Game reuses models of significant characters as random NPCs

>game reuses models of significant characters as random NPCs

Other urls found in this thread:

>human reuses pictures of frogs as reaction images

name SIX (6) ^ games that do this

the witcher 1
the witcher 1 enhanced edition: director's cut
the witcher 2
the witcher 3
the witcher 3: hearts of stone
the witcher 3: blood and wine

2 of those are just expansions. What the heck.

big enough to be stand alones

>sequel is in entirely new setting
>reused assets out of wazoo

>redditor reuses his frog meme over and over again to make the same thread a hundred times

what are examples in witcher 3?

>Early game boss becomes a trash mob later on in the game

>game reuses random NPCs models as significant characters

does FO3/NV/Oblivion count since every fucking single female looks exactly the same

Not that guy, it depends on your definition of significant though.

There are reused side quest character assets definitely.

>reddit meme
this is how i know you are the one who is a redditor here

>game reuses models of significant characters for other significant characters

>Final boss is literally just a recolored version of an earlier boss

and people have the audacity to call Neptunia good.

Name one (3) games that does this

>he defends his shitty old normie meme

just sad

The witcher 1 does


That's not too bad. It gives you the sense of how much stronger your character has become over the course of the game.

>he derails threads with inconsequential bullshit rather than just talking about video games
I'm all for calling out the redditors that make pepe threads with bullshit like "name ONE game" or that fucking punching pepe meme, but fuck off idiot. you're the only one being a cunt here, this thread was legitimately about video games and the reused assets in them.


It's fine if it makes sense in the sense that the boss is, say, an ogre, and you just fight those ogres later on.

But if the boss is supposed to be some unique whatever creature and you just fight recolours of it that seem out of place it doesn't work as well.

Never played the game? There are like 5 unique faces and clothing sets for EVERY random npc in the game, and it feels like there are just as many VAs for these NPCs as well. Even Oblivion wasn't this bad.

Not really significant, but that Nilfgaardian in charge of the garrison at White Orchard always stands out to me because he looks like Bronn from Game of Thrones. You see his face everywhere.

you do realize sadfrog has been around for a decade which is a lot longer than normies start using it right? are you a newfag redditor or something?

Metro 2033

OP said significant. All the significant characters have unique models.

>Game lets you customize the characters' appearances
>They revert back to their default look in cutscenes

>mfw this doesn't happen in Xenoblade
>the game even remembers what you were wearing during flashbacks

>you do realize sadfrog has been around for a decade

>this is what newfags that came when gamergate happened believe

>this thread was legitimately about video games

>op doesn't even use a video game image example

Whatever you say fag.

>random NPC
thats not what this thread was about

not him, but sad frog and feels good man was a Sup Forums meme in like 2006.

>you look like a retard in all of them

>game reuses bosses for secret dungeons
>they are either recolored or have revenge dialogue

Knights of the Old Republic

>Thread is about video games
>Faggot comes in to derail it about reddit bullshit
>Posts rules that directly contradict his actions
Just fucking go back to redddit already you dumb fuck

According to your logic we have practically no memes at all because the normies adopted most of them over the years.

>wear it during NG+ beginning
>get to stare at Fiora's bikini-clad butt as she comes up the stairs

> game uses same voice actor using the same voice for minor - side characters

watch_dogs 2

it was at least mid 2008 you fucking newfag
why act like you were around then when you obviously weren't?

Why are redditfags so defensive of their meme frog? Not even video games fuck off.

>Pepe was used in blog posts on Myspace and became an in-joke on Gaia Online.


>thread is about video games
>redditors try to derail it into not talking about video games
>"Fuck off, idiot. This thread is about video games."

Fucking hell eat a bullet

Nah, pretty sure it was before the boxxy shit.

Mmm salt taste good with frog legs. Why are you so upset at people not liking your maymays?

>Start offtopic shitposting with retarded opinions
>People reply to your shitposting
>Woooow why are you all offtopic shitposting

>Woooow why are you all offtopic shitposting

That wasn't my question, but at least you're admitting to shitposting.

Stop trying to fool yourselves, this is the kind of stuff you come to Sup Forums for anyway. Shitposting, arguing about the inane and being mad about opinions.

It wasn't, though. But okay, keep pretending to be here longer than you have been.

It was.

I don't give a fuck about pepe, but this thread was not about pepe before you came in with your reddit nonsense you fucking faggot.

Do you see the irony yourself or are you one of those people who act like a retard and don't even realize it?

No, that's why redditors come to Sup Forums. They want to recreate screencaps they see in "best of Sup Forums" threads and on r/Sup Forums.

The rest of us just want to fucking talk about video games.

>The rest of us just want to fucking talk about video games.
You are saying this. In a thread where you refuse to talk about video games. Do you not see the irony in this statement?

>He seriously believes you can find quality discussion in frogpost threads

I bet these are video games also

see now fuck off and get back to the topic at hand you stupid faggots

You're losing sight of your argument here. Not only is what I said about you not wanting to talk about video games true, but you also give me proof of Sup Forums being what I said in by giving me even more examples of where I was right. You might as well just argue with yourself at this point.

I bet you entered and bumped every single one of those threads.