I've been a PC vidya player for about 20 years and the last console I owned was a PS2...

I've been a PC vidya player for about 20 years and the last console I owned was a PS2. I just bought a PlayStation 4 and have played the first three Uncharted games. These might be some of the best games I have ever played.

Are they really this good or am I just jaded from all the shitty FPS and MMOs I've been playing?

Is there anything else like this that I can play for PlayStation?

Last of Us is Pretty good

The first is a solid action/adventure game, 2 is one of the best of the genre, 3 is decent at best, and 4 is only slightly behind the second.

i actively hate the 4th one.
they improved the combat so much that it is really fun to play, but all you do i fucking climb and watch cutscenes.
waaaay too much climbing, maybe 20% of that game are combat encounters.
seriously, fuck that game.
if Uncharted blew your mind then Last of Us will probably kill you.

those Naughty Dog games are on a completely different level when it comes to graphics and animations. in those aspect, they are waaaay ahead.
sadly the gameplay is often meh, but Last of Us has pretty good gameplay.

Yeah I like Uncharted too, but it took some motivation getting through the first one, thats the worst one

The first one definitely felt dated. Random NPC encounters in areas where they shouldn't be just for the sake of a gun fight. The story was enjoyable. 3 was fun and I'm about an hour into 4.

The 4th has been fun so far but I can understand your frustration. After marathoning these games this week, I'd love for just a stairwell to walk up for once.

I'll try Last of Us next, thanks friendos.

Are any of the Tomb Raiders worth playing? I like the (fake) historical aspect of these Uncharted games. Also, legit treasure hunting has always been an interest for me.

>liking the first Uncharted
How. It's fucking boring.

I'm the opposite. Combat has always been the worst part of Uncharted games for me. The gunplay is so weightless that it doesn't feel very satisfying.

>playing TLoU on survivor
>mfw Hotel Basement level

Agreed. A product of its time, though.

The story was good but yes.

A lot of action adventure games were exactly like that. You think that one sucks, try one of the original Tomb Raiders.

1 and 2 are the only decent ones. 4 isn't even uncharted so you cant count that garbage.

>PC vidya player for about 20 years
>Are they really this good or am I just jaded from all the shitty FPS and MMOs I've been playing?

You are seriously a shitter, that's all there is to it. If you haven't played games for pc other than shitty fps and mmos then no fucking wonder you find uncharted really good. Is this your first time in these 20 years that you tried to look for other games? You are pathetic really.

>all these shit fps and mmos suck, yet I will still play them for 20 years
>finally tries something new

This is how retarded you sound.

>You think that one sucks, try one of the original Tomb Raiders.
Nice try memelennial. Any of the original Tomb Raiders blow uncharted out of the water.

somebody sounds mad.

>These might be some of the best games I have ever played

You just sorely need to branch out.

I particularly find tlou worse than uncharted. Something about it feel so damn generic.

Mp3 still the best TPS i played.

Uncharted is fucking trash

>4 isn't even uncharted
How isn't it uncharted? Seemed pretty typical of the series to me outside of having too much climbing.

Max Payne 3 had fantastic shooting, but the levels were fucking tiny and there was constant, unskippable cutscenes that kept on getting in the way of shooting hues

Do you understand what hyperbole is?

I haven't literally only played MMO and FPS, user.

>Literal games of the year
>Sup Forums being contrarian

Didn't see this coming.

What are some of YOUR favorite games, anons?

Like I said, I have a fondness for treasure hunting games. Growing up watching Indiana Jones and playing Pitfall and Tomb Raider

Shit, I even like crappy movies like National Treasure and Fools Gold, as much as I hate to admit it.

>What are some of YOUR favorite games, anons?

All of them can be played on the PC and all are fucking leagues ahead of Uncharted. Uncharted fucking ruined a whole generation of video games with its cinematic bullshit.

Uncharted games are actually pretty okay for what they are. I feel like they emulate Indiana Jones feeling pretty well.

You should give a try to the Last of Us if you enjoyed Uncharted. Might want to check out Rise of the Tomb Raider too.

>posting meme game list

>le meme game meme

Sounds like you just have shitty taste in vidya

ahh so you clearly haven't played on a console in the last 10 years, i see...
you just don't know what you are missing out on, just like OP didn't know until he made the switch to console.

I pointed out they're all available on PC because the OP has one you dumb fuck. I own consoles too.

It's not my fault for you having such a generic Sup Forums taste

>Stop liking what I don't like

I can ramble off a list of Sup Forums approved games that I enjoyed also but I don't want to play those I want to play more action adventure cinematic fun right now :^)

Sounds like you just have shitty taste in vidya

What the fuck makes Uncharted different than the other 9000 cinematic third person shooters on the market?

hey that's not fair, i don't see morrowind or new vegas on his little list

shoulda gotten a PS3 desu, it has better games. still, play The Last of Us. atleast that was remade for PS4.

any of the Yakuza games you can get also, but you won't really get most of the game unless you played the PS2 and PS3 ones.

also, remember to ignore Sup Forums (aka reddit) pcucks from now on, they are ALWAYS wrong.

Other than a few system exclusives, name any great games that I can't play on PC but you can play on console.

I was always under the impression that ND followed what was popular at the time rather than being a trendsetter.

Video games going down the cinematic path was more of a result from improving tech and mainstream interest, video games became too big to not fall for the hollywood trap.

On Uncharted alone what exactly did you hate about it? The game has plenty of gameplay sections, even more so than many games that are praised as great classics.

Your list is pretty fucking bland and generic too. Basically consisting of sucking Sup Forums's PC master race autists cock.

>exactly one minute apart

>These might be some of the best games I have ever played.

hennig is a competent writer, maybe the only competent woman in vidya who isn't a composer actually

>Any of the uncharted games

Where you watching nothing but movies on your PC for those 20 years?

What are some fun 3rd person shooters on PC? Already played Tomb Raiders and QB.

Mario Kart 8
Ratchet 2016
Ratchet: a crack in time
i named a few on different consoles.

Uncharted was a trend setter, they started the cinematic shit.
> The game has plenty of gameplay sections
It's all railroaded, linear shit. You go from generic cover based shooting to running along a collapsing bridge or some shit which is essentially a glorified QTE and back again a dozen times
>Your list is pretty fucking bland and generic too. Basically consisting of sucking Sup Forums's PC master race autists cock.
My favourite game on there is a DS exclusive and Pathologic and The Void get maybe one thread on Sup Forums every three months at best, so they're hardly hiveminded master race shit.

You must have literally never played any other TPS to think that Uncharted is somehow mindblowing.

It's just a more polished version of the endless cinematic TPS multiplats that come out every single year

Might as well play Gears 1 since that basically invented the cover-based 3rd person shooter. Also definitely play Max Payne if you've never done so.

Binary Domain, Just Cause 2, Lost Planet 2, Max Payne 1-3, Red Faction Guerilla

Gears of War is honestly shit beyond the multiplayer

>Do you understand what hyperbole is?

I know what moving the goalpost is.

>I haven't literally only played MMO and FPS, user.

And yet you are telling us that you were unable or unwilling to even try looking for something fun to play other than your mentions? Like come the fuck on mate. Why do you even play games (for 20 years...) if you don't look for interesting titles to play? Again that's retarded.

Regarding your question

>Are they really this good or am I just jaded from all the shitty FPS and MMOs I've been playing?

You probably have already answered your question yourself.

Just one (you) sorry.

Linear games are the shit

I fucking hate sandbox games.

I've played a lot, actually.

Why is it so hard for you fags to understand that I like the storyline more than other games?

If they made a TPS about saving your animu girlfriend from SJWs, half of you would claim it's the best ever game also because that's the type of shit you like.

Max Payne was cool

Not a fan of Mario Kart games. Played old Ratchet and it was fun, I'll check for others thanks.

>I like the storyline
go read a book then

you do know there's a healthy middle ground between linear corridor shit and sandbox games, right?

Ratchet & Clank
Sunset Overdrive
Demons Souls
Halo 3
Ace Combat 6
Jet Set Radio Future
Ninja Gaiden Black
Tekken 6

>Ratchet & Clank
>Sunset Overdrive




I just bought the journals of Lewis and Clark! Should be a fun read.

Yes. I like those too. I'm not a fan of giant sandbox games. I'm the only one in the world who hated Fallout and every Assassin's Creed was hard for me to finish even though I enjoyed the stories for the most part.

The original Warhawk was amazing.
Never played Bloodborne or MSG4 but everyone talks about them. Thanks for the others too.

Assassins Creed and Fallout are both trash and aren't the kind of games that I'm talking about

>all these old ass games
Halo 3?
You can surely pick some more games that came out this decade?

Those were just the first sandbox-ish games that came to mind. GTA is another series I hate that I'd consider sandbox.

Witcher was good, though I never finished it. Oops

How the fuck people enjoyed any halo titles? Are they praised coz there was nothing other to play on console thus nostalgia glasses? or was it that it had first, somehow, playable multiplayer? I've played 1,2,3 all in coop with my brother and even then it was bland and boring as fuck. Finished just coz of achievements and then dropped. So which is it?!?

Once again, those are completely different to what I'm talking about


The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush
Disgaea 5
Halo Reach
Resonance of Fate
Lollipop Chainsaw
Persona 5
Soul Sacrifice
Gundam Breakers 3
Resistance 3
The Last of Us
Red Dead Redemption
Infamous Second Son
Dragonquest Builders
World of Final Fantasy
Hatdune Miku Project Diva Future Tone

multiplayer you fag, nothing better to play at a lan party

Even Uncharted 01?

Damn, you have a fucked taste.

that's my point

>The Last Guardian
not even going to read past these


>The Last Guardian

hee hee, ha ha

>Original tomb raider games are more boring than uncharted
What did he meme by this?

>Halo Reach
Isn't that the one where people bitched hard about spartan lock?
I remember a lot of people taking a dump on it.
That didn't stop me from playing it with my friends, but its pretty damn weird to see it on a list of "great games".

you saved me the effort to write the exact same thing, thanks user

Both will be remembered fondly for years to come. Yes that qualifies as great.

armour lock was so fucking trivial to deal with, it amazes me that people can't just realise that sometimes you'll have to change your approach to deal with a situation

1 is a terrible game. 4 may have little actual gameplay but what's there is actually decent for once.

>These might be some of the best games I have ever played.
Please play more video games

There's a difference between typical linear games and the extremely cinematic railroaded games like Uncharted.

Also Uncharted has never even had a great story, just likeable characters. Only 4 has any sort of depth to it and even that has loads of problems with its plot in the first half.

I usually get shit on for saying this but I played the first new Tomb Raider and it does everything Uncharted 1-3 tried to do but way better. I'm not a huge fan of any of these games but TR was the best one.

TLOU is fucking magical compared to the Uncharted series. Actual sneaking, infinitely better gunplay, crafting shit on the fly, fun differences in difficulty instead of instadeath, less enemies but more variety and the enemies are way more of a threat, better story and VA and animations and settings. I can't believe it was made by the same company.

Wanna know a secret? After you start the generator, run towards the door you came in. The bloater will spawn there instead of upstairs and you can book it to the keycard door and gtfo. Maybe fight 1-2 regular zombies at most.

Well elaborate, then pls. Can't read your mind.

That was hard to finish. Fun story though.

Thanks, that'll be the next one I get, it seems.

I like linear, though. "Exploring" is monotonous.

I wouldn't get Rise of the Tomb Raider because it's still $60. Get the first one. I paid like $5 for it and that's about what it was worth. Can't imagine the newer one being enough of an improvement to justify $60.

You're all fags, holy shit.

>I like linear, though. "Exploring" is monotonous.
Are you illiterate? I like linear games too. I'm saying "linear" doesn't have to mean "game railroads you so much it may as well be a movie".

How many games have you played? This feels like a Youtube comments section.

The last of us and Uncharted 4 are very much up there.

Some favorites of mine.
Ninja Gaiden 2 vanilla
Demons Souls
Brood War
Dark souls 1
Fire Emblem 9-10
Bad Company 2
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Gears of War 2
Chrono Trigger
Seiken Densestsu 3
Aria of Sorrow
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Perfect Dark
Severance: Blade of Darkness
Smash 2, 3 and 4
Yoshi's Island
Planescape: Torment

There are more, but those are great fun.

Uncharted is trash desu. The second one is slightly above average at least.

>Decade old games
>Niche meme games

I guess watered down Uncharted games gave you a sour taste in your mouth huh?

Tomb raider < Uncharted

Don't assume you know what uncharted feels like to play.

Nah naughty dog didn't follow what was popular if you are being realistic about it. They had their game showcased before Gears of war came out and it even included platforming aswell as the gun play which i don't know of many other games doing in combination at the time.

>b-based japanaru!!

fuck off gook.

The first one as in the original TR? If so, god damn... I still remember falling to my death over and over and hating life.

A lot. I'm 33 and admittedly more casual now but I've been playing games for literally 20 years. From MechWarrior, Descent, Myth, and Unreal Tournament to Witcher 3.

Recently not as many though, just the "big" titles.

>Brood War


>Recently not as many though, just the "big" titles.
A modern game doesn't get to "Big title" status unless it is reddit inside and out.

I don't know why I only named PC games lel I was a big Sega fanboy too.

Owned every Genesis and Dreamcast game I could get my hands on. Skies of Arcadia is one of my favorite games ever. I remember Xenogears for PS being amazing too but I was a kid... Not sure if I'd think that now.

Yeah. I bought Battlefront and returned it a couple days later.

New Assassin's Creed also. BF1 has been fun. Dragon age, Skyrim, Dishonored 1 and Witcher 3 are probably the most recent non-FPS I've played. Hitman too I guess.

No no I mean the first game from the new rebooted series

>Platformers & 3D are popular
>Crash bandicoot releases

>3D platformers filled with mini games are popular?
>Crash Warped get's released

>Kart racers are popular on competitior platform?
>CTR gets released

>Everyone works on 3D platformers for 6th gen consoles?
>Jak & Daxter get made

>GTA is popular?
>Let's make Jak into GTA

>3rd person shooters, parkour and HD visuals are popular?
>Uncharted concept releases

>Zombie survival crafting games are popular
>Lol here's The Last of Us

ND always felt like a company that would bandwagon the current trend and cash on by making very polished but safe games rather than innovating and pushing the industry forward and in no game it shows more than The Last of Us. The game does literally nothing new or interesting, it just takes a couple of elements and cliches that are popular and mixes them together with high amount of polish.

>Implying i want to buy a box that plays games at 720p 20 fps

Name 1 (one) game that's similar to TLoU and came out earlier.
Pro-tip: RE isn't similar.

>3rd person shooters, parkour and HD visuals are popular?

I would like you to prove that this was popular 2005 and prior.

>Zombie survival crafting games are popular
The Last of Us is not a crafting game. It is more so just about the story.