96 on metacritic for a physics demo.
ITT: Games that haven't aged well
Other urls found in this thread:
ur fav games
>shitting on HL2 for years
>nobody ever agrees with you
I admire your dedication, if anything.
Problem officer?
>physics demo
What's the meaning of that? This game is very lengthy.
Gimmicks involving the new physics engine infest the game. Puzzles involving putting floating barrels under a thing to create a ramp and using the Gravity Gun to move balls only slow the game down, but blew everyone's mind in 2004. A stark contrast to Half-Life 1, which went for a full on visceral FPS experience.
>A stark contrast to Half-Life 1, which went for a full on visceral FPS experience
That's not true at all. Half-Life has always been heavy focused on puzzles and platforming sections. Just remember that section where you lose all your guns in a factory in HL1. Not all FPS play like doom clones.
Less gimmicky.
>which went for a full on visceral FPS experience.
There are so many platforming bits and maze like parts with almost no enemies it's like you're talking out of your ass. It also had puzzles, not physic based, but still "go pull a switch, now go back to pull another switch, then backtrack again to proceed trough the now unlocked path" bullshit.
Refer to Idiot.
considering how useful and how satisfying it still is to use the gravity gun in combat, I say it's not a gimmick. Removing it from HL2 would only make the game worse.
the game was amazing at the time but now its pretty generic game and fairly bad fps
Enjoy the floating barrels and the monotonous vehicle segments too?
Vehicle segments sucking is complete bullshit and I don't understand why it's constantly mentioned. You get to run over combine troops on a speedboat, fuck yeah! You get to fight a dropship on a buggy, awesome! I really did enjoy those segments, not only are they not boring to me, they also created the illusion of a huge world.
There are like two puzzles with floating barrels, they take up 1 minute each to solve.
>You get to run over combine troops on a speedboat, fuck yeah!
Spot the underage retard.
>didnt age well
more like spot the cynical loser
>Half-Life 2 is a generic shit FPS filled with gimmicks like physics puzzles
Maybe I'm a fucking madman, but I completely disagree with this meme. It's a fantastically well paced shooter with constant moment-to-moment gameplay variety and excellent presentation that still holds up to this day thanks to the stellar art direction.
Half-Life 1 stacks up as a fun game even after all these years.
Half-Life 2 does not.
While I acknowledge how much this game did to the gaming industry, I simply don't understand how anyone can praise it from gameplay perspective. It's slow, the levels are bland and the enemies are cannon fodder.
no FPS since has topped HL2, so you are saying all FPS suck
When people say:
>That didn't age well.
What they really mean is:
>I didn't age well.
Whatever it is, it's the same it always was. The only thing that changed was you, you joyless bag of misery and ass.
You understand. Thank you, another person who talks sense on this fucking board.
>It's a fantastically well paced shooter with constant moment-to-moment gameplay variety and excellent presentation that still holds up to this day thanks to the stellar art direction.
you sound like a 16 year old trying to write a review for IGN
Anyone still surprised how playable HL1 and 2 after years? They're still damn good
Black Mesa is also for being its own thing but it can't replace HL1
Half life 1 was worse. It had broken, shitty platforming.
Well I'm sorry if I used a few too many buzzwords
What's wrong with that? Refute it
The atmosphere in HL2 is just too damn good. The sound, music and art design all make it very immersive.
I disagree, user. I think games can be compared to ones that are newer, and this one isn't as great as when it came out. There are better games out there, and there are worse ones.
>It had broken, shitty platforming.
What's broken about it?
Never understood the problems people have with HL's movement, ladders or jumping. It's simple stuff.
I think what he meant was that HL has Xen
they do not remember user
I don't know, man. I tried to play the first one again, and I really tried, and thought it was awful. I played it as a kid and thought it was ok, but when I came back my mind was completely changed. 2 is alright.
>I think games can be compared to ones that are newer
Name a new game in the same genre that is significantly better. Bonus point if you can explain why being newer has anything to do with it being better.
Games aren't iPhones bro, they don't improve in some linear way.
going down ladders is bullshit, no it's not hard, but everyone will die several times before they get the hang of it (unless they got practice in other games with similar ladder mechancis).
Platforming segments in an FPS are also cancer because YOU DON'T SEE YOUR FEET!
The movement is a little too indirect for the types of platforming in HL1, and jumps are too short. idk, maybe i just suck, but I never had that problem with 2.
>inb4 jump crouch
yeah i know about it
>going down ladders is bullshit
All you have to do is press E
It's okay user, I still enjoyed it
Although, after years it became more apparent that these games aren't perfect. Some of segments dragged way too long and HL1 got some really frustrating moments
But you can't see your feet IRL
I feel like a dumbass, but.. wait... you can stick to the ladders with the use key in HL1? I'm pretty sure you can't but not 100% sure now.
Anyone who thinks Half-Life 2 was a good game was not alive when Half-Life 1 came out.
Well source is old and shows its cracks now, but back then it was quite the spectacle.
>Platforming segments in an FPS are also cancer because YOU DON'T SEE YOUR FEET!
So? My sense of position is fine without seeing my feet and the controls and camera allow more accuracy for your movement. Just look at high level Quake players.
Not only HL2 is a great game.
It is great Half-Life game in every aspect.
I think that some good parts of the game feel too much "arena-y", ie, you walk in with no enemies around to a large close restreined area, fight a large wave, then proceed.
HL1 was much more natural, with a few enemies ever corridor, no large "arenas"
But overall it is a great game, i really like the boat section (not so much the car one). Also not a fan of the antlion section either. Raiding Nova Prospect is the best part in the game.
I disagree completely.
>Just look at high level Quake players.
true, those types of FPS have loads of precise jumping requirements in order to be good, but I still hate first person platforming.
This feet bullshit again? Go away yahtzee. If you don't have half a brain to calculate your trajectory in the game world and where your jump will take you then you deserve to fall down the damn pits.
>Games aren't iPhones bro, they don't improve in some linear way.
I agree with this. And naming an FPS action game that I think is better off my head: Metro 2033, or Doom.(these are in terms of gameplay that I enjoy more, and not story) I think both games have their merits and good things about them, but people have treated HL2 like GOAT for too long now. I think it's ok for a game to just be ok, is that a sin?
>graphics still look great
>sound design is still top tier
>gunplay is still satisfying
>story is great
The physics puzzles are and always were shit. But overall it holds up great.
After being in this thread , I really have to play these again.
I was, Half-Life 2 rocked my socks off even harder
HL1 had a much stronger modding community though, nothing will ever beat svencoop
>>sound design is still top tier
almost, some of the gun sounds are way too weak. Pistol and SMG specifically. Other than that, no complaints.
I love HL2, I love it to death, but it's far f rom a perfect game. Check this shit out, yo
>gunpay is still satisfying
You can't aim. I mean you have the reticle but i'd rather aim that have the useless alternate fire. Maybe i'm just bad at it, i don't know.
>everything is great
>i'm not smart enough to understand why, but i'm sure if i keep calling things great, it'll pass as a thoughtful critique
Hello dumbshit.
What are you talking about?
All levels with marines with them are basically arenas.
Absolute retardation. Take this shit back to your blog.
>no argument
>a-absolute retardation! that'll show him!
That's one way of admitting you're an idiot.
The facial animations and textures look more realistic than most games today. It doesn't overuse prebaked lighting and it has a lot of angular geometry and textures that scale well to higher resolutions. Also no SSAO, lens flare, or other effects to tarnish it.
The voice acting is great, the soundtrack is great, explosions cause ringing in your ears and dull other sounds, using health, armor, and pretty much everything else makes all kinds of satisfying beeps and hums.
The guns are all deadly and none feel obsolete or weak and all have their own strengths and weaknesses. With the basic pistol being the only exception. Lot's of weapons have special properties, like leading the rocket, crossbow impaling enemies, the combine assault rifle's energy blast thing, and of course the gravity gun.
refuting it just makes you sound stupid. play it again, and you'll see what he's talking about.
>Respond to post filled with opinion
>state that one's opinion is the antithesis of the one that I express via non-direct but wholly obvious phrasing unless the recipient was an ESL fucktard
>HURRR epic 'no u' comback
>Respond to post filled with opinion
Lol idiot
>having fun means being underrage
i'm not that guy, but
i think you may have actually changed my mind about HL2. That reminded me of all the good things about the game.
It really did have a lot of physics shit, which iirc was explained by Freeman being a physics major?
>The voice acting is great, the soundtrack is great
There you go again.
>The guns are all deadly and none feel obsolete or weak
and now you're just blatantly incorrect.
Ocarina of Time aged worse than Hl2
It never deserved a 99 on metacritic to begin with
Still a great game, though
>There you go again.
I don't honestly know how to analyze either in more detail. Perhaps you'd like to tell me why I'm wrong? They both sound great to me.
>and now you're just blatantly incorrect.
Perhaps you'd like to explain why?
HL2 was fucking overrated. It was inferior to HL1 in almost every way. It was just a fancy tech demo for Source and STEAM.
Not him, but HL2 has weak sound effects for guns, that alone makes it feels weak. Shotgun and smg suffer from this. Smg also felt obsolete after getting an AR if only not because the plentiful ammo and grenade launcher.
AR is pretty much the most satisfying gun to shoot. It sounds decent and it really pack a punch.
>not obsolete
Rubbish. It was complete garbage.
The weapons overall were a huge downgrade from HL1.
>The voice acting is great
While I do agree, the fact that they only had 2 VAs for all of the citizens/rebels and the fact that there's only one or two characters who don't sound american (despite the game taking place in eastern europe) is kind of lousy
here's your (you)
Now go ask pete to end you
>I interpret the game as X
>Not an opinion
Wew laddo boyo bucko kiddo.
Here's a better 2004 first person game.
Replayed this game last week, it's still awesome
fuck off
>Universally regarded as one of the greatest games in history
>"it's bad"
Do you feel like a snowflake now? Do you feel special?
s-show us your cool face
The game is regarded as great because the hype surrounding it was massive due to it riding the coat tails of the first game. Not OP, but I don't even think it was all that great by 2004 standards. But because it is half life 2, it's seen through fanboy nostalgia goggles.
People that don't understand why this game is (still) good are the cancer of vidya and Sup Forums and should fucking off themselves
Also the fucking physics puzzles meme should die, none of them are remotely hard or puzzling. It's all "hey this ramp isn't high enough, hey I see floating barrels", put the barrels under the ramp and off you go. They are just quick and easy yet satisfying ways to set the pacing.
The worst part of the game is the last part after you get the upgraded gravity gun 'cause it's all action like any generic shooter.
>They are just quick and easy yet satisfying ways to set the pacing.
For the most part, the ones in Water Hazard feel like annoying pit stops that get in the way of the driving. The buggy and EP2 car segments feel much better since big chunks of the maps are optional and you have much more agency.
Isn't there an explanation why most of them sounds like Americans? It think because they're and City 17 is just one of the place to round people up
That's why Father Gregori sounds like yurop because I assume he's native
It's a shame the gunplay has always been completely mediocre. It always kept me from being truly involved in the experience. Aesthetically, it holds up even to this day. But, mechanically it's always bugged me.
I agree that some of it is overdone especially in that part. The game was made in a time where long drawn out parts were much more acceptable in vidya though.
I hate how it's impossible to maintain 100% shield and health even when playing perfectly because enemies don't flinch when you shoot them and it usually takes some time to kill them so they will shoot back at you no matter what.
>Isn't there an explanation why most of them sounds like Americans?
Because Valve was lazy and skimped on the voice acting for the minor characters
People have been rounded up and herded around into the cities like cattle by the combine from all over the world, you'd think that there'd be a really large variety of ethnicities and accents on top of the native eastern europeans, but nope, besides one slav and one brit they're all murrican
At least they have some kind of plausible explanation for their limitation
Maybe the game is supposed to be in another language - an Eastern European language, for example - but "understood" as English, so American English is used as the "neutral" accent?
Almost all of the key people are americans who worked at Black Mesa, so I doubt it