Street Fighter V thread, WHERE LOBBY edition

Street Fighter V thread, WHERE LOBBY edition

So, have you ranked up yet user? You've been practicing your meaties, right? You don't even know what a meaty is, do you user?

Worst fighting game in over a decade, get it out.

Anyone up for a lobby?

I would play you if I wasn't so terrible at the game.

I would play you if this game wasn't so terrible.

ded game?

So hows everyone liking season 2?

dead on release

They nerfed FANG, buffed Urien. Go figure.

>only 3 points away from Platinum with mah boy Akuma
>lose six matches in a row

What'd they do to two minute man?

What's a meaty?

Google is your friend

This is a meaty.

Wasn't he already bottom tier, literally one spot above the giefster?

Ryu's favorite food.

Juri was worse in S1, not anymore though.

Unga bunga when the enemy is waking up

Basically, it's attacking a downed opponent as he's about to get up. If your opponent presses a button on wake up, he will do so right into your attack's active frames, so he has no option but blocking, unless he wants to eat another combo.

Half or more of his normals got slower startup. They're a bit more + on hit, and some more + on block now to compensate, but overall, it's a nerf. They did a shitty "buff" to his V-trigger, where he can cancel normals into specials, without needing charge. Didn't make any difference desu.

Only neat thing is that he can cancel slide into cowards crouch, and he can get hp after a counter hit lp now. Apart from this, he got overall nerfed desu.

I can come.EU?

>tfw shit Gold Gief
I dont know if I should join a lobby lol you would mash me up

Sounds like Nash where they changed stuff just to change stuff.

more like dead char

Basically forcing a block on wakeup, usually a move with high(ish) active frames but can really be anything

>try to meaty
>get wake-up DPed anyways

What a load of shit. All characters received slower startup on their normals to make whiff punishing easier. Everything else helped FANG get his game going and keep the opponent guessing when it's his turn to press a button.

It's a straight up buff.

What is this fucking logic
There's still no meaningful whiffpunishing in SFV, he's worse now.

Literally every dp has been nerfed, so a meaty will ALWAYS beat a dp Unless it's EX

Learn to time your meaties against a 3fram jab / regular dp in training stage

Get your timing right, homie.

Not really. It means FANG can press buttons all day without a worry in the world once he gets in. It's a buff.

So did you leave?
We can still create and play if anybody here wants a lobby,doesn't matter how good you are.

Go on, make one I'll join.

Urien, Rashid and Guile are more annoying than Ryu, Chun and Ken ever were.

Capcom changed a bunch of characters for the worse like Vega, Alex and FANG.

And created one.Password is 4321 and the comment Begginers Welcome!
More people the merrier,banting while spectating is also fun.


>Someone from the other side of the world

I'll join. Is it EU?

Wake up super, ya cheeky cunt.

It's EU,although there is someone who's not eu here.

>What is taking the throw
>What is low damage
>What is reversals

If the only player who ever did anything meaningful with him thinks he's worse now (Xian), he is.

Can't find the lobby. How many people can it receive?

i'm waiting for my main to come out.

You searching for password?

8 and we have 3 people in.Check again?

Gief here. Sorry straya bro, we got lots of lag.

Yeah, forgot to search for password rooms. I'm in. I'm Griffith, Laura player.

Fuck my internet went down. Sorry.

>tfw only 250 points away from plat
>tfw choking hard

I just want to get plat ;_;

Did something happen,zangiefbro?

Still bodied me though.

Will rejoin asap.

I picked this up in the Winter sale.
I played IV for about 6 months for V came out, mostly Ken with a bit of Geif and Hugo.

In V I have started with Ken to get back into fundamentals.
Tried some Dhalsim but his floatyness is terrible against fast characters.
Enjoyed some Zangeif.
Tried Birdie and he is actually really fun. The ranged pseudograpple is cool.

Should I stick with Ken or try and main Birdie? Geif is okay but it's just lariat and SPD spam.

Urien guy, were you afk during first round? If so, didn't notice, sorry.

>controller cord comes out of usb slot
>laura decides to go ham

i pulled my controller cord by accident. no problem

Fuck should have spent the meter.

pic related my match against Gief (Laura)

What is it with Sup Forums lobbies and platinum birdies having to join?

nobody in this lobby is beating the plat balrog, we should all just forfeit now.

Well yours went better at least,Karin here.
Would appreciate comments on how I can improve,by the way.
I accidentaly used the ex on the last round,fuck

You doubt my connection issues brah.

Who's your main?

Plat FANG here, it's a nerf

YES, some things are more + on block, but it doesn't really matter because your frametrap normals are slower too. For example, Cr.MP was 6f, and was +2, so you had a 4f frame trap. Now is +3, but Cr.MP is 7f, so in fact nothing changes. Additionally you lose the throw loop so that really sucks. Granted, everyone did, but FANG relied on that for a lot of midscreen pressure since his corner carry is useless.

But most of all it's the from 6 to 7 that's really fucking terrible. Because that's his only 6f normal that cancels into a special, you have no punish for -6 moves now, except for jab. Since most overheads are about that much, it means a lot of the cast can just overhead you to death. sort of works, but it's really range dependent.

There are some buffs though. The CH lp combos are nice, the mid-combo meaty stuff is hard to do and whiffs often but can be decent, and the crouch got some real nice buffs. The fact that is +3 means you can frametrap into, which can end with lk ryo, to be safe on block. The V-trigger stuff is kinda mediocre but it's better than nothing, and the grey life changes/shoryuken changes help him out a little. He matches pretty well vs Urien too, so meh.

He's worse than S1, and probably the one of the worst characters in the game, but at least it's not Alex.

I'm a rookie,I don't even have fun but I play juri,karin and Laura.Thinking of maining Balrog if I can get some results and get motivated I guess.
The reason I hosted the lobby was to practise Balrog.

Gief here.
Fuck I hate Karin. You bodied me in that first battle.

Pay attention to the Balrog(s) in this lobby then. And hit the training mode regularly to learn the combos. There's plenty of tutorial vids on youtube too for each character.

Also I noticed you didn't anti-air a lot when you played Karin. That's pretty important.

Yeah,like you didn't screw me sideways the next rounds.I'm gonna take my revenge,I hope

>Implying that gives any credibility to your post

>For example, Cr.MP was 6f, and was +2, so you had a 4f frame trap. Now is +3, but Cr.MP is 7f, so in fact nothing changes.

At least you didn't lose half your frame traps like Vega did.

To be honest I don't even know any stuff about characters other than their specials now,so I don't know how to anti-air other than that ex move as Karin.

Birdie here. Combos aside what is some good season 2 advice for the character. I haven't noticed much beyond slower normals his nerfs aren't as terrible as we had all though, but I feel like his rush down game has suffered. What are you best ways to get out of a bullying situation in the corner?

Can't join the EU lobby.
Anyone can tell me the details to make searching easier?

I've been in Sup Forums lounges, they're 90% silvers and 10% gold and there's like one plat maybe.

I guess it's full now,but if someone leaves just search as ''password set'',and look for these infos:

nice connection alex! that was like microsoft powerpoint 2003 edition

Sup Forums being bad doesn't make you any better, you know.

You should know well that there's no competitive play happening until at least Diamond

Nash with the mcdonalds wifi tech

The fuck happened there?


what character should I play considering that I played Bad Ryu in SFIV?

best tech lmao

Aight i'm leaving so someone else can take my place. It was nice. Laura out.

Birdie is fun, but be prepared to HAVE to play patiently. His buttons are his best quality, so there's going to be a lot of space management via you St. HP, MP, Cr. MP, and St. HK. Once you get knock down, you can set up his meaty and maintain position adding in some mixups.

Zangief is better but is still an uphill battle. Because he has to be in your face, it's easy for most of the cast to bully him.

Dhalsim is in the same vain as Birdie. It's a wait and see what they do thing, but he's arguably more rush down in this game than in previous.

Ultimately find who works best for you and go for it.

>granted everyone lost their throw loop
Guile says hi

This Rashid is so fraudulent.

Nice one Rash. gotta go now.

The disrespect from this Karin

Why?Because GLORIOUS 1000 TIMES FOLDED RUSSIAN MUSCLE couldn't stand against it?

We got a diamond kraut in our midst.

mcdonalds wifi bison incoming

I did level up. Proudly in the super silver rank after a year of this. Still learning. Would that be considered good progress? More of a "rising tide raises all ships" since the scrub population theoretically rises?

Did I do something wrong by not kicking?I want everybody to have fun

nah let them play, its funny

Any progress that makes you feel better is good progress,user.Keep it up!

>still playing SFV after the season 2 changes

>Zangief is better
>than Birdie
What the fuck are you smoking

Oh right, this is Sup Forums. No one here knows how to play fighting games

>4 input errors on wake up

ha-ha im not f-free i swear!!

is this birdie laggy for you guys?

>Reading comprehension

yes, first round was fine, second i got lag.