Now: Hyper Light Drifter

Now: Hyper Light Drifter
Next: Ori and the Blind Forrest
Later: Richter All Bosses run of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Donation Incentive)

Note: Any other threads being made have an inaccurate schedule, please ignore them. Rabi Ribi is not being run at this GDQ

This one is better. The other OP is a meme and misinfo.

Can you guys keep the AGDQ in one place? We don't need several at the same time, fuck off to /vg/ or something.

This is the GDQ thread. The other thread is a thread about Rabi Ribi

are they gonna do any 0.5x a press SM64 runs?

Tell the rabi ribi autist to fuck off then.

I want this to be a thing. Sort of like the Desert Bus charity but gathering speed for 12 hours.

>ever playing nice

Is Hyper light drifter any good? I almost bought it but decided it seemed shallow

Never have the Sup Forums AGDQ threads made me want to abandon this fucking cesspit of a board so bad. Between the Rabi-Ribi bullshit and the 12 year olds trying to push that one guy bending over next to a seat a woman sat in as THE CRAZIEST FUCKING THING EVER, I just want to see this place burn.

It's amazing the first time, afterwards not so much.

just pirate it if you're unsure

Sane, It's getting fucking stupid.

I wish the Rabi Ribi autists would just fuck off back to /jp/.

And the chair thing was funny the first time but people are now trying to get him banned for no fucking reason

congratulations you are now an oldfag

Please don't leave.

Yeah i agree the weebshit is beyond fucking annoying but how is the creeper smelling the chick's chair triggering you?

gdq is too ban happy

>Taiwanese game
Why are redditors so literally retarded?

It was way worse during the tranny runs.

Thanks OP for an actual on topic thread

It's obvious that wasn't what was happening user

No you need to stay in this thread. Once we have more posts than the other thread we can claim the Rabi thread deserves deleting more.

You must be a newfag, there is no way out of everything Sup Forums has done during the past years that this is the breaking point for you. This is easy mode compared to other stuff

but it is?

I enjoyed it a lot. Not as hard as people would have it seem though.

Rabi ribi is a shit game

Why is it being constantly shilled now?


devs are getting desperate when they realized they couldn't emulate undertale's shilling success

I agree, I too am above everyone else here in ever way shape and form. You sir are a gentlemen and a scholar!
*tips fedora*

>I crusade on Sup Forums

if you invest time in exploring on your first run, and unlocking all the shit; you'll never play through it again.

Pretty good game overall, but the hitboxes can be a little shitty and sometimes the hipster pixel trash visuals can be a bit annoying when secret hunting. The game's difficulty is overhyped, and after actually figuring out how to dash correctly, most combat is a fucking cakewalk.

It has lots of good style and ambience though, which is impressive; but it really tries too hard to be a souls game, so thats all you see normie shitters say when they talk about it.

anime posters are mad because mods are deleting their trash

Where are the video games

Because some retard on Sup Forums thinks he'll make it some epic meme if he forces it enough.

you're welcome senpai. I really like Hyper Light Drifter, and I don't want a bunch of cunts to ruin it because they'd rather spam anime

It's not. It's one (1) guy posting it every fucking OP because he is salty anime games are banned. I am salty about it too, but I'm not going to make an OP about it every fucking time

hey guys real thread is here :v

It's everything that's not allowed at this event anymore.

Lewd and fun.

Because of one or some autistic user who is still mad that hsi favourite game is not run this year. It's been the last few days like this and whoever it is apparently can't stop it

Has the audience ever been packed?
this year looks so much more barren than last year

20 minutes behind schedule, what the fuck man

Keep posting in this thread. Once we have more posts you lose your claim.

>my wife and her 1 year old son

It's not you are just mad it's being spammed
And because some autist thinks its funny

packed for tasbot

Rabi Ribi isn't being run you know

GDQ is fucking dead. Really, just nobody cares to watch anything except major runs I think.

Fucking finally


>another audio failure

Not sure how you all got tricked into coming here but the other thread has been up longer than this one and honestly I'm not sure where this came from or why some of you here are trying to make this the main GDQ thread.

Real thread

The mario block had pretty much a full house

Kinda' cool that the actual devs showed up.

This tech team is bottom-of-the-barrel-tier garbage though.

Posting here to get the Anime-Autist thread deleted. Hype for SOTE 100% run.

I just unmuted. Are they doing the shit where the dev's on Skype again?


>half an hour of setup
>they still can't get it right

Hey guys, can you hear me.

Game is shit
People only like it for the blatant fanservice

kill yourself






>20 minutes late and still audio problems


>IP counter does not increase

we just watch the audio crew work now

Fuck's going on with the audio right now?
Why do they hire people who have no idea what they're doing?


>Devs calling in

Thanks for the post.

Looks like they are, just technical difficulties

Oh neat, there IS a non-autist thread up

this fuckling tech staff man

no shit cos everyone there is a nintenyearold

That was the fullest I've seen the room so far

I don't know what up with the sound this time, they pretty much nailed it at sgdq

RrEeVvEeRrBb SsTtRrEeAaMm

I am genuinely convinced I could set this shit up faster than the entire crew.

>so many audio problems to get some dev of an indie nobody game that they've actually taken the camera away from the couch
Highlight of my life.

Except they fucked up a ton there too.


Event Setup Done Quick

I mean I can't fathom it to be that difficult on the crew's end. I know there is a lot to do in order to make sure everything works, but there is probably a point where it's just user error.

Could speedrun it?

do it
volunteer for SGDQ and tell us all the background shit they're doing

No it isn't. I love it and I could give less of a shit about the "fan service" which there is barley any of. Only fanservice I have seen are the girls in bikinis during every cutscene and that one cutscene of the guys taking pictures of her. It's a solid metroidvania with many hidden paths and secrets, amazing music that reminds me of the mmo days. But you wouldn't know any of this, because you didn't play it and just hate the game because of anime and the one guy spamming it.

how was the doom 2016 run?

I just might.

They're just lazy and don't care.

Game's nice, but yeah, I don't think spending this much time to have a talk with the devs is worth it


My favorite category is the N64 setup speedrun. If you practice, there is a quickskip where you don't have to blow on the cartridge

Has that ever happened before? Would be fun to have an user talking shit about GDQ from the staff's point of view.


How? You could have built a new sound system by this time.

Pretty good.
Some crazy glitches.

best or the worst?

Fucking begin already, geez

>Game is literally cute grill dresses as slut bunnehs
>i-it's n-not fanservice! I swear guise
>I love the "game"

>The other thread's laughing at us again

Every GDQ is always the worst.

What a fucking trainwreck. just get rid of every single one of the tech crew next GDQ and get some competent people in for fucks sake.

>that echo

Literally how the fuck.

holy fuck why





Where is GDQ anyways? I'd do it, but i think you need to have some sort of presence in the speed running community


who gives a shit

might be what they do

sounds neat, but is it glitchy like metroid and amnesia where they just jump OOB most of the game