I had always been a fan of the Monkey Island Series but 4 ruined it for me. Then Telltale started to reboot Monkey Island and Sam and Max. Are those games any good? I have heard Telltale writes good stories and their Walking Dead game is fun so how about Monkey Island and Sam and Max? The graphics just disgusted the hell out of me because I love the 2d graphics Monkey Island 3 has.
Telltale's Monkey Island and Sam and Max
Dunno about sam and max, but Monkey Is. pretty much felt like a Monkey Is. sequel if it was made by new people.
I dropped it at the start of the last episode though, I don't remember why.
i love the first two seasons of sam and max, probably the best stuff telltale has made. the third season is plodding and slow and not that funny.
i also really enjoyed the strong bad series they did, but if you're not into homestarrunner then you might not like it.
Sam & Max and MI are actual adventure games with humour and puzzles and shit, not "so deep so tragic" narrative stuff like The Walking Dead and their later stuff.
Check them out if you actually like point-and-clicks, maybe give Sam & Max season 3 a miss though.
>All that S&M S3 hate
I respect your opinion but personally I didn't find it so bad. While I agree Season 2 is probably the best written and best puzzle-wise I had a lot of fun with the more elaborate plot and had a lot of laughs. the graphical update also was welcomed.
I haven't played the first season of TT Sam & Max, but I've played the second and third. Season 2 is great (although episode 3 drags a tiny bit) - some decent puzzles and some really fun humor, but it has some callbacks to the first season, so it's probably best to play both of those. Season 3 has plenty of references back but the core story is mostly isolated - I think it's still got some funny bits, the presentation is gorgeous on both the audio and aesthetic fronts, and some of the new mechanics make the puzzle-solving more interesting than in previous games, but the pace can sometimes drag and some jokes are just flat-out unfunny.
Yeah the Strong Bad game is also another good adventure game style series, assuming you like H*R.
I've not played it but apparently Back to the Future is decent too.
Most of their pre-TWD games are actual decent-to-good 3d point and click adventure games, with the exception of Jurassic Park.
Maybe I was a little burned out on it since I went straight into S3 right after finishing S2.
>Jurassic Park
a sign of things to come
Telltale never made a game that's better than a 7/10
Their Monkey Island adds shit to the lure that makes it more of a fantasy story (fucking mermaid people and people living inside a giant manatee) and in terms gameplay it's not a monkey island game at all (no superfluous hotspots that exist soley for a joke like earlier games, shitty puzzles, terrible character design) and the writing is painfully mediocre. even the music, which they got the same composer from the previous games, they managed to fuck up, because they forced him to use shitty synthesizers and midi music.
Their Sam and Max on the other hand is actually quite decent, almost every line is a joke and it actually expends the universe and excellent music.
You're wrong you FAT. FUCK.
yea, sam and max is also shit.
Ive been a fan of Monkey Is. for awhile and I generally enjoyed this game. Its not as good as some of its predecessors but its still got fun humor and good ol Guybrush. Some new character like Morgan are welcome, although seeing LeChuck being his usual nasty self wouldve been nice. It still feels like a point and click game but more fluid.
Also I though the Back To The Future game was pretty good as well.
>Also I though the Back To The Future game was pretty good as well.
opinion discarded.
>Jurassic Park
I remember playing this, it was god damn terrible even for Telltale's standards.
Season one of Sam and Max is very good. The jokes hit very often, and the puzzles are interesting.
Season 2 (so far, on Moai) is also fun. Haven't played 3 yet.
I don't really know how it compares to Hit the Road, though.
Not same user. Back to the Future was not /awful/ but I do admit is one of the weakest point-and-clicks before the TWD era.
Mostly it was probably the most linear with it's puzzles and structure so it always felt like you were railroaded through the game.
Probably was a sign of things to come.
Comparing it with Hit the Road is kinda unfair, in my opinion.
Old LucasArts Point-and-click games were a level of their own. "Modern" (I don't meant TWD afterwards) point and clicks were much simple in design and structure, which isn't /bad/ but different.
First S&M season is awesome, the second, although worse is still very good. The third is... different. Still pretty good in my opinion though.
morgan is mai waifu. don't steal
it's worse than 4.
Sam and Max is by far the best. Might not have the best graphics, but they make it work for what they've got.
Monkey Island, not so much. While it is LEAGUES above Escape from Monkey Island (the eyes aren't dead and lifeless), the story is just dumb as hell and feels like a fanfiction that only manages to not be as dumb as Escape's plot.