Post yours

Post yours.






y o u r s.
o o
u u
r r
s s
. .



Holy shit got a chuckle out of me, unexpected.

I'll be the first to try to re-rail the thread. Probably gonna fail because of my tryhard template.

Please kill yourself


validate my shit taste
2/2, what's middle?





4/5 - zelda mm
1/2 - super metroid
5/6 - zelda wind waker

TP is ass
Red dead is boring
Deus Ex isn't that good
GTA 5 is okay, but it shouldn't be on your 3x3
replace Jet Set Radio with Jet Set Radio Future, it's better
>not using covers
>full autismo

Take a shot everytime someone says Super Metroid or Resident Evil / Silent Hill 2 are good

These threads are always the same shit taste

fucking abysmal 0/10 garbage taste

kill yourself

>GTA 5 is okay, but it shouldn't be on your 3x3

And what games, that I played. should be there instead?

7/7, I'm 99% sure I'd also enjoy Symphony of the night and Doos Ex, I hope you feel validated ASSHOLE
Super Metroid, RE4 and Silent Hill 2 are good games you grumpy shitface with stinky opinions

if you haven't played 9 games that are better than GTA 5 then you need to play more games.


7/9 good taste user

>make a list of all the greatest games i have played
>end up with 25 games off the top of my head
>have to cut 16 games to make a 3x3
harder than i thought...

Just make a 4x4

haha, no.
i'm not gonna be that guy.

Behold my shitty normie opinion.


It's not too normie

didn't like Witcher 3, ME1 and Deus Ex

This thread looks dead.


>not rating
>not using coverart
stupid idiots

I'll give you the rating part, to be honest I just thought this thread was dead and there won't be anyone after me but:

>not using cover arts

You can't be this stupid.

Yakuza 5 will probably overtake 3 when I finish it. Also, STALKER SoC (modded) should be in there somewhere too.

I probably need to update this at some point.

>You can't be this stupid.
it has nothing to do with being stupid, it has to do with being unable to make out what game the guy is talking about
here is an example
this guy could mean Viewtiful Joe 2, he could mean Wind Waker HD, he could mean most Ace Combat games or HAWX or any jet flying game, he could mean Max Payne 1 or 2.
and this guy has a generic picture of Patapon when there are 3 patapon games.
like holy shit you are supposed to pick 9 different games and make it very clear wich ones you mean, using a generic picture/fanart will just result in confusion, and you guys are faggots for not using covers.

>Yakuza 3
i assume you haven't played Yakuza 2 then?
Yakuza 3 is like the worst Yakuza game.

>Deus Ex
>System Shock 2
>TES III: Morrowind
>Super Metroid
>Diablo II

Every single thread for 10 years

I mean they're all great games except for HL2

i've played all the Yakuza games. 3 is my favorite by far. the story was the best. the orphanage, Rikiya etc. loved it. I think 5 has the potential to be even better (playing it right now, on Saejimas chapter).

I really, really love all of them though.

This one: is all official art from the corresponding games, if you cannot even make that out then I don't care for your opinion on the game in the first place.

You don't seem like someone who crossboards much but if you're going to post the same image with slight modifications for years you at least want it to not look shit. Nobody gives a shit about your opinions anyway, these threads are just for ego-boosting.

>tfw my 3x3 is one of the only ones in the thread with no replies
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks twilight princess is one of the best zelda games.

There, now I'm the only one with no replies

3/4 +Super Monkey Ball 2, DK:TF, Mega Man Zero 3
- Yoshi's Island

4/4 +Mario Sunshine, Majora's Mask, Spyro, Chrono Trigger

7/8 - Metroid Prime, didn't play RDR

I decided to buy all the Yakuza games. How long does it take to play through the series? Also are they like Shenmue, I loved the Shenmue games

ignore sidecontent in 1.
do some side content in 2, if you like it do more of it.
from 3 on you should really start taking your time with the games, 1 and 2 you can pretty much mainline through.

they're basically Shenmue, yeah. every game takes about 30 hours if you just do the sidestories and the main story line. you can easily lose yourself in the minigames and other stuff though, the later games have absurd ammounts of things to do (fishing, baseball, pool, hostess clubs, hostess training, taxi driving, races, darts, dating, fucking karaoke rhythm games.....). If you're obsessive about doing everything in the first playtrough you'll probably spend atleast 60 hours+

You can skip the first game (I wouldn't recommend it but still) and play the much improved 2 (no shitty english dub, just subtitles + better combat and story). You can always watch the plot to the first game in the second (by "reminescing"). Then play them in order of release (3->4->5-).

I agree with this guy, power trough 1 and 2 (you can really skip 2 though) and then take your time with 3/4/5. Don't bother with Dead Souls, it's just a spnoff zombie shooter.

I meant to say "you can really skip 1". Don't fucking skip 2.

my nigga

5/8 Haven't played AoE2
4/8 haven't played TTYD
3/8 haven't played the one in the corner
2/8 TTYD again
5/7 never played the sports ones
2/4 I'm the guy that asked about Yakuza
4/8 Never played UYA

I'm the one with Chrono Trigger in the list

Are the PSP ones worth it? I can play it on my hacked PSP


2/4 - OSU is hard as fuck


shit tastes/shit tastes
1/2 What's the might and magic series like?

You mean the mainline? No clue, I only played Heroes 2-5 and Dark Messiah.