Right? That's what Sup Forums's been spouting. It's some leftist powertrip to stick it to those right wingers. Well, it's not. It really isn't. Not by a longshot. Been playing this for hours on end, now, and honestly, it seems to be poking more fun at hippies, leftist attitude and more stuff like that. I don't feel as if it's made by a bunch of pierced-up, patreon self-employed butchdykes. It's nothing of the sort. And I'm sure there's other people on here that played it, and they'll say the same. It's all one big satire. And it's fun.
SJW Shit
Nice try Ubishill.
sjw nu-male cuck reddit tumblr libshit
I believe it. I won't buy it to see though, but it makes sense that they'd only show the conservative bashing shit to try to appeal the the liberal kiddies and get more sales.
>And it's fun.
Holy shit that sentence embodies the "leftist with an agenda who thinks xe's being smug" attitude
>And I'm sure there's other people on here that played it, and they'll say the same. It's all one big satire. And it's fun.
Yeah but there is no point arguing with the full blown autists here.
I just let them be.
leftist more like cucktist
No one really cares about the opinion of Sup Forums tbqh
It's honestly one of the more deceptively redpilled games out in the last few years but Sup Forums made up their mind about it already so there's really no point arguing because none of them have any facts to fall back on and they'll just scream about cucks and Reddit.
Shill detected
Nice try Ubishill. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play the Watch Dogs 2 - ScoutXpedition Mission.
It looks like Grand Theft Auto with press X and thing happens. Felt that way about the first one, and still feel the same for this one despite the different coat of paint. No buy.
I've been boycotting Ubisoft for years and I feel like I've lost nothing.
I hope vivendi ruins Ubisoft once and for all.
I don't get how a plot mostly about overbearing surveillance and taking the piss of hacker and tech stereotypes becomes political in most people's eyes. I cannot fucking understand how some people can't help but see their ideology or somebody else's in absolutely everything to such a crippling extent.
I liked it
Politics is acidic. If you spend too much time talking about politics, it takes over life and you get angry and defensive all the time. I almost made that mistake a long time ago.
Adding onto that, I don't understand why some people feel a complete aversion to anything and everything that challenges their views. I mean what the fuck are you afraid of, that it might convince you?
Nah, it's just shit
Considering Ubisoft made a game where they accuse Ubisoft of being the literal Illuminati trying to manipulate the population towards a new world order under the guise of being a friendly "progressive" IT company, yeah, I can believe that WD2 pokes fun at the libs.
Borrowed it from a friend. The tone is pretty goofy in a fun way but the use of guns feels at odds with the tone. I doubt anyone from the Bay uses guns anyway.
I think the guns were just there so people don't bitch. It plays a lot better if you only use the taser and your drones.
I feel the same way. It's pretty because not every games need to be Manly Death 4 Combat Evolved.
>I don't feel as if it's made by a bunch of pierced-up, patreon self-employed butchdykes.
but there is literally a character that is just like that in the game
its a black male power fantasy, why on earth would Sup Forums ever like it?
and every game needs to be sjw power fantasy: the cuckening, right? fuck off shill, i aint paying for this shit nigger game ever
You sound like an sjw
It tries to be that but it really shows that its sjw trying to twist people to their side, "oh HAHAHAHAA look at this sjw fat bitch, isnt she stupid?" "but you love multiculturism and the niggas right??"
Here's your (You), famdongus. Fuck off, cunt.
Who is also a villain.
And you are blaming me for being what you are, typical leftist tactic.
You mean one of the games villians that's played at as fucking obnoxious and unlikeable?
fuck off shill
Point out where I shilled when I didn't pay for the game and mentioned an aspect that I found flawed, you stupid moron.
Agreed. It's a systemic injustice that this game is a piece of shit of the highest level.
>Grammatical error
>Text clearly not compressed unlike the rest of the image
Why bother?
I don't think it's a SJW game by any means but Ubishills trying to pretend it's fun is hysterical
still waiting for the crack.
Its a LE WACKY xD game that pokes fun at right wingers with some self deprecating humor sprinkled in.
Sup Forums takes everything at face value with no sense of irony and satire.
It's a much better game than the original at the very least. Silly missions and hacker abilities that actually do stuff beyond failing to cause pileups at intersections and making the road explode. The guard AI fucking sucks, though. No period between a single one spotting you and the entire area going on alert and knowing where you are, plus they always immediately use lethal force. It's great at ruining your fun right at the end of a mission you otherwise managed to ghost.
open world games are dead.
Game is fine, however weirdly enough this one feels more like a GTA clone than the first did
>No period between a single one spotting you and the entire area going on alert
Yeah that shit bugs the fuck out of me considering the first game wasn't like that, and honestly the second game doesn't really do the on foot stealth stuff very well compared to the first either
It's the Cali setting. Need WD3 to be in NY with the cast constantly saying deadass and wearing timbs.
I think the issue is that they use the same basic 'guard restricted area' AI for gangbangers in an alley as they do for private security on a massive construction site or in a building.
you didnt pay for it cos you got it free for shilling, lol
does the game mention alt-right?
I watched let's plays and it looks like garbage
You sure showed me.
>I doubt anyone from the Bay uses guns anyway
Actually sort of liked the game because of the hacking aspect but the SJW shit was pretty bad. I even remember the character once says "I'm black and I'm proud."
That isn't something to be proud about dumbass. Fucking shitty writing in this game
>does the game mention alt-right?
It's the most liberal city in the states, man.
jesus christ youre retarded.
there's nothing wrong with being black you fucking idiot.
nigga i lived in the baby area for 7 years and heard gunshots every other night
Dont talk shit about a place if you never even been there for more than a week. Even in SF people get shot in the streets.
Why would you trust when Sup Forums calls something SJW?
Literally as bad as trusting an SJW who says something is racist. Both have such fucking blinded agendas that everything affirms their confirmation bias on the matter.
>on the bus to BART
>couple stops before the station
>see nig nogs running down the middle of the street
>entire bus ducks
>could see the whole thing 40 feet away
Another day in oakland.
I didn't buy WD1 and unless someone convinces me this is worth my cash or even pirating as much as Just Cause 3 or Titanfall 2 then it doesn't matter what the political agenda is one way or another
A little IS too much. Full Stop.
It's worth $30. There's no actual agenda. WD1 sucked anyway so ignore it.
Well, that would depend upon your world view, and what you consider an agenda. Artists always put a part of themselves into their work, so to say there are no political ideologies that influenced a persons thoughts and ultimate actions is sort of silly.
Who you aren't allowed to hurt in any way.
They're actually right.
I got it for free with my 1080 and although I've only played a few hours, they are definitely making fun of California type hipsters and the entire message is anti government.
Who's government? Just the government in general or a particular style of administration?
>selfie bullshit
>can now beat civilians senseless but can't harm "Lenni"
>no digital trips, cash run, nvzn, chess, poker, etc.
>drone and rc car make the game too easy
The first game is better.
hipsters talk shit about other hipsters so that's not that important
Government in general. Their little hacking group is fighting back against a government that takes corporate surveillance and shit like that.
It really feels impartial when it comes to left or right
T-Thanks, Tupac.
30 bux american is probably more than I got JC3 and not much less than titanfall.
There's too many good games to play to pick up something so middling, marketer. Please understand.
Shot with rainbow t-shirts launchers, maybe.
WD1 don't really explore that, least thats what i remember of it. Aiden was a faggot most of the time just going on and on about revenge. He had no political stances from what i remember, unless you count white knighting the shit out of women who get mugged by killing the shit out of the mugger. but to off set that he can just go arround and shoot people hell look at this webm thats not "pc" at all(granted its a player but if it was all pc they would be none killable).
Of course not.
Just Cause 3 isn't worth shit.
>WD1 sucked anyway so ignore it.
Nah it was an alright stealth game that had the burden of being stuck in a ubisoft open world
>little hacking group is fighting back
world view and shit again, whatever though. I get you. Might watch an LP to see what you're talking about. Without knowing your actual ideology/political stance, saying "it's impartial" could be.
>I just didn't observe this due to non inclination.
>my way of choosing to take down criminals is canon
>even when the game gives you a penalty for using unnecessary violence
I played it for a few hours when the xbone code was leaked and honestly I liked it, I was planning to buy it but I've lost my progress so I might get Dead Rising instead and wait a little bit.
>scat fetishist
is that really in the game? wtf? why on earth they would put shit eater in the game
I'm pretty fucking right wing and couldn't see anything in the game.
Shit, gtav felt more partial. Again, only played a few hours
>It's SJW shit, Right? That's what Sup Forums's been saying? Left wing....
No. It's just a shit game. Fuck off.
Sup Forums is that way --->
Coming to the aid of a woman is being a white knight. Remember user women are independant and strong and don't need no man. Better toe the line next time you never know who can get you fired for saying something like that.
How the fuck is this a politics thing. It's a "tech companies are idiots" thing more than anything else. It becomes pretty clear that the SF setting is there so you can laugh at the Silicon Valley companies
Even so, "Lenni" and "Miranda" are cringeworthy.
Is this post sarcasm? Why would you bash a game for not taking a black and white Mary Sue-laden take on diversity? Sjw shit is gay because it turns everything into a game where if you aren't 100% on their side you're their enemy and that's exactly what you're doing right now.
Vivendi is buying up ubisoft? When will antitrust laws kick in if they can do that after buying blizzard?
This. It's the only explanation. I played only non-lethal and hardly ever got out of my car and it was really fun. However most of the people I played with only just whipped out their AR right out of the gate and sprayed bullets everywhere.
>that webm
I do this to every gay/lesbian couple I come across in WD2.
I'm glad that you can pet dogs in it, too.
The drone and rc car are easy mode. I do agree about using the taser.
Hopefully, there was recently a hostile take over attempt. If Ubisoft doesn't make some spectacular here soon I think Vivendi might win.
This game sounds amusing now.
Like other anons ITT, I agree with you OP. But what's the point of arguing with those spastic alt right retards.
The whole point of Miranda is to trigger people who can't stand even a hint of SJW. "she" gets at most ten minutes of screen time, and they never even use the words trans.
it promotes blacks being intelligent hackers, which they are not
fuck off leftist cunthole
He looks like he got his dick snipped as part of a midlife crisis.
>confirmation bias
optimized very bad. Not gonna touch it because of that.
I donĀ“t want to play in 1080p on my gtx 1070 without even steady 60 fps.
I can fucking play bf1 ultra at 4k with solid 60fps. wtf
Hippies are not SJW, you sound like a shill and the fact that it landers to a specific (and obvious) demographic is not as objectionable as the fact it's made by Ubisoft, and we all know the first one was a steaming pile of shit. Just because Sup Forums was biased against it doesn't make them inherently wrong, ala No Man's Sky
Hackers are also usually socially retarded ESL faggots wearing hand-me-down clothes from their mothers husband into their late 30s and never grow out of a 15 y/o's sense of humor. If we're going for accuracy we must go full measure.
Turn on temporal filtering