How did Bioware get BTFO by CD Projekt Red so bad?
How did Bioware get BTFO by CD Projekt Red so bad?
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CD Projekt sought to make immersive, serious games. Bioware made feel-good RPGs with the tone of Marvel movies.
Lol at weebs and cucks still making fantasy rpgs like its 2005
just give up, your genre is finished.
Plus they left out a best girl romance because that fag Gaider thought lady dwarves were icky.
they made a good game.
Because Bioware half-asses everything now. All you hear is footstep sounds when you're running around with no music. Their next game will be compared to witcher 3 as well.
Well all know CDPR made a good game, that's not in question here
One company stagnated as brain drain took hold, other only grew from their acquired development experience. I'll let you sort out which is which.
>dat feel when witcher 3 and inquisition weren't released in the same year
massive missed opportunity for w2 and da2 shenanigans to repeat themselves
Instead of using the relatively long time they were given to make a game now, they wasted it on pointlessly huge open world environments that offer nothing but to look pretty. Imagine all they could have done in that time if they didn't fall for the open world meme so hard. Sure TW3 has a huge open world too and still managed to make it work. but that's a rare case.
One makes video games, the other makes diversity queer fest video simulations with alternate settings. Medieval fantasy, space fantasy, etc.
I'll believe it when EA releases sales figures for DAI.
CD Project Red tried to create a good game
Bioware followed a checklist designed by their superiors to sell a set amount of copys.
One had passion for their project while the other had a passion for making money.
It's not just Bioware. Bethesda and its "legendary" Fallout and Elder Scrolls franchises have also been blown away by CD Projekt Red, a company virtually new to both open world and RPGs in general. Look at the evolution from Witcher 1 to 3 and what Bioware and Bethesda have been doing in the meantime.
Witcher 3 should be a wake up call to them.
And even then, the open world is not why people play the Witcher 3. It's a element they made well, but it's not crucial to the enjoyment of the game and getting proper hours out of it.
Inquisition can be played through extremely fast if you ignore the optional quests and areas and only get what you need to proceed the story through power points.
The design, it seems to me was, that in the witcher they never intended the open world to be more than a nice addition that expanded the experience, whereas in Dragon Age they initially intended for it to be a crucial element what with the area of control, retaking of castles, caste customization etc. but was eventually pressed to dump it down due to time constraints or lack of funds.
There were so many plans and promises for Inquisiton, when they realised they had overblown the Skyrim meme and needed to shuffle their focus it was too late and we got a huge world with nothing in it and a lackluster story with funny, but disconnected characters.
If anything TES fans learned from Witcher 3 you don't have to sacrifice story and characters for open world.
BioWare at its former glory needed over twice the development time they had for DA:I to make DA:O good and it's not even open world. So yeah they might have overburdened themselves little.
How did CDPR get BTFO by Bioware so bad?
They completely blow away the concept that open world games can't be beautiful, have good textures, lighting and shadows because of its size, which is something Bethesda loves to claim. Fallout 4 and DA: I sold well, yes, but there was a backlash after both releases. People are losing patience with these companies and they won't tolerate Bethesda and Bioware's poor game engines for much longer.
It's just a shame Witcher has some of the slowest and clunkiest gameplay of anything I've played in the last several years. It's not quite as bad as Souls series, but it's pretty bad.
Inb4 "git gud"
Bad gameplay has nothing to do with "gitting gud."
I've never seen a game series with as such a qulity drop off only to recover with and average game that people praised because it was not nearly as horrible as 2.
Witcher 3 was boring though. It was as if they made Assassin's Creed into a fantasy game
CDPR did better work with Witcher 1 and 2 which were relatively unique
Is this post bait or are you just a legit retard? Hard to tell sometimes
I don't really see it. It feels like a mash of souls(but way easier) & Diablo II combat in the way of items, sockets and how they mix with abilities you can learn and the way you execute damage while rolling around enemies. For melee at least.
For example, a weapon with bonus crit damage, crit chance and sockets filled with freeze runes works well with a combat spec reliant on fast attacks (my spec now at lvl 12).
The quick attacks ensure a good freeze rate which allows me to get more hits in. Then I've got that hella bonus dmg from +crit dmg on item and through the Precise Blows skill and a lot of crit %. I'm demolishing Death March difficulty atm.
It's not slow or clunky depending on what you do.
How the fuck do you even compare this to AC?
Also, AC already is open world. You really need to lurk more.
>2 types of dodges because reasons
>no way to quickly close a gap with the enemy after rolling away from them
>esc doesn't close menus but instead opens another one
>you must exit a shop an then exit dialog
This game has so many little thing annoyances I just have to assume the developers deliberately designed it to test the players patience.
You know a game is good when you have to nitpick shit like this
Hardly nitpicking considering how often you run in to them.
Oh and another annoying this is looting things with E but take all is bound to space.
user, that's ridiculous. You've got to be 18 to be here, kiddo.
>Take all
For what purpose, you will just get one million broken swords that aren't worth anything.
To quickly get all the crafting material in the half dozen crates all stacked together.
>implying chests and the vast amount of non-human mobs don't exists
Also to the original guy inwhom this user is replying to, you don't always want everything that drops. If you find that you do however want it all, a button for that is convenient. However, if you only need a few things you can select them with the other option.
Where is the downside to that, baka?
Because their games are shit.
Why are twitcher fanboys such faggots? I even said it was a little annoyance. There many thing in the game that make things take longer than they really need to and it is annoying.
But it's not even an annoyance at all.
It's just very clear you're an underage retard.
You sound like an impatient little bitch that will complain incessantly.
Nothing will ever be perfect. To bridge that gap as much as possible dictates what is good. If minor annoyances are enough for you to call it shit, you're just a massive faggot.
>TW3 with kb+m
Found your problem. Fucking retards.
>Not CD ProjREKT
Fuck off you don't belong here
by hiring incompetent idiots due to progressivism.
Project Rekt*
You faggots are just as bad as biodrone. Never even called the game bad and you faggots are defensive. I said it had several things that were annoying and it does.
I'm assuming all of this is you. Whereas, I'm sure I could be wrong but it will have validated what I'd said.
Hows it feel knowing you are no better than the biodrones you shit talked all those years ago?
I don't see the point in replying to the other user like you did. You're really not making any grand statement. Plus, you're still bitching for menial reasons.
>I don't see the point in replying to the other user like you did.
Mostly in response to the clunky gameplay. If you can't admit there is some clunkiness you are a fanboy pure and simple.
>Plus, you're still bitching for menial reasons.
If only I had said at the start these were little annoyances...
Keyboard and Mouse is objectively better, consoleshitter.
Not every game has to be Dark Souls you stupid idiot.
Gameplay is fine and blows other contemporaries out of the water, especially Dragon Age 3.
Seems like an additive response.
If only I had said at the start that bitching about something so insignificant is stupid.
>Cyberpunk demo will be released on the same day as me:a.
They gonna pull a battleborn.
>it's better than DA3 and therefor should not be criticized
I'm convinced you have no idea how much you look like the biodrones from the DA2 vs twitcher 2 days.
If it is so insignificant why are you so defensive?
CDPR single handedly BTFO 3 industry veterans, From Soft, Bioware and Bethesda.
Slav magic.
Never said it's immune to criticism, but morons like yourself think it's a much bigger issue than it is because it's not Dark Souls standard.
It's more just a rousing game of mind checkers at this point, famalam.
My point is still in the fact that it's insignificant bitching tho. It makes you look like a whining child.
No point continuing this with such a blatant fanboy.
>mfw the Poles made better LGBT characters than Bioware
I genuinely felt bad for accusing the gay dude of being a werewolf.
You have no idea how much you sound like someone on BSN.
I liked how you really needed to press him on it to get the info that he is gay.
Any other game and it would have been like
>Nice to meet you! I'm a hunter and homosexual!
Why? It was a pretty reasonable assumption.
>i-i might be an idiot, b-but ur a fanboy!
Whatever helps you sleep at night, retard. Not my fault you couldn't articulate a valid argument.
I have no idea what that is. Also, this is the first time I've ever played twitcher and I'm only about 75 hours in.
I laughed at your dislike for the loot options. That could sum up nearly all of this.
One company is full of SJW special snowflakes, the other is run by born and raised ex communist slave badass mofos.
Gee, I wonder wich one can make a decent grimdark game.
My issue was with the keybindings. 90% of the time you will want to loot all so it should be on E.
Hamburger Hepler got the job at Bioware not CD
>she wrote the dwarf origins
Didn't DAI win GOTY? I'm pretty sure the only "lesson" Bioware learned from DAI is to try to emulate it
>implying GOTY are to be trusted
But Bioware is full of pro-communists.
Bioware is full of millenial safe space babies now who would rather smoke pot than develop decent products.
>American communists are badasses
Just shut the fuck up comrade.
Let's agree to disagree. I see the focus on picking precise loot, you see it in quickly grabbing it all. I'd play you in Gwent, user. That was fun.
Once you experience communism, you don't really enjoy it or want it anywhere near you.
>not even gaydurr works there anymore
It actually kind of sad to think of husk bioware is now.
user, ex-Communist means anti-Communist
Eastern Yuros never wanted that shit, it was pushed on them
But it's never been tried before.
YFW The Witcher is actuallly a fmv game, shot in Varsovia's suburbia.
>Million yards stare of a guy who had to fight against mutated communist dogs to bring a bottle of cheap People's Vodka to his abusive unemployed father.
Story was alright
The open world is obviously a shitty collectathon but you can ignore most of it
Enemies are damage sponges but that can be fixed by going Rogue, which is OP even then and oneshots most things
and all he got was this lousy t-shirt
I think you need to replay an Assassin's Creed game
The quest design is so close to Witcher 3 it's embarrassing. Maybe the open world is restricted to cities in most of their games but at least Creed has the decency to actually put something other than treasure chests every 5 meters.
Was Dragon Age Inquisition's world at least better than The Witcher 3's? Frostbite looks quite nice.
And then, Bioware do this
can't find that tweet
It's a fake
Because making your characters gay just for a selling point doesn't work and it feels forced.
kek and that wasn't even done
Just because all open worlds these days (including W3's) are shit doesn't mean every game that has one is AC
The world is shit and the graphics looks like they tried to go cartoony but didn't go all the way
But they didn't? Inquisition won GOTY when it came out and then Witcher 3 won GOTY when it came out as well. They're both GOTY recipients. How does that take away from any of them?
Fuck off reddit.
Hinterlands in DAI is better than most of W3 but the rest of the areas are shit. All areas taken in to consideration I'd say W3 has the better world though.
>harping on about gotys like they matter
>Hinterlands in DAI is better than most of W3
>Hinterlands in DAI is better than most of W3
end your existence
Collecting plants and fighting wolves is so fun XD
>Hinterlands in DAI is better than most of W3
That's not even a bait, that's just being a retard on purpose
>lol guys am I contrarian enough XD
That's exactly what you do in DAI though
Not in the hinterlands.