I want some tactical shooting coop game to play with some friends. Is Rainbow Six Siege any good? If not...

I want some tactical shooting coop game to play with some friends. Is Rainbow Six Siege any good? If not, any good similar games?

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It's pretty great, yeah. One of Ubisoft's least fucked games.

Best multiplayer FPS on the market currently, its getting another year's worth of content updates for free as well.

Siege is top tier fun with friends.

Yeah what previous user said. Ubisoft accidentally made a good game. It takes a bit of getting used to at first though but you'll soon realise it's one of the better multiplayer first person shooters out atm

Ty anons, what about the netcode? Is it shit or just a shitposting meme?

Also do you get all operators if you buy the game, or it has micro transactions?


>Ubisoft accidentally made a good game
Its funny how fucking true this is that Ubisoft themselves didn't know they made a good game so they left it to rot and only after a lot of time passed and they realized they accidentally did something good for once they they go back and work double time on fixing the issues the players had with the game.

The only real problem I've had with the online is just sometimes it takes a while for matchmaking to find a game, especially in ranked mode. However besides that I've not had any issues. Others might think differently though of course.

Yeah man makes a fucking change. I considered getting Ghost Recon because of this but it just looks like complete shit

Any version of the game you buy, be it the full game or the starter edition, will net you full access to any content you could ever want. However they're not all unlocked form the get go, and how much grinding you'll need to unlock them all will depend on the game version you have. Generally it is said that the starter edition is not worth it because the grind for new operators is huge. Also the grind for DLC operators is beyond immense, and while those of us that play this game 24/7 can safely afford the new ops as they become available, if you're a more casual player then it'll really take forever before you unlock even a single one. This is done purely to encourage people to buy the season passes, but those that play a ton can get anything for free anyway.

As to how the netcode is, basically it works like this.

Netcode is slightly better than bf4 on release. So its a little shit. All original opr8rs are included season pass oper8rs are unlocked with in game currency all new maps are free. Cosmetics and oper8r can be bought with real money. Time vs money micro transaction system.

It's pretty much 50/50, at least for me. One day it works fine, then they shit out an update and I start rubberbanding and lagging like hell. If you get it to work properly you got yourself a nice game, especially if you find some friends to play with.
Microtransactions are there but only for skins, outfits etc.
You can still get all operators quite easily (at least the stock ones. The new operators cost 25000 renown, you'll need to grind quite a lot to get them)

Netcode seems pretty decent at present. Any issue with Netcode is more obvious in Siege due to 1 hit kill headshots, sometimes deaths seem to happen a split second after you peek a corner, and that's where you will notice the Netcode issues the most, in firefights where both players are quickly peaking in and out of cover at some point one of them is going to die behind that cover.

I considered ghost recon too but I can't get over how whack it looks. It looks like a less cool GTA set in Who The Fuck Knows Where, south america.

>tfw you cant have a r6s discussion on Sup Forums because everyone calls you an ubishit shill
>tfw everyone called it shit before it came out but was actually good but they still call it shit for shitpostings sake

so far everyone here has said more or less good things about it

It's good, but it will take some time for you to get good

I haven't had so much tacticool fun with my boys since Metal Gear Online 2. Win or lose, we have a blast playing what is essentially a game of chess.

it will cost you 25 000 renown (the in game money) to get all the non DLC operator
a single DLC operator cost 25 000 (right now there are 8 of them) i suggest you buy the game + season 1 season pass. if you play a lot (and win a lot) the money gets in pretty fast and you'll be able to buy the upcoming operators.
and for the netcode when it work it's ok but boy the servers are shitty af (like random deconnection shitty)
also there is no level balance (in casual and in the your 10 first game in competitive) so you can end up playing with really good player at level 1
And for gods sake watch and do the tutorials mission

That means it's a shill thread! Shill! Shiilll!

I bought the first season pass and stopped playing entirely, but it was good fun with a friend.

>when the long period of silence breaks and everybody is firing and grenades are flying but nobody is dying

I seriously believe I lost at least 3 years of life expectancy just from the PANIC this game gives me.

Squad seems to be unless you're a console peasant