Selling rune scimmy 40k

selling rune scimmy 40k

Selling firesword 10k. Buy it with desert quest money.

*logs on*

selling dhammer 2k. you send first

Fishing levels?

Come with me this way, there's a guy giving money away cos hes quitting.
>ice barrage

Free trimming

>those noobs who never reply because they're ashamed



>that group of people that trained at hill giants even though they only manage to get a kill once every 5 minutes since its always overcrowded as fuck

what is this shit
this isnt runescape

>wait for others to reply because I'd be embarrassed if mine was the lowest
>it is the lowest
>guy who asked actually notices and ask me specifically
>log off
life is hell


Selling rune scimmy 35k

This always gave me cancer, it's why I waited till the dead of night to kill giants on the weekends.

>selling boots of haste meet in plains of chaos

>that guy who called the scimi a "skimmy"

>Used to play a ton, many many skills at 99 through pure autism and membership
>Get on for some comfy lobster fishing to kill time
>"fishing lvls?"
>"41", "63", "52"
>mfw 99 but don't want to give away my autism

>that kid that actually used a runescape themed mouse cursor

How did you make your toon look? I always went for the vanilla brown beard guy.



dreads erryday nigga

>he didn't use the superior rainbow tail cursor

duping (You)s

drop one on the floor and press alt+f4

free armor trimming

The cut that looks similar to Dante's hair.
