Should there be more homosexual characters in video games?

Should there be more homosexual characters in video games?

Only if they are cute boys

Right on the pic just looks like a random flat anime girl




What's with Japan and those dickclouds

Faggots are gay.


if it doesn't feel forced there are no reasons not too put them
but just pushing the diversity for the sake of pandering feels like an insult to me (overtrash is a good example of what you mustn't do as a developer)
the saddest part of the last point is that it work, no matter how Sup Forums is trying overwatch is a succes and has a huge user base and a good reputation with most people


I dont know, they're barely ever used right either, a cloud like that is actually a fairly big storm cloud but they rarely precede a storm in anime, and in the case of taifuu no noruda, someitmes the wrong storm.
I mean it's not impossible for a cumulonimbus to form before a typhoon comes to the area but that's certainly not what a typhoon's clouds look like.

There needs to be less shoehorned romance in games and stories in general, not more.

Only if they're cute dog boys.

Just delet the yurishit and there'll be space to have more pure love while still having less romance overall

Is there any character except Link that homo likes even if he's straight?


No but lesbians are fine.

There's nothing pure about sexuality.
The only truly pure relationship is one with no sexually romantic conclusion.

There should only be homosexual characters in video games.

Link isn't straight. He's canon gay in literally every game.

basically this. men and bara is disgusting. twinks and shotas only.

Pleb detected

Why? It doesn' t change anything.

Love is always pure and beautiful when it's between males. Twinks, shota and bara are all men and all wonderful.

nothing more plebier than being a fag

>being so pleb you have to deny the obvious to maintain own image
Go plow my field, peasant

pretty much

The opposite is true. Being gay is a state of unparalleled enlightenment and refinement in character and taste. Liking women in any capacity is as plebby as it gets, though. Basically all straights and bi-scum are objectively subhuman.

No. I bet you haven't played SS yet

>lethal injection

Pick two.

This is a fact.

traps are good
trannies are bad

2, 3 and 4 is gay. 5 and 6 pure and innocent, 1 is straight.

I want twink-only doujins, where can I find them?

>Being gay is a state of ultimate servitude and depravity
Asexuality is king. All the great thinkers of humanity were virgins, anyway.

lets be honest, despite having a horny butterface shopkeeper wanting him, and a teasing zelda, link in SS is more concerned with limp wristed men at school and short round getting some than himself

All the great thinkers were gay, actually. Socrates, Aristotle, Turing, Wilde, Aurelius and the list goes on. Asexuality is a meme, it's just a fallback for people who are embarrassed about the fact that they couldn't get any.

>bi-scum are objectively subhuman
I didn't choose this fate

that's the point.

All Links are gay, even SS Link. He doesn't give two shits about Zelda, as always.

>Socrates, Aristotle, Turing, Wilde, Aurelius
All irrelevant.
Sorry, fuccboi.

What is with this homosexual propoganda, anyway? It seems almost like a false flag with how inflammatory it is. But then that could be killing two birds with one stone, convincing the weak willed not to reproduce and insulting the thick headed enough to hate the gays.

And if we consider sissy white boys to be the weak willed and dark skinned minorities to be the thick headed...

That's pretty ironic if you think about it

>We wuz gay kangz

Daily reminder that sodomy acceptance is the planned parenthood for whitey.

Now that's just straight up lies

Japs make men and boys cuter. They consider feminine males as the pinnacle of male beauty. The West depicts them in a rougher, more realistic (and ugly) way, so naturally homos flock to Japanese media, be it games, manga or anime, because the boys and men in them are inherently more attractive to gays, who prefer feminine features over masculine ones, by and large. Ironically enough.

>being this uneducated
Typical simple minded heterocuck.

cry to your pimps about it, I don't care

All jap game characters are implicitly gay.
Link, Dante, Raiden etc. - all imply bisexuality at the very least.

Pick 1. Boys are objectively the most beautiful thing on the planet.

this, once you exit your early 20s, be straight


> bishis
> yaoi
> attractive to gays


Basically. All bishounen characters are gay until explicitly proven otherwise.

You mean asexual.

Degenerating into hetshit would be a horrible fate for anyone who has his life sorted out.


Are you faggots afraid of other boards or something?
Fuck off, not vidya.

Overwatch has a flaming character?

Bishies and yaoi are extremely attractive to gays. Gays in Japan are just extremely closeted about it, so they aren't as open about their love for yaoi as homos in the West.

It's not gay if I'm a cute anime girl~

No, a bussiness-gay one.
That is, one implied to be gay for brownie points, calculated to be least offensive and most brownie point generating.

>this is what Hetero actually believe

no that's fuckin gay

Yaoi is for women.
You can tell by how anti-hot it tend to be. It focuses on features that no man would find attractive.

If you're straight, just imagine one of the characters to be a female. In gay stuff, it would still work and be fully fappable to by straights (it wouldn't differ much from straight porn). In yaoi made for objects, it all looks like they are in pain, have mutated characteristics (huge hands, tiny heads, angular features) and do more ear nibbling than fucking.


Only when they are cute together

The only people who think overwatch did it in a way that is pandering or unrealistic at all are the people who have never and will never have a meaningful relationship.
It's literally a couple pages in a comic about the season you spend with loved ones. It's not mentioned in the game, they didn't add any "IM GAY" voice lines, the comic changed nothing about the gameplay. It's an added bit of lore for people who care about the world building and backstory. Said comic also features multiple Hetero relationships, are those pandering and tryhard too?

Most of the people who were mad were also just mad that she wasn't gay for her fucking enemy that tried to kill her. How is that realistic, but a soldier dating a regular civilian not?

The other half are just sad fucks who think that all her porn is no longer valid enough now that she might not like dick,
Or homophobes.

>Yaoi is for women.
this a 1000 times


I'm a yurifag so yes. Put more cute girls holding hands and kissing each other in video games.

I don't mind over the top ridiculous homo erotic undertones either because it's funny as hell.

That's not gay. That's 100% straight.

Gay isn't "homogenderual".

>Should there be more homosexual characters in video games?

Wrong. I like yaoi. You just have to find the kind that's about love and not about fetishizing homosexuality with dumb rape and suffering bullshit.

>cute boys in anime exist a lot
>cute boys of similar quality dont exist in the real world

I've seen like two boys I was attracted to in my life, and thats both in person just pictures posted online. Why cant real boys be more like anime boys?

Yaoi can be great, you just have to sift through a bunch of garbage to find the good stuff.


The idea is yoai involves girly boys rather than manly boys. Zestiria only had one good thing about it sadly but at least it was worth it.

Nah, it's just a business decision. It's empty. Tracer isn't gay because it fits, but because blizz said someone is gay.
It's all about diversity quota.

I honestly respect Bioware more here: their gays are cringy and semi-forced, but they are their own characters, made by and for authors. Not for shareholders.

You're probably just a pedophile.

>those faces
>those hands
>those arms
This is an example of what you have to shift through, right?

the problem is that every character has that. it all feels fake. every character is your mandatory

Real boys are way more attractive than anime boys. You clearly aren't looking very hard.

You're kidding right? Most gay people are not into yaoi. Yaoi was specifically made for women. They're made like your garbage sappy romance novels but with two girly men instead.


Gross. Boy make the best girls.

FUcking more

No such thing as girly boys. All boys are just boys, full stop. Most gay men like their guys to be pretty and have at least longish hair.


I wonder how many of the "faggots" in this thread are actually just desperate pedophiles.

Female-preferring bisexuals are at the highest risk of pedophilic behavior out of all of orientations.
Anyone who says "go gay for boys, then go straight when you are older" is statistically about 4 times more likely to be a pedo than a straight and more than 10 times more likely to be a pedo than anyone who prefers men.

You're applying Jap culture to the west. Yaoi is super popular among gays who aren't in the closet. It just so happens that 90% of Jap homos are closeted as fuck, so they never admit to liking it.

I enjoy my guy slightly chubby

Me too. But I like being thin and perfectly smooth all over for them. The contrast between twink and bara is the best.

I'm not though, I dont like shota. Just feminine looking guys.

So do you have actual evidence for that? I've seen many gay Japanese online and most if not all of them are either into bara or regular gei comi.

How would it "fit" any other way? Gay people aren't different. They don't all act like generic flaming flamboyant fucks. Have you taken public transit lately? Been outside in a populated area? At least 25% of those people were gay or bi or otherwise but you wouldn't know that without knowing their story. She doesn't need a rainbow flag skin or a different personality to be gay.

The game is written and worked on by a diverse group of people who know that representation in gaming is nice when it isn't a major plot point.

Her being gay is no more unnecessary than any of the rest of the lore from the comics and short films. None of it effects the gameplay. You can have a team of all sworn enemies working together to nuke a peaceful omnic settlement. It's all just flavor content for people who give a fuck.
If they made it any more obvious that she was gay you all would be complaining that it was pandering just like you are now. It has nothing to do with how they went about it, you've just been programmed to think that representation is a sjw agenda or a marketing scheme 100% of the time.

First post best post.

True. I just enjoy them looking more chubby than really skinny like most Japanese men.

If you're able to recognize that they're gay then they're not closeted. Don't fall for the wig fallacy. Shitloads of guys are into yaoi in the West and other places where the culture isn't absurdly repressed. Just look at Sup Forums, /cm/ and /y/.

There is a problem with gay characters in videogames. Also in television and film, but not quite as bad.

People will often claim to have absolutely no problem whatsoever with gay people. They say this to make sure that they cannot be called a homophobe or be criticised in any way when they make their next point.
Then they basically say they don't want gay characters in their games.
Then the excuses come out.
>it's not important
So why does it bother you?
>I don't care about any of the relationships in my games, I just want games!
A little autistic, but okay. I can agree with that, games should be games. However, if a story-driven game like an RPG has a gay character in it, why does that irk you?
>it's just pandering to the LGBT crowd
This isn't fair. You can always just call it pandering and keep gay characters out of fiction forever that way. You can't tell me you don't have a problem with homosexuals if you want to pretend they don't exist.
>I'm okay with gay characters as long as it never gets mentioned
Well then you're not REALLY okay with gay characters, are you?
>the gay characters are always written really badly!
That's the secret, user. All videogame characters are written badly.

If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 women the night before, you wouldn't think twice. If your cocky male teammate jokes about having slept with 5 men the night before, you're irked by that. Why?