AGDQ 2017
Current: Secrets of Grindea
Next: VA-11 HALL-A
After: R A B I R I B I
then shadbase
AGDQ 2017
Current: Secrets of Grindea
Next: VA-11 HALL-A
After: R A B I R I B I
then shadbase
Other urls found in this thread:
>They're speedrunning Undertale for the finale
That should be fun.
Which Rabi would you Ribi?
That's the next game you queer
>Undertale speed run
>All the obnoxious Tumblr memes that they will say
I don't know if I can physically watch it
What the hell, thats like speedrunning Pheonix Wright. Whats the point?
Also, Blitz Breaker is on right now OP.
>Next: VA-11 HALL-A
How would you even speedrun this game? It's a fucking visual novel.
This game looks kinda boring. The (((runner))) seems ok though. Only 25 minutes left thankfully.
Stop shilling this kuso game
Every thread
Rabi-Ribi is mediocre as fuck
kys newfag
Your OP is shit and you should feel bad
What the fuck is this save the animals/kill the animals shit that was also at SGDQ? What game is it for?
mods are fags
will he break his own world record?
Show the unzoomed version
implying im actually watching the fucking marathon lol
When is the Dota 2 speedrun?
>calling others newfags
not even going to give your animeposting ass the satisfaction of a (You)
Mix all the drinks that get the shortest response while still making enough money to beat the game?
I dunno man it seems more like it's a puzzle game run efficiently rather than a speedrun.
Hey Sup Forums you mind watching my chair real quick? I need to go use the bathroom.
>only 3 ppl run this game
You don't fucking say
Wow. So we're really going to have to spoonfeed you?
It's Super Metroid.
Nice too see AGDQ trying to exclude female gamers from their event.
I'm surprise there are more than 1 runner.
fuck you can see him get ready when he notices she is about about to leave.
Everything is normal until she reaches down then he instantly grabs his drink bottle out of the blue.
I think I remember someone submitting a run of the tutorial. It was rejected on the grounds that it would draw in the "toxic" dota community.
The goal of speedrunners is to find the most obscure fucking game in the world you can stomach, and then speedrun it. That way, you can say you're the best in the world at at least something.
He did this as a joke, right? He knew everyone would see, right?
>Boring flash game runs
Up the commentary please
>all these literally who games
It's actually a legit thing.
Why would you go on the internet to tell lies, OP?
>Any% (No Catwoman)
>No Catwoman
What did they mean by this?
So this is another "games run normally at a decent pace" is it?
Is Rabi-Ribi actually worth playing?
mine now
Hard to commentate things when the game only has three mechanics total and we can clearly see everything that's going on without anyone needing to explain it.
It's actually Catman
People go out of their way to speedrun these obscure "nobody plays these" video games so they can easily claim a WR. That's all it's about.
i legit thought secrets of grindea was on lol sorry. i really like that game so im excited that it's getting exposure
No it's shit
>falling for the bait
Did you even look at the schedule?
This game is fucking easy.
they meant no catwoman
I'm sorry you had to take 10 seconds out of your life to answer a question for me.
>Main character moves by shooting rainbows from his anus
There's no Rabi Ribi in the schedule
Yes, it's one of the best games I've played last year. Good difficulty, great exploration, tons of min-maxing you can do and even if the animu bullshit isn't your thing you can skip all that shit and not give a fuck.
you tell me
Do it in your room and post a picture afterwards.
>Speedrunning an open world Batman game
For what purpose? Isn't the primary campaign like 4-5 hours long?
These short, low fluff, high mechanics indie games are ideal speedgames. Just like meatboy.
It's on after this
Why do we even keep using this fucks threads if he keeps putting up false information and giving the thread a badly representative image?
Its a great game with a terrible indie pixelshit artstyle. Probably my GOTY regardless. Wish more games had it's amount of nonlinearity, makes it real fun to replay.
It's great.
>or she
>he or she
As with all open world games, it's 90% flying out of bounds and glitching into loading zones.
>fuck google i'll just make someone else tell me
Because OP opens the thread early so every other thread will be the "late/wrong" one. He might as well start an ordinary thread
He checks to make sure she didn't turn around. He has a bag or something under the seat that he carefully placed while she was sitting there.
That's his out should he need it. But we all know he took a big whiff of her lingering butt smell.
What a guy.
Remember when they ran 2hu at GDQ?
I could be sleeping right now. Why did i wake up early
>badly representative image
whats with the huge influx of redditors today?
>nigger who can't afford a stock image for his shitposts that he seems so proud of
It's a little embarrassing.
Didn't they run Koumajou Densetsu 2 at ESA? These events blur in my head over time.
GiygasBlues deep in concentration during his run of Blitz Breaker.
2hu? You mean the sexdolls? BANNED
Is rabi ribi actually good or just a meme game?
because the threads on /r/speedrun are shit, and for the most, non-existent
OP might be a faggot but that guy went full retard.
literally shaking rn
>Paying for stock images.
>get BTFO
>resort to crying about stock photos
LMAO teenbro on suicide watch
>Got into it during release
>Played for about 2-3 hours
>Afraid to get back into it cause I'll be completely lost
stop trying to force your Rabi Ribi meme game fagtron
>I posted incorrect information that nobody would have reason to doubt because it would be stupid to lie about it
>Lies anyway
He's a fucking hero
Honestly this is what makes me laugh really fucking hard. The over-the-top reaction.
Dude what the fuck, you could have just came to the bathroom with me to take a shit with me man.
I'm not OP numbnuts.
I want to offer Cocoa money for sex and then run off before paying!
>incorrect information that nobody would have reason to doubt
>then shadbase
Show yourself on stream
not him but you're embarrassing yourself
o this will do nicely
>nobody would have reason to doubt
other than the guy has been posting it every thread for the past 3 days or so? you're not a redditor fresh off the boat are you...?