Great optimization on pc thread? The year they came out doesn´t matter. Pic related

Great optimization on pc thread? The year they came out doesn´t matter. Pic related

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As much as I hate rockstar GTA V looks good and is fluid as fuck.


is it any good? only played 3 back when it came out in ps2 and I honestly don´t remember anything

>great optimization on pc
you feel it too don't you?

Dark Souls 2

what about 1?

Bad port.
But the game runs like ass on every system.

Dark Souls 3 also isn't as good as a port as Dark Souls 2


Gonna dump some screens of one the best optimized games of all time.


auto maxed out on a 3 year old system

smooth as butter

Dark Souls 1 port was a fucking war crime.
Everyone was expecting the Dark Souls 2 to go the same way, but somehow it was fucking amazing.

great game


agreed, fun as fuck




>x360 graphics in 2015





It's honestly pretty shit. Dante is a lot of fun but Nero is crap and it rehashes content like there's no tomorrow.

dragon's dogma


same shit applies here too




great built in photo mode

Stupidly well optimized. Can get 120+FPS on high 1080p with an i5 2500k and R9 290X


the final product might not turn out to be, but the RE7 demo runs extremely well


playable on a laptop






I don't have a crazy PC but I just started replaying this and I was amazed that it runs decently at all.

But curious, I'm getting stutters when using CQC / firing at an enemy but it doesn't happen every time, just when I really don't want it to. Is there a particular setting I need to adjust? I tried tweaking most of them and didn't see a change. Maybe it's just my HD read speed.

Really a surprise considering how UWP games usually run like SHIT.






please fuck off

no one cares about this shitty boring game

I SAID I was gonna dump screens, how much of a dumb bitter mong can you be user?

I was actually surprised at how good that game looked and ran at the same time

I'm on a fucking GTX 765M but I could run Alien Isolation on ultra no problem


please don't, this is a thread about optimized games, not a dump screens in this thread for one optimized game

On a related note, the devs had to pull some amazing shit to make do with the hardware limitations way back in the early 90s and beyond. Like in Elite they generated text from commonly used syllables because there was no way to fit in full sets of text for planet descriptions.

And just so I don't sound like a massive faggot, I'll point out that I'm not old enough to even have played Elite when it came out.


what a retard

no, he's right

fuck your shit

>I SAID I was going to be a giant faggot, why are you upset about it

I'm playing through it right now, I got it for only $6 at the Steam sale. I fucking love the car combat.

He just doesn't want a whole thread full of screenshots of one game.

Memes aside this runs on literal toasters.

I got 60 fps on 1080p on my sister's core 2 duo with an integrated graphics chip. Its one of those games that ARE relevant and running on anything while at it. Unlike Dota 2 which is by far superior but runs like shit since source 2

>trying to control what happens in a thread

No cares what your favourite game is.

OT: Having a shit computer this was a day one purchase in a time were not even Terraria runs on literal toasters

Who asked you to? Fuck off

Coming off the back of the previous game, which was probably one of the worst PC ports in video game history, this quality of this port was nothing short of miraculous.

7.00 in Dota2 made things even worse, it's almost unplayable, and it didn't even change anything in graphics i think.

then only dump 1 or 2 you retarded faggot. What's wrong with you?

I paid full price and I regret it a little. Good game though

>half the thread is mad max screenshots

Fucking shills.