Anyone else teared up? is Kamiya our guy?
Anyone else teared up? is Kamiya our guy?
He will be OK
Scalebound wouldn't have been that good anyways
Kamiya has always been our guy.
But he's not gay.
this is his gf/wife. i think he will be ok
Im glad people arnt getting mad at him.
it's not his fault Microsoft is completely incompetent.
Maybe one day scalebound will be reborn under a different name and he'll get to work on it again with more suiting employers
Her face looks like a plastic
>tfw no qt jap trap gf (male)
What happened?
Is it though, because he's always retweeting girls like this
>It makes me want to improve view of life
>Story is a boy and his dragon vs magical motherfuckery.
>Microsoft wanted to force in multiplayer.
Can Microsoft's gaming divison just die?
This is another one of those nip robots, don't be fooled.
I feel bad for Kamiya
What if nip robots are my fetish though
spotted the cuck
he'd block you without hesitation
scalebound got canceled
Few people care now as MS is clearly threw in the towel for Gen 8.
ayyy lmao
>it's not his fault Microsoft is completely incompetent
Platinum literally missed multiple deadlines.
The only person at Platinum who blocked me is JP Kellams
Microsoft withheld payment dumb xbot fuck
Yeah, I did.
Because instead of ignoring this guy who's constantly an asshole and oversees games that might look okay but don't have any substance to them, you faggots are all doubling up on the cocksucking.
Shut up, ignore him, and let the man go back to the lab instead of fawning over his mistakes.
Source? also why should Microsoft or any company keep paying for developer years after it was meant to be released when the company making it kept missing deadlines? the whole thing was a money sink that only ever got okay reactions to it whenever it was shown
what a faggot
>muh kamiya can do no wrong
face it, everything after bayonetta 2 has been mediocre as fuck, platinum lost its touch
>Kamiya is dating a fish
this has been done before ya know.
Refer to Prey 2
>Microsoft withheld payment dumb xbot fuck
Because they were fucking around too much!
Microsoft just stopped paying last month, they had years to deliver.
200 man team developing 9 games at once, fails to make their most ambitious project with the biggest amount of funding.
Who is really in the wrong?
hell be fine
>microsoft middling constantly
>threatening if they don't deliver this they'll pull all funding
>Add Arbitiuary demands and forced gameplay components without changing deadlines
>LOL platnium didn't do their job Microsoft is innocent!
It's not, he just follows her on twitter and is the only person he follows on twitter.
I don't care what you guys say.
I had great time with TMNT. It looks great and runs smoothly.
No. Get help.
>Kamiya is bad now because games he didn't develop haven't been so good
The problem is that:
- There's a documented history of publishers abusing the milestone model to get at developers, for one reason or another - generally forced acquisition, per Zenimax; but not limited.
- Microsoft as a company has a long, long documented history of corporate abuse. To the point that several particular form of abuses are named after them.
Whatever happened in this mess, and I'm not taking side yet, MS is going to have to provide a lot more than claims of good faith before I give them anything more than the benefit of the doubt.
>Anyone else teared up?
No. I don't have e-celeb surrogate friends.
fuck off braindead drone, you're not helping
but scalebound's microsofts' fault and nobody elses
It's gonna be a fun ride finding out who was really the problem in this, like Tim Schafer and Bobby Kotick/Activision
What was so bad about TMNT? It got bad scores but I don't see what's so awful.
To be honest, me neither. But it doesn't have a local co-op like most previous Turtles games and all the special attacks have these unnecessary MMO-esque cool-downs.
It's probably pretty great if you have a friend. A sure 7/10 at least.
Reminder everyone believed in Tim Schafer only to turn out that Bobby Kotick was right all along
jap women wear way too much fucking makeup
like ive never seen this much makeup before , girls just applying that shit in the middle of the street
women in murricka dont even try to look good anymore
>Reminder everyone believed in Tim Schafer only to turn out that Bobby Kotick was right all along
Never take sides, everyone is always only speaks half of the truth
He treats people like shit, couldn't have happened to a better person.
It's not like Tim makes bad games, he's just shit at accounting.
Once again, glad I ignored the "reviews" of TNMT, as an old school fan, this was one of the best turtles game in a while.
>The company just didn't grease enough palms to get the good "reviews".
Yeah, I'd say Schafer was as right in his call of Kotick treating his production of art as he would the production of soap as Kotick was right in calling out Schafer for being late in delivery.
That's his waifu.
>It's not like Tim makes bad games
It wasn't all that bad, but I really wish Platinum TMNT was more of a story focused experience like Revengeance with some co-op.
Rather than a super short co-op focused high score grinding arcade game.
The combat was still good though.
>Platinum literally missed multiple deadlines.
And Phantom Dust was supposed to be a Multiplayer Only game made on a 5 million dollar budget. And then after a week after the contract was signed, Microsoft came in and demanded a 6 hour single player campaign but offered no extra budget or time.
Basically: Fuck Microsoft, and fuck you for defending them.
What is wrong with you fairies?
Microsoft obviously wants big profile exclusives and clearly have spent a lot on the game. Insomniac was able to deliver Sunset Overdrive because they had the man power and dedication. Platinum was busy being a slut and couldn't focus on the biggest thing on their plate.
Which in turn makes him produce shit games.
You're trying to fit in way too hard.
I want to hug Kamiya!
You'll have to do better than that.
>It's been nearly three years
>Actually, that's a burger time, so it's been presizely three years
Time sure goes fast.
M$ should've fucked off at the first one and demanded NOTHING after the contract was originally signed. Eat shit, Microshill.
But what does she even look like without all the makeup? Probably like shit, as most azn girls do.
The biggest reason that I own an XBOXONE was to play Scalebound. That will be the last time I break my rule for a console. Five games that I really want to play now, and five for the future. I own Sunset Overdrive, and thought about Gears, but they decided that everything would be on PC as well. I now have ZERO reason to own this machine. Cuphead is the last game that I want. Hopefully it doesn't get cancelled too.
Does it have Alopex?
>It's been nearly three years
Feels like yesterday, holy shit...
You just jinxed it. Good job.
>M$ should've fucked off at the first one and demanded NOTHING after the contract was originally signed. Eat shit, Microshill.
Fucking this.
Scalebound was most likely an attempt at a hostile takeover. Microsoft wanted Platinum so fans and the japanese had to go Xbox.
>Exactly three years since
>We regret to announce that Cuphead has been cancelled
After it was announced, and kind of following word-of-mouth for the development early on, I was also fearsome that this was Microsoft attempting to nab Platinum completely for themselves. Makes me a little relieved to be honest that it failed, though it would be nice to play whatever they had at least once
>That BurningHunter's posts
found the biggest autist
I honestly expect to hear this soon.
>Microsoft cancels Kamiya's Dream project
>Sony gives Kojima a blank check to make his movies
Sony always wins, baby. Here's a crazy theory. What if it's "canceled" because it's now a Scorpio exclusive. Or maybe it WAS canceled because they wanted it to work for Scorpio and it would take too long to implement.
>and runs smoothly.
i should hope a game that looks like something from gamecube era would run well on your PC user
No. Sorry.
It has Slash though.
>goes to buy xbox one
How can you people defend such anti-consumer practices? Are you really so invested in one of the most corrupt, garbage, anti-consumer companies in the world that you're willing to accept the cancellation of multiple promised games?
You're all sad, depressing people who don't deserve anything good in your lives
You'd be surprised with the current industry.
It was boring. Open levels with nothing to do, completing annoying objectives, fighting is a mess with 4 turtles at once, cooldown abilities are bad idea. So far it's the only Platinum game I didn't finish at all. I think even Korra is better. But again, those two are budget licensed titles so you can't really expect much from them.
no... it couldn't be
It make zero sense to sink this much time and money into a project, just to cancel it at the eleventh hour. I'll never understand this.
my god... I-I think it is...
What am I looking at?
a jojo referernce?
Is that mad thad
Don't worry. It's just Bizarro Kamiya.
Fuck off.
>Anyone else teared up?
No because only losers think business man are your friends
No I'm pretty sure Platinum would've been fine making it Scorpio-exclusive but MS doesn't want scorpio exclusive titles before that alienates 95% of the people who bought xbones. It either works on both and PC or not at all
People have been saying that Microsoft wanted to corned PG into a positions where they would have to be bought out by them. How exactly would microsoft be able to pull it off, with contract changes on a single game?
>not even the best fish
try harder next time
>expect a ton of hate from their fans
>noone cared about scalebound because it was Xbone exclusive and everyone is happy that platinum now stops waisting time on it
everything is good.
>platinum games
>star platinum games
Telling trolls to fuck themselves doesn't count as treating people like shit. I've never seen him attack an innocent person.