Gnoll's are the best bestial race of all time, yet there's hardly any games that include them...

Gnoll's are the best bestial race of all time, yet there's hardly any games that include them. Now that League of Legends has killed Warwick's Hyena skin what are some games that let you play as best race?

But it's better now

They killed feral ww tho

Hey. What about this. Gnolls are the worst race and that's why they are never included in things.

Because they are only good for being a shit monster. And not even a boss

Furfags are best at being disgusting shit.

I bet they get super gassy

Holy shet , new warwick looks fucking awesome.

Kill yourself furry.

Cuck game


wow wtf

I haven't played this game in like two years, do all the champs look all cel shaded and cartoony like that now?

>Gnoll's are the best bestial race of all time
That's a funny way of spelling kobolds.

It's more in line with the overhaul they did to the rift. Everything looks.much better than it used to when it all comes together.

Do these fags have females or they just kyaa~ hentai random farmgirls? What's even a purpose of their existence except for being an xpmeat for low level characters?

>that comic
I don't get it. So are they saying females should look more ugly when they're other races?

Fuck that make the guys more sexy too

>what are some games that let you play as best race

No, the point is there is a cliche to make any female of other fantasy species attractive humanoids by default which logically makes human male just an ugly female.

so what do they want? the women to look uglier? the reason companies do that is because sex sells, the majority of players are male, therefor if you make sexy chicks for the female races the game will sell more.

but then why not give the males the same treatment?

would that not increase your target market? target market being literally everyone?

>implying that beastmen or any other magical/alien male gendered race isn't sexy


I'm looking through english dictionary but can't find a word colourfull enough to express how autistic you are. It's a joke, get over it.

i mean i agree but then again i am one who consorts with beasts

we must choose our words carefully when communicating with the normees, brother

It's satire criticizing monster design in modern media particularly video games in where females of a beastile species often look like barbie girls with scales or fur while the males look like fuckawesome monsters.

>but then why not give the males the same treatment?
because traditionally video games are a male-dominated hobby. and don't give me that bull shit statistic that shows it almost 50/50 because that takes into account mobile casual games, which is like comparing playing candyland to warhammer 40k as the same audience because they're both board games.

personally I wouldn't mind them making the guys more sexy, but I understand their point of view for focusing that on the women models because it will please more of their target market, which no, is not 'everyone' because then there isn't a target market anymore.

>so what do they want?
To make dumb fantasy themed porn comics?

Because then, according to 'sexy', ALL non-humans would just end up as humans with different skin color and animal accessories.

i know a large swath of the population who would agree with that point

are they scum? yes. do they exist? also yes.

>so what do they want
To make a joke you fucking autismo

Lunia did

Haven't played the game in years but know people that do. Everytime theres something new ugly. The game was about colorful shit, now everything's green/teall/blue. Trash, overhaul Karthus, Yorick, Kalista..I'm pretty sure I'm missing more things but cba.

>extremely sensitive to pleasure like that of a mummy

They don't want anything, they're just pointing it out with a joke, they don't want to change shit.

nothing like dried out, emaciated, dead flesh to conduct pleasure


>a type of wolf

For fuck's sake this is a blue board, spoiler that milf.

ITT: furfaggots

i like the khajjit in Elder scrolls games.
they just start inhabiting different areas of tamriel, they are usually really entertaining NPCs and they are constantly high on skooma while farming moon sugar.
it's just a more well developed race than the other ones in Elder Scrolls.

>would that not increase your target market?
>target market
no, it will decrease your target market and create possible bigger market to buy your game, but who knows if they ever will. Same thing as
>Dude why this burger has only cheese, cucumbers, beef meat and tomatoes
>because my target audience likes this combination
>dude just add salat, avocado, rice to draw asian market and change meat on tofu to get vegan market, don't you like money?