Why is Sup Forums still so angry about exclusives? We're all adults here who should be able to get a job and buy any game we want. There's literally no reason to be arguing about who's shiny toy is better.
Why is Sup Forums still so angry about exclusives...
>Sup Forums
Nice joke
Exclusives are a good thing that push the industry forward by causing competition.
When nearly every game is multiplat like we've seen since gen 6, there's a distinct lack of quality control on the mass amount of titles being pushed out on every single platform.
I literally can't think of a reason why people don't like exclusives. I mean that honestly, too. Why?
I wish I was handsome and confident enough to chat up sluts while at work ;_;
You seriously can't? They don't want to buy multiple platforms.
>We're all adults here who should be able to get a job and buy any game we want.
>We're all adults here
Here lies your problem. I really have no problem with any system, but exclusive aren't really viable anymore. I work in retail and very few people come in buying a system specifically for X game. It's usually that's what they owned in the past or that's what their friends play on. You are limiting your potential sales pretty harshly.
You can tell that M$ whore opened far and wide for that PSbro.
When I was younger I thought bashing people was fun and cool but now I just feel that all the cynicism is pointless and just leads to less vidya discussion and more off topic low quality posts.
Bruh you just gotta remember to be yourself, girls love a guy who can just bee himself
This is actually true. I started getting laid when I stopped caring about womens opinions
>Says the Xboner
I'm suprised no one made the bloodborne ps4 only exclusive meme
I never actually thought of it like that, but year right around when everything went multiplatform it all went downhill. I think they're probably both side effects of companies being more money grabbing though.
lel is that where idort camefrom?
Anyone could buy what they want with the money they have.
There will always be a console war though, since people act like these companies they back are sports teams.
>paying 400 bucks for a device that have entire 2 (TWO) games that I remotely give a shit about, doesn't allow me to buy from g2a and expects me to play for online
Do you know how people with jobs don't become poor? By not doing absolutely retarded financial decisions.
>while at work
don't shit where you eat, user.
I don't mean women who also work with you, but just random women while you're working
Or do you think the two people in the pic work at the same company?
the market is inherently competitive because you want people to buy your game over all the others. all exclusives do is cause companies to waste budget money on expensive exclusivity contracts. imagine if sony made their movies exclusive to sony dvd players? it would be outrageous
They both work for (((them)))
>cucked by sony
post more pics of playstation and xbox being a cute couple pls
>There will always be a console war though, since people act like these companies they back are sports teams.
Some people even think there is a good reason to support sports teams that change their players over the years.
This is why i prefer solo sports like the combat sports world where you can get behind an individual without it just being because "muh city, muh country."
This is the worst fucking possible advice.
It doesn't matter "what you really are". No one gives a shit about "being yourself." You should be confident and reliable. And/or good looking/rich.
That's all that really matters.
>individualist autism
topkek desu
need to see more of her ass
Even if i was a billionair, that wouldn´t make the Xbox One any less shit.
Based Sony bro cucking the xcucks.
Shiet get all the honeys with the ps quadruple.
This guy could actually be sensible, i thought he was a dick all in all.
Honestly what girls like more than anything else is balls. The reason why you don't get girls is because you're not confident. Even ugly guys get good-looking girls if they're confident ie have balls. Grow some balls you pussy.
>supporting a corperate club because no real friends autism
>supporting a sole trader because no real friends autism
youre right. earning money means everything should be as expensive as possible for no reason at all
because without them there's no reason to buy the system. If I have a PC and PS4 what reason is there to buy and Xbox?
That's because there was a time when PC games were PC games and console games were console games. That specialisation is gone and everything now is just standardised mush.
That doesn't mean everything has to be exclusive though. You can have games ported, they just need to be properly designed for one platform first, rather than for all of them at once