Project Diva Future Tone released yesterday and is the ultimate Miku experience.
Have you gotten your hands on it yet? Are you enjoying it? Any perfects yet?
Project Diva Future Tone released yesterday and is the ultimate Miku experience.
Have you gotten your hands on it yet? Are you enjoying it? Any perfects yet?
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Played the demo and it reminded me how fun the games are, but also that I've kinda gotten the most out of PDf 1 and 2 already. So I'm tempted to get one of the upgrades.
Feels weird as fuck playing it on my TV instead of on the Vita screen though.
This is the sixth consecutive thread for a game that came out on console 6 months ago. This is now a general.
Game came out yesterday in the west.
Is there any reason I should buy Diva X now?
I guess people can't talk about Persona 5 when that comes out too huh?
You are now a flaming faggot
The game has been discussed to death in these threads over the last 6 months.
And you're making a general outside of /vg/.
can someone explain to me the different packs?
I get that Future Sound and Colorful Tone each have half the songs in them, but what is the $13 "Unlock Key"?
Also is it true you can't customize the hair unless you buy Colorful Tone?
Different tracklists.
Probably gives you all the customization options without having to unlock them ingame.
Unlock key just unlocks all the modules in the game that you usually buy with points earned by playing the game. It's a timesaver, nothing else. It doesn't add any extra content.
Stuff isn't that expensive anyway, you won't have to grind unless you want absolutely everything.
You need to own both packs concurrently to be able to customise hairstyles.
oh okay, yeah I wasn't sure if it was actual content or if it was basically paying for a cheat code.
Different tracklists. You can check them here.
The key unlocks all modules without having to grind for Diva Points.
Didn't the Japanese Future Tone get some DLC? Is that already included in the western release ala the western release of F?
Reminder that we will get the three DLCs starting next month. The season pass is $24.99.
>Didn't the Japanese Future Tone get some DLC
Yes. Not out yet in the west, season pass is priced at $25 though and will have 12 songs.
This seems to be accurate.
>Future Sound has Black Rock Shooter
Fuck that's tempting.
I still have £60 in PSN dosh sitting around doing fuck all too.
The bundle is cheaper, it's still 127 songs if you only get one.
I'm poor
Did you know humans can survive up to three weeks without food?
>NegaPosi*Continues is kicking my ass
Piece of shit song
Did you know they can survive 3 hours without shelter?
Are you the user who was living on rice crackers to fund a vita?
But how long can you survive without Migu?
3 minutes.
0 days. I plan to kill myself when people stop uploading songs on Nico Nico or YouTube.
>the double press button are 2 different buttons because the arcade only had 4 buttons
>pressing 3 buttons at once
>not all songs got the bonus scene treatment
disappointed but whats to expect when they throw 200 songs into a game and call it a day
I'm looking for something which would make a good desktop wallpaper.
A closeup of Mikudayo is always a good idea.
what did she mean by this?
Friends with benefits.
>it's a rin is being a suicidal cunt episode
when will she have any follow through?
something about cuckolding I think
>The battle of the Kagamine
>Fire Flower
Why can't I hold all this incest?
Which Vocaloid dies the most in songs?
If I buy this, do I have to play every fucking song on normal/hard in order to unlock the real difficulty?
Are there options for english subtitles, romanji subtitles, japanese, etc?
You have to beat hard. Romanji subtitles only.
Hard in FT is harder than in any other Project DIVA. Keep that in mind.
it boggles the mind how often miku's devs listen to fans' issues but only fix half the problem
>Bought jp version on release
>Buy US version anyways
>decide to play through all songs in one day
>18 long hours later
It took forever, but I cleared all 224 songs. Now I can rest knowing that extreme is unlocked for everything.
Also going a bug in pic. Despite clearing the song, the game did not unlock extreme (but gave the trophy and has the hispeed marker).
Luka is pure
delet this
Let's see...
Miku dies in:
The disappearance of Hatsune Miku, Hello Planet, ACUTE, Akatsuki Arrival, Knife...
I can only remember Rin to die in Kokoro. Kaito dies in one song too. I don't remember the others.
How can robuts die?
>$84 dollarydoos
What did I do to deserve this, Sega?
I can think of a few possibilities: short circuits, exploding batteries, corrosion, memory corruption, too much semen in their internal circuits...
Do the people die in World's End Umbrella?
>Blaming Sega even though you elected Weedman
What's with all the ghosting? Is it to stop people taking screenshots?
Take screenshots with triangle.
pause the video before you do a capture
It's motion blur.
So all the Overwatch threads are fine (often 5+ up at a time), but having one Miku thread, usually in the entire day, is not allowed?
Neck yourself. Not everyone wants to go to /vg/ to discuss games.
Don't respond to meta shitposters.
>4k screenshot
has this game already got a Pro patch?
The Pro upscales to 4K by default
Disc release never
i've now discovered that i can put black hair on miku with a costume that shows her midriff.
black rock shooter just got at least 50% better now.
Too much content
it's to prevent being labeled a weeb when going to gamestop
You didn't actually think it was rendering games at 4k did you?
>disc releases
really nigger?
you realize you're just going to have to install the same amount to your HDD regardless right?
Enjoy your WHIIIIRRRRRRR that's literally only there for copy protection.
It is much better than expected. It's not your regular upscale, and it's particularly good with Miku games.
>not wanting physical media
I bet you read e-books too
no, I'm saying eww in that it upscales everything to 4k by default, even if it's only 1080p.
It basically just inflated his screenshot for no reason.
physical PS4 games are just digital games you need the disc in to play, they install to your harddrive.
Its kind of like how if you buy a physical PC game you just get a steam code, only you still need to keep the disc in all the time.
>complain about it not being physical
>probably uses mp3s
>Replacing Rin with Miku disguised as Rin
Why would you leave out the best grill?
Because Rin a bin
too busy having semen being put in her
Because Rin died. She couldn't handle her kokoro.
Character Motion Blur and I think the characters run at 30fps while everything is 60fps, don't quote me on that through.
What is your favorite song in Future Tone and why?
I don't see anything different
This, the only reason to get physical games is just buying them cheaper used
But buying physical at retail price is retarded. You still need to install the game to your HDD, but still have to use the disk to play it anyway which is dumb as hell.
Has anyone here ever played on an actual Diva Arcade Machine?
Holy shit, 224 songs? How much does it cost?
The last Project Diva's song lineup was lackluster and I ended up skipping it, but 224 has to have some good stuff.
Thanks user.
Here's hoping it gets an actual Pro patch.
55 bucks
The good thing is, Future Tone is a good candidate to be one of the fews, if any, to be native 4K. The Pro can't do most games at 4K but FT is not that graphics intensive.
Yeah, I grabbed it even though I sucked real bad at project diva f.
Still suck here, but I'm having fun.
Look at the hag trying to be cute.
I wish more games had hair physics like this.
Not a bug. Playing songs with challenge items on doesn't counts as a separate completion and won't overwrite high scores.
The physics overall are pretty good. Sometimes they seem to spaz out though.
Second songpack.
Who hyped here? I sure am.
Is she finally proposing?
>A new beginning for Hatsune Miku
Marriage counts as a new beginning, right?
Never again.
I wonder what they'll come up with
>tfw no Meiko vocals on Snow White Princess
Thats like the only Meiko song I like it