Left 4 Dead

Does Sup Forums like Rochelle?

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She was the least interesting/memorable character in L4D2 because of how they wrote her. I think her voicework was fine. Louis was goat.

I hate vans.

Nobody likes Rochelle

She cute. Black girls>white girls

Lol not even black people believe that

wrote her as the "straight man" which is a waste of a black woman character but also a waste of her voice actor, who can do sass pretty well

She's the weakest of the four but still a decent character.

she's supposed to outshadow other characters
they made her "boring" on purpose
her 3D model prototype is hot tho

A retarded inclusion. They already had a token negro character, so adding another, let alone a female, was idiotic.

>token negro character
are you saying that based Coach was token black
you understand nothing
pls kys

Only character i didnt play as. Louis was cool though

Zoey is infinitely better

This, she's the character everyone loves to hate.
>that guy who was super fucking good at the game but spammed her laugh voice line incessantly

Nah, I always preferred to play Coach.

It made sense for there to be two blacks in a game that takes place in the South user.

they made her fairly good looking and even gave her a pink shirt and shes still reduced to NUH UHHH I KNOW U DINT PUKE DAT GREEN SHIT ON ME

>that guy who was super fucking good at the game but spammed her laugh voice line incessantly

literally me

always have to make sure to let out a quick UUUUAAGHH SWEET LINCOLN'S MULLET every time i save a teammate from a smoker


My dawg.

Cheeseburgah apocalypse

Hee hee hee hee

>black people in Louisiana
oh mah gawd, i'm telling the klan

>tfw to intelligent and skilled to play quick play without getting dragged down by shit teammates
how am i supposed to play this game with no friends

Why are the bots so bad compared to l4d1?

>Sup Forums creates 50's Southern Waitress replacement.png
Why do I still come here

Rochelle's alright.


Nothing outright wrong with her, IMO, she's just dwarfed by two-and-a-half vastly superior personalities (the half is Nick, who I like, but wouldn't say is anywhere close to as good as Louis or Coach)


Coach Masterrace

giga nigga supreme

I honestly wasn't a fan of any of the L4D2 characters. They all felt like terrible walking caricatures and Rochelle might have been the worst offender.


Been a while since I played, and I just woke up.

l4d1 bots are op af.

I always picked Ellis.

The game is set in the south, I'm surprised at least 3 characters weren't black. Also also, did you just slag off Coach?

Louis masterrace (shared his first name so had to pick him), Ellis in L4D2


>shared his first name so had to pick him
Same reason why I usually play as Nick

Luis doesn't really do much though, he's just a straight man archetype that has the whole forced meme going for him. At least Rochelle has her whole "never swearing" thing that makes her stick out a bit. People largley shit on Rochelle because she's an average looking woman.

Coach and Bill are true top tier, with Francis and Ellis kinda falling into cartoonish tier.

>get pulled by a smoker
>AI right next to you
>AI does not have a line of sight to the smoker
>AI just stands next to you doing nothing

This shit happens too often yo.

Yup, one of the first things I notice when I played this game is that nobody wanted to play as her.

the laughing spam was ok everything else was shit tier

I fucked up and said 'Louis' instead of 'Ellis'. I was just talking about the L4D2 survivors


1. Bill
2. Coach
3. Nick
4. Francis
5. Zoey
6. Louis
7. Ellis
8. Rochelle

L4D2 has really bland characters

the levels are shit too, outside of hard rain

You didn't like the parish?


Incase sucks dick.

i have a friend that is basically her.

not really, the bridge finale is alright but the rest is very forgettable

he is into futa, a lot, your argument has some validations.

Funny, that's my least favourite part.
Not a futafag but I like his straight stuff.

is she black?

>laugh as rochelle everytime they kill special infected
every time I play game I'm too low for being pro and too good to be noob, I hate it

Used to team kill her in the spawn room every time I played. NO GIRLS ALLOWED!

>you will never play L4D1(2) for the first time

>you can't play it now because the community is more toxic than SR +3500 Overatch.

>fire this upon october for old times sake
>make a group for one of my favorite maps, one four nine.
>slogging my way through on normal mode just to get reused to source shooters again.
> an actual human, but in russian, joins in.
>all he does is pepper me with his pistols.
>its clearly on purpose, hell hes ciclrcle strafing me.
>cant boot him
>even with the shotgun, actually killing him with friendly fire is damn near impossible
>barely down the guy when two more playets join in with the same name
>they all team up on me, kill me, then leave the group

>try again on dead before dawn, up it to hard
>another russian name
>doesnt friendly fire, but as soon as he finds the katana, runs ahead like a maniac and starts shouting kung foo noises into the mic as ge goes and gets himself killed

>another group on no mercy
>the rest of the team stops in the sewers to talk about how shit trump is and circlejerk each other over it
The community is shit

Swap Coach for Bill and I can agree with this.

I recall everyone fighting not to play as her

Maybe if she wasn't black I might find her interesting. I just block out black characters in video games, games would be a lot better if Developers didn't force blacks in them.

Shame L4D1 had a nice community

Versus is what really went to hell, it's a fucking shame too


>yfw the next l4d is a character class game
>yfw each character will have a special perk or trait

Yet it's probably the best co-op game around.

Spending hours grinding a campaign on expert with a tight group is fun as fuck.

Been playing this a lot with my brother again lately. Yesterday we ran into a player who kept rushing to the safe room then using up all the medkits claiming that a burglar went in and stole everything. Then right at the finale, my brother and I were down and he kept cancelling erverytime we were almost up and once the rescue came in, he just left us. Shit was pretty funny and infuriating at the same time.

I wish I didnt read this

>Does Sup Forums like Rochelle?

Play expert realism instead of versus

>get one of those expanded vocailizers
>one of Rochelle's lines to Zoey is "Oh thank God, I thought I was the woman left on the planet" or something like that
>loop it constantly so she keeps saying OH THANK GOD OH THANK GOD OH THANK GOD OH THANK GOD


I'm not sorry. And I still hate Valve for stopping 'vocalize PlayerDeath' spam. Literally ruined the game and stopped playing.

Source or do I need to check rule34hentai?



You never heard of VXL vocalise you fucking doofus?

This is great.

>that guy who would spam 15 minutes of Ellis stories

the only kinda griefing I ever found hilarious

official special infected rankings:

-power gap-

>voice spamming in front of the mic at the Dark Carnival finale
>Using a med kit on people climbing the ladder in The Parish finale saferoom

Game would have been 10x better if rochelle was a fat sassy shaniqua type spoutin mmhmm sass rhetoric while slaying zombies.

Also, anyone up for a round or two right now? Playing with rando's online always leads to bullshit.

Sup Forums hated this game so hard back in the day, what happened? did valve stop making games because of the hate l4d2 got?

Charger is the GOAT.

Nothing more satisfying than charging and instakilling some poor lad out of the map.

IMHO she's better than nick but worse than all of the others

>have a friend who is literally Ellis incarnate
>he picks Nick everytime

Your fucking Ellis Hunter, just accept it

>People largley shit on Rochelle because she's an average looking woman.
She's above average at least but that's not the point, she's a boring character and there's not really anything memorable about her other than being the girl.

>l4d3 has 3 female characters and 1 male character
all 4 are black

It was released the year after l4d1 and for the most part felt like an expansion pack. Not to mention all the added survivor items broke versus.

>high quality cute black girl models for sfm porn


Yoooo nick

Same thing I noticed.


Ye, it's a shithole.

I always play as Rochelle. Her and Ellis have the only worthwhile interactions in the game. The l4d2 crew is so much worse than the original four that it hurts.

I liked her. Felt like the mom of the group. Now, the real question is:
Why was Bill so great?

he's the only ex-military of the whole 8 right?

damn right he should be kicking undead ass

>me and my friends play this every few months
>i'd always pick coach so i can use a voice mod and spam lines
>every time before a crescendo event i'd mix voice lines so he would say "EVERYBODY, GATHER AROUND, LET'S PRAY. COTTON CANDY, THE KING OF FOODS COTTON CANDY THE WISE PHARAOH OF FOODS"
>the other characters would always say a perfectly timed "amen" after hes done "praying"

I like her when she is modded as a half naked slut.

>Vietnam vet
>that banter with Francis
>nice beard
>sacrifices himself to make up for the shit he did prior to that campaign and because he's the oldest

His only real downside is that he didn't kill a single one of those three tanks before going down. also his VA is kind of a cunt

Oh shit boys, its real survivor hours; you know the drill.
>Preferred L4D1 survivor
>Preferred L4D2 survivor
>favorite L4D1 campaign
>favorite L4D2 campaign
>favorite custom campaign(s)
>preferred primary weapon
>preferred secondary weapon
>favorite Special Infected
And just for fun...
>best Midnight Rider
>favorite safe room

The problem was she's not as memorable both in appearance and character. Coach was the oxymoronic fat gym teacher, Ellis was the brash young guy, and Nick was the snide guy in a suit. Rochelle was supposed to be a TV news reporter, but none of that can be seen in her boring t-shirt get-up nor does she have a set of interesting remarks.

Half the fun in L4D was voice modding especially being creative, nobody really got annoyed.

Why the fuck did Valve get rid of it