So who is her mother, Sup Forums?

So who is her mother, Sup Forums?



With a point that hard clearly Phoenix Wright

Alfendi's mother

>So who is her mother, Sup Forums?
There was a reason they needed to have that Layton X Ace Attorney game first. Layton is a fan of the top hat.


>implying the twist won't be that it is actually tranny Layton
it's the current year, go with the times grandma (male)



>Layton canonically betraied Claire

Can't be heart broken all your life, user

Claire would've wanted you to be happy :(

Nah just kidding it's a future time traveling baby


oh god I loved her voice

Jesus fuck Hershel

New info when? Feels like it's about time.

to be fair 3d model young layton looked like shit too, so at least its consistent

Professor Oak?

>3d models
oh no

Feels bad that this girl won't get a lot of porn, if any.

Emmy certainly didn't.

So many puzzles can't be good to your health.

Either Flora, a random woman, or she's adopted. Or somehow Claire, but I really doubt that.

I-It's fine, Layton can just go to Misthallery's Garden of Healing and lose all those wrinkles.

Who cares about Emmy or Lady Layton
The real best girl is and always will be pic related

Carina Reeves

Fine, but still not enough porn.

>old Hershel



He's either past 90 or he started drinking after the third game.

flora is his goddaughter you sick fuck.

I wouldn't blame him

>They didn't even let him grow old gracfully


>We will never get a new triology playing after the first one just with Layton, Luke and Flora

pls tell me it's fake

Who cares

just find me a picture of aged-up Flora

Flora was a nice daughteru but she was utterly useless, good riddance.

Lewds were delivered the day of the announcement.

She was utterly useless because she wasn't used.

10/10 tastes

So tell me Sup Forums, did the Nips ruin it?
From what I have seen it got an overdose of anime injected with all the talking animal sidekick and shit. I always loved Professor Layton and don't want it to be ruined. Will it be okay?

>don't ever use character
>wooooow she's useless!

gee i fucking wonder why

I think the worst, or at least most worrisome part about it right now is the blatantly-otome butler sidekick. I need to see more of the talking dog before I judge him.

that one student always trying to get the D

Ghost trick had talking animals and was the best adventure game in nds?

Unnamed character until they start building a flashback arc about it.

Claire is kinda dead user.

>It's a talking dog episode
>The dog is the straight man
Swing and a miss.

So, is that second animation movie ever coming out?

They could only talk as spirits after dying. This is a genuine talking dog.

They needed the crossover to introduce Layton's future wife.


Ok Sup Forums, let us start with an easy one


In the inner harbor of Ozeania there are some lighthouses and some ships. The lighthouses are already marked in the map. The number in a lighthouse indicates how many ships are lit by the lighthouse. A ship is lit if it is in the dame row or column as the lighthouse, also ships behind other ships or lighthouses. Each ship is lit by at least one lighthouse. Ships don't touch each other or lighthouses, not even diagonally. Locate the ships on the map!


Well that was an easy one, wasn't it? Let's spice things up a bit

What if only she can talk to the dog because she's actually luke's daughter because layton remained pure


Like a true gentleman




Adoption is definitely a possibility.

Well look at that math genius. Let's see if you diddn't sleept in geometry


Won't stop people from fapping to them.


Or perhaps we should look at something less schooly? Though I hope I do not have to mention how important school is my young apprintance.

I laughed and then I got sad.


This is just an edit

Flora is the only girl who could replace Claire as Layton's love interest and I'd be okay with it.

But Kat is Claire and Layton's child, conceived with Claire's frozen eggs and brought to term in Emma's womb.

Reminder that she has a brother, or possibly a half-brother.

Seems easy.

Correct. Let's see if you can do the next one for which you will need major paint skillz


>Herschel spread his seed across all of London
This is also acceptable.

I hope he appears or is at least mentioned. They better not cop out and not reveal who the mother is if Layton didn't adopt them.


Ok you got me. Stay tuned for my final and absoloute hardest puzzle

Ready or not here it comes
Why has Sup Forums such shit taste?

sequel when

>Layton has, at minimum, three kids

13 if I'm eyeballing it right.

>Flora is the only girl who could replace Claire as Layton's love interest

I like Flora. None of the other girls in the series are worthy of taking over for the love of Layton's life.

>I like it this way!

This is not a valid explanation.

Sure it is. My original statement was just that Flora is the only girl that I would be okay with replacing Claire, not to try to convince you to like it too.

If Flora isn't the mother, would you commit sudoku?

It wouldn't be so bad if it were some random woman Hershel met years after Unwound Future, but it would be awful if it were Emma.