Name one game that got universal praise in this place you cant

Name one game that got universal praise in this place you cant


age of empires
half life
jackie chan



mount and blade

half life sux lmao

Deus Ex?

Jet Set Radio

Tomb of 1000 Snakes

God Hand

Jet Set Radio blows, Future on the other hand makes my balls swell with excitement.


Age of Empires 2, probably. And probably the first Doom game, people shit in everything but they never came saying about actual game problems, only "I LIKE X BEST" or "CARMACK IS GAY"

Baldur's Gate 2
Icewind Dale 2
Fallout 1 & 2
HOMM 2&3
Diablo 2
Red Alert 2 &other old scoohl C&C


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

here's the problem
I'm willing to bet that's a great game
but really now, what's the percentage of Sup Forums that's played it?
when you've got a small group than you've got lower chance of shitters being part of the group

I seriously never saw anyone on Sup Forums who disliked God Hand

Dragon's Dogma

This is fact

does anyone not like swat 4?

spec ops the line

I heard one person complain about the first twist, but fuck that guy this game is a legit 10/10.

katawa shoujo



a game like that does not exis-

Every truly good game isn't hugely popular.
Mass appeal always means blandness and mediocrity

This is the mindset of a deluded man.

Majora's Mask

I'm guessing I "can't" because you're going to take "universal" far too literally and if one autist shrieked about how the game removed the spergy garbage he loved about the game and now he can't play anything but Football Manager 2013 anymore because he shattered his disc of the game everyone else loves and threw the shards at his mom REEEEEE you're going to count it as not "universal"

But MGS3 got wholly well received here, and continues to be viewed favorably. I could name more, but I'm not going to bother. You only asked for one.

I bet you like Blizzard games

Skies of Arcadia
Seriously, I've never heard anybody here say they hate it. It sometimes loses a couple of points for being a little too cliche but everybody who's played it admits it's really good

Zoo Tycoon

Remind me why Metroid Prime can't achieve perfection?

>Space Jump Boots backtracking
>Fetching the artifacts right before the end
>Easily missable scan log entries
Otherwise it's perfect


Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
Any Advance Wars game
Golden Sun 2



Kek, dogshit taste


MGS3 was the worst of the first 4 MGS games, prove me wrong

Being cliche ironically made it cool, because it took so many cliches and put them together and made it work

>get a load of this meme

Not a meme, it's aged like fish. Story is trash too

Not an argument.

not really no

? ?


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.

the first zelda. I don't know a single person who can bash this game while being honest.

It seriously is an amazing open world.

Ace Combat

I disliked God Hand.

It may have been how it was presented to me: as if it played like Devil May Cry or God of War. I guess I could see some similarities but... No.

In addition by the time i played it the ps3 was out, and God Hand is ugly by ps2 standards. I didn't find much to love about the combo system, i found the fights frustrating, and honestly i didn't have time for its shit (and i have time for Dark Souls' shit).

One guy's dislike does not a refutation make but whatever. If you like it great for you, it's not my cup of iced tea.

What a turd

like the other guy said, hl1 is shit. I played up untill the blue demon guy before i realized that I was still waiting on it to get fun.

Mgs4 exists

Checkmate atheists

GoldenEye came out a year earlier and was far superior. Why you ask? It wasn't linear as shit, some levels felt open world for the day, had a better story, had fun multiplayer, and had a real soundtrack. HL1 was outdated before it came out

No contest.

this. Literally noone hates that game


Worms Armageddon
Metal Slug 3

>worms armageddon
Mah nigga

Mount & Blade is ass

did you mean Mount & Blade: Warband?


Bannerlord is best. Prove me wrong

Both are right.
I'd add Warcraft III and soon Bannerlord.

Warband is the best that has been released



World Party is superior but everyone only remembers Armageddon

Winner. Ghost Trick was great. The ONLY compliant I can have with it is that the twist is a bit obvious.

What was world party on anyway besides Dreamcast?

Hating games is the hot meme of Sup Forums.



I had it.

Bullshit. Mount and blade warband is just a meme.

The game is shit so naturally v pretends to love it.

with you like the rest of the Russian shitposters

Besides you should love it, it's all about murdering brown desert people and subjugating Nords and independent Slavs