Anyone else not play games with many other people here? I really only play games with one person regularly

Anyone else not play games with many other people here? I really only play games with one person regularly.

>ask Steamfriend to play game/say hi
>they ignore me or say "not right now" literally every time

It's even worse on the 3DS because there's no way to really message people and I have no IRL friends.

And a lot of the time I'm too nervous to message someone to play games, I wish someone else would initiate

Other urls found in this thread:

I can keep a friend for like a week before I drive them away with my mood swings, I had one good friend I played games with. but long story he's gone

All my IRL friends became career making moneywhores, or play the absolute indieshit shovelware or Dota.

Nowadays I play with anons from Sup Forums or /vg/ if the game's community is still active here. Otherwise, I just have to play with randoms.

Don't look for people to actually play the games in SFTs. They really are just gay ERP circlejerks. Look for them in the corresponding game threads and generals.

What games do you play? I don't mind mood swings at all honestly.

mostly rainbow six siege

>Don't look for people to actually play the games in SFTs.
Getting treated like this is most common in /r9k/'s SFTs which are laughably bad. I've met my single friend I routinely play vidya with on Sup Forums's SFTs.
>They really are just gay ERP circlejerks. Look for them in the corresponding game threads and generals.
I find that the generals have issues too, major ones but different ones. One of the ones for a game I want to play is full of shitposting and people attacking you, and people who ignore requests for a game. One is filled with people who don't even play the games. And the other is full of people who will say "nah not right now" and then enter a match with someone else.

Sorry, not big on FPS. Anything else?

Ever since I've gotten a job I've been too tired and stressed to deal with people online. Need a couple of shots to work up the nerve.

Not everyone has time, not everyone wants to play the game you want to play at that exact moment. Tabletop sim is fun, but sometimes I want some action instead of sitting there explaining rules to a guy that spent more time playing tabletop games than me.

You're not who I'm referring to. If you legit are too tired to deal with people that's different from saying "I don't really want to right now" literally every time a particular person asks you.

I dont even have any friends.
Everyone i meet online is a flake and nothing i do will help me make friends.

not much, what games do you play?

I have zero friends on steam just like I have zero friends in real life. Feels numb, man.

fightan and Senran, and I'm bad at the former

My IRL friends don't play games.
and i don't really have many internet friends that i talk to, and the ones i do are either busy with their studies or life in general, or have different taste in games.
i used to play BF1, R6S and Rocket League with a friend of mine but he prefers to play something else that i don't like, so eh.. i just play with randoms.

play games with me

I play WoW with a group mixed of irl friends + old guildies. We do mythic+ boost runs almost every day, usually initated by one of them. Since it absolutely requires 4 people, we often organize a group.

Other than that I never really play any online games. I like city builders and RPGs, neither of which are usually multiplayer. I'd love to play with a nice awkward user, but I wouldn't have anything to play.


kill yourself off the gene pool, kudasai desu

>Steamfriend thread



no, you know the reasons


oh sorry, I don't have any of those

>be playing halo 3 in 2016-2017
>most people are garbage
>play very well
>guy on other team that played well
>we party up

>VAC Ban

>It's another socially awkward faggot questioneer thread
Never change nu/v/

>Most IRL friends mostly use me for babysitting their kids or asking for money
>Best friend I have is my little sister, but she's a dumb little NEET I support living in my flat that doesn't enjoy playing video games with me because of the skill gap between us
>Any male friends I've brought over have tried to share hobbies with me as a method to advance into a deeper relationship
>Reject them, they gradually lose interest with trying to continue playing with me
>Steam players are autistic and demand mics
>Don't want to because of stories of females completely disrupting or becoming distracting other players
>Reclusive nature drives of Internet buddies off too

Maybe I'm just autistic.

Post your steam profile and i'll add you user.

I think being alone for do long I've lost all desire to want to play with others. At a certain point you stop caring, give in, and just enjoy playing like a hermit.

So many friends lost to the scourge that is Dota. rip

>thinly veiled faggot steamfriend thread

You don't deserve friends.

Link your profile, I don't talk much either but like playing games.

no such thing. I have screenshots from 2009 where people talk about how shit Sup Forums has become and how it's flooded newfags

>anime header
Yeah that's the reason you don't have friends
Stay that way you fucking degenerate

>because of the skill gap between us
Have you tried, you know, co-op games?
Anyway, you should really tell her off for being a neet. She's literally a parasite if she doesn't bring home any money.

It'll be hard to manage an online steam buddy without using mic. Fuck using mic in public, but if you're looking to partner up with someone to play video games with over the internet, a mic is a base requirement to develop a proper friendship.

fuck your little sister, user

you've got 62 friends to play games with

Are you a cute grill? I'll be your friend. I'm gonna threat you like a guy and insult you a lot and I wont tolerate your bullshit either but I can be a very supportive m8.
>tfw no tomoko gf(male)

Exact same thing for me, OP.

It's to the point where I only have one steamfriend.
Pic related.

I wish

Fuck off fag.

how the fuck are you STILL kicking around?

How about you go kill yourself? You will never have friends. Faggot

Yes, but theres a massive difference in quality of the newfags.

We are in the eternal summer, used to be you could tell a quality difference in the board when school was out, now its all the same all the time.

>I'm gonna threat you

>Steam friends are all people I added back when I played TF2 like 6 years ago
>Nobody plays TF2 anymore
>mfw everyone playing total war

>tfw i have a crush on you but I live in America

After seeing you post for what has to be over a year now, I've had such mixed feelings about you, but something tells me our autism would just mesh together so well :(

also you're the most attractive brown person ive ever seen

maybe it's time for you to move on, user

Some of mine Steam friends back from TF2 still play it. And only it.

get on my level

>implying theres a place to move on to

Though I admit, each day makes total seclusion seem like a better choice.

>Hey bro let's kill some noobs.
>Sure bro, let me just bring some beers and I'll join you.
See how simple it is.

I'm playing single player games exclusively since, like, 2008. I even got rid of Steam since I find its client annoying.

That doesn't really matter m8. People come and go, it was always like that. What doesn't change is the board culture (or at least it didn't for Sup Forums). Sup Forums is pretty much the same shit it has always been. It's always the ''worst'' and it's always ''different'' this time, when people point out how shit Sup Forums has become.

Im not like on chan irl, really bad and a bit better in some ways
I found my ex irl bf here

Ultimately none of this matters because you can't change it, but don't deny Sup Forums - or rather the internet, hasn't seen better times.
At a time Sup Forums and Sup Forums produced OC, and not just forced memes. At a time discussion quality was way higher than this.

Pic related is how Sup Forums stands, each year worse than the last, every time you are on Sup Forums it is at its worst.

I've talked to you on steam before. Had to remove for reasons. I honestly have a crush on you desu ngl.

>tfw no stoner bf


OC is meaningless

You are meaningless, nothing else drives anything forward but original content created.
We've become reactionaries to any news made by others.

>started talking to new people about a year ago
>friendship peaked with them about 5 months ago
>feels sort of stale between us now
>mainly because I'm a dead end NEET who does nothing all day
>I'm feeling more and more out of place with each day I look at the chat
>know I'm getting more and more lonely due to the amount of anime I watch
>going to have to cut contact before I get drunk one night and ruin it all anyway because of the disconnection with them

It's all going to return to zero again soon.

Why is Sup Forums the gayest board?

you can always stalk me on tumblr

>tfw no weed growing bf
my fucking ex smoked so much of my weed, at least he paid me back with his mouth

real deep, user

but I wanna be your friend :(

These reactions are not, which is in the end the entire point, Sup Forums refuses to take anything seriously, ever.

Because it's filled with /r9k/-tier faggots who have nothing better to do than complain about how fucking lonely they are instead of going out into games finding real friends. Honestly they're just as bad as facebook fats crying about how they're single. Niggers

clearly you don't belong here, so why are you here?

Have you tried to not be a such creep? Also try changing your weeb avatar to something else.

I just dislike multiplayer games in general. It can be fun locally, but fuck playing online otherwise

Talking about games. What's wrong spaghet

Maybe you don't belong here.

i even deleted shadoz aka my online friend since 7years

i want a bf and no friends atm

I'm not sure how to not be a creep, I've tried not having a weeb avatar. In the end I still have one (1) person to play games with who doesn't ignore me or constantly decline.

are online relationships out of the question lol

Just by seeing your shitposting all the time its plainly obvious you are a terrible person to be around.

>Tfw too socially inept to play team games, so the only games i play in multiplayer are 1v1.
>The only contact i get with other people is the occasional shittalking after a mach.

>Walk into red convention wearing a blue shirt
>"Why aren't you guys wearing blue?"

you need to leave

I only have 2 people on steam, one RL friend that barely plays anything because toaster and my cousin who only plays shooters and shit.

I'm always reticent about adding people I don't know, especially from Sup Forums. I'm not gay, I don't ERP, i don't want to open your links, and I don't really wanna discuss real life problems

I should get into Rocket League, though I'm not very good. Seems like a fun game to play with anons from Sup Forums.

just add me if u really want to write wirh me

but im in a shitty mood since a few days

What a deep analogy, this is a 18+ site though, back to containment discord with all of you.

Still one more than me
>tfw normie friends that only play mobileshit

I don't think you quite understand how outnumbered you are, normalfag

lebbit or facebook are better places for you.

You are the one blogging for friends and boypussy on a video game board, clearly you are the one with normalfag tendencies.

I get along with just about everyone fine and can keep a conversation going, however I find it impossible to make a deeper connection to anyone to get beyond the acquaintance level.
I don't know how people do it, I have 8 "friends" on steam and I don't talk to any of them.

I usually play with a guy I met through a /vg/ thread. We both like FPS games, so I play with him almost daily.
Other than that, I might play the occasional game with the few friends I have IRL.

best thing about these threads is that it weeds out the unstable, cringly people

shout out to my comfy niggas not posting ids

More like just shows us that they are here in solid numbers.

stabilize me

you wish retard

Not even people on this depressing board wants to talk to me.

I'm only good at first impressions, then when they add me up I make my last mistake and never talk to them, I don't wanna bother them or start liking their company.

I've got to know a few nice people on Sup Forums

I'm sure none of them would ever enter one of these threads.

I'm just in a discord with some people from Sup Forums and we play almost every day.

I'm always fascinated by the disfunctionality these threads always manage to harbor.

>Adding random people who post their profile never works out because chances are you wont like each other
>All group chats are private things where you need to be friends with someone already to get in
Where can I find a public group chat for weebs who actually play games?

>plau gamu
not here