names

>Nonstop Infinite Climax

The easy mode in Prinny 2 is called Baby mode and replaces your scarves (allowed hits) with diapers

You're gonna need to name your character along with choosing the difficulty OP

>top anus bitch
damn ok

>select difficulty
>[game name]


>Very Easy (Easy)
>Easy (Normal)
>Normal (Hard)
I love how Kamiya basically manipulates you into trying the hard mode, but that's cool with me, that's the best way to experience action games.

Can we stop having this thread

This is like the fifth time in the last week

>You can lower the difficulty mid-game
>but not raise it anymore if you did it



>very hard
>extremely hard
>very very super extremely hard

>Don't know if Normal is easy mode instead of a challenging but fair mode
>Don't know if Hard is balls to the walls hard or actually just hard where if you have to think a bit more outside the box.
Its a complicated feel. Especially if you've played the genre a lot.

This is a fair compromise, you can lower the difficulty if you're having trouble in a hard part but you can't raise it afterwards and pretend you beat the game on that harder difficulty.

The worst shit though is a game offering to lower the difficulty when you die in a garbage platforming or puzzle section, even though difficulty only affects combat. I am fucking looking at you, God of War

>normal mode is too easy
>hard mode is only about the enemies having higher stats

Ninja Gaiden

Man I'd love another NG game in the vein of the first one

>Hard mode too easy
>One above is too hard
What game is this?

>easy, which opens after you die certain amount of times
>very hard
>super very hard
>oneshot for you, oneshot for them
>oneshot ONLY for you

>"Want to have a future?"

Casual filter 2016

First time I've seen it this week boss, sorry for doing things other than staring at the catalog all day every day.


>playing easy locks out achievements
Pretty good way to get casuals to man the fuck up

You sure do know, how to trigger me, but that remake don't count.

Explain what made them think the MMZ games needed a rectal ravaging hard mode?


>there are 6 missions in the game.
>You can achieve 5th only on second and above difficulties
>and 6th only on third and above
>plot is fucked up as hell, so you only play that missions because you just want to see, how much it could be fucked up at the end

Because hard mode is a way to say yourself "i finally did it, suck it, losers, who was unable to".

>easy difficulty is hard and hard difficulty is easy

>select difficulty
>hard (locked)

>You selected the enemies' difficulty level for YOU

>fight that's bullshit on Normal is made easier on Hard to make up for how bullshit Hard is

rly makes u ponder...

>Select difficulty
>Extra medium
>Very medium
>Ultra medium

>Easy difficulty
>Enemies laugh at you and allies talk down to you condescendingly

>easy difficulty
>you will always wear cock hat

>Game is actually harder on easy than on hard

>hard mode increases damage done by enemies and yourself
>game is now significantly easier because ammo scarcity is a big part of the difficulty

What is any rhythm game ever

>Easy difficulty
>Your life meter is diapers

Edgy tit-smasher.
yeah ok

Select difficulty.
I want to see the end scene.
Got time to spare, working a night shift/on holiday.
I want to spend my life swearing and reloading from the last save point.

>game is easy on every difficulty

>imagine being at computers so fat you look and see food
What did he mean by this?


Simplier. Jamestown.

>game gets harder as you get good
>game laughs at you if you can't handle it

IIRC difficulty in Drakengard only matters for getting a few weapons and even then it's just Easy and Normal anyways. Switching to Easy to grind out weapons and experience when shooting for 100% is a legitimate tactic too because it lets you switch whenever

Crisis core final fantasy, why you do this

> The game puts up 3 confirmation messages before selecting the hardest difficulty
> Says "Even we couldn't beat it"

>select difficulty
>normal (must beat game on easy to unlock)
>hard (must beat game on normal to unlock)
>extreme (must download from the online store)

>kinky scrotum faggot

Well shit

>game offers you an easier difficult for sucking so bad
>cursor is on "YES" by default so if you try to rush through the menu to get back to playing you could accidentally get locked on easy

>select difficulty
>no normal mode

Fucking scrotum revengeance

>Select hardest difficulty
>It makes the game not fun, but in a cheap way

Looking at you Uncharted 4

What were they again i haven't played in so long

Incredible ballsack lover