What's the best SHMUP for a beginner?

What's the best SHMUP for a beginner?

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Life Force


Metal Slug 1-3.

Who is this semen demon?





Tyrian or Raptor. Classics that have aged well.

Thunder Force IV

Battle Mania Daiginjou


And the best of the best of the best:



The PC Engine is full of great beginner shmups,Air Zonk,Soldier Blade,Gunhed,Gate of Thunder and Star Parodier are all mustplays.

rayman origins

>white cosplayers
no thanks

Stop posting 3DPD shit already


Because they look terrible.

Your mom looks terrible, these bitches look mitty fine.


I wish my head was those beers

What's the difference between shooting somebody and shooting him up? And beating them and beating them up?

I wish I had some beer

Second for Raptor

thats fucking delicious. ignore that gay nigger user

Just how many or for how long do you have to play shmups to be able to tackle and finish Ikaruga?

yeah better let gooks cosplay as a tall, white, blonde haired bitch in high heels or as a plump Vampire or some 1.5m midged as Guts.

Looks SO much better.

Japan - shooter / shooting game
USA - shooter / shooting game
Europe - SHOOT-THEM-UPS or SHMUPS!! for short

Japan - fighting game
USA - fighting game

But nobody in the US calls shootemups shooters. Otherwise everyone will think you're talking about Call of Duty.

that's a FPS or first-person shooter, you gay


Read subgenres,shooter can mean a lot of different things.

>tfw i call both shmups AND fps games "shooters"
i should probably stop doing that

USA - carousel

USA - wallet
Europe - BILL-FOLD

USA - garage
Europe - CAR-PARK

Fucking cromagnon cave men

Why would you call a carpark for garage you french faggot?

rooty tooty point n shooty

nasty mashy hack n slashy

>the uk is Europe
American education

Isn't a garage also a repair shop in the US? Car park seems like a much better term to avoid confusion. Also I've never heard the word bill-fold before.

Sorry, I didn't realize the UK was in Lemuria

dodonpachi doj

when you can 1cc both loops you've made it

well its not europe anymore


>keeping all those figures trapped in their box and not opening them

Car park is what we call a parking lot, not a garage

There are garages in auto body shops, yes.

Crimzon Clover is a great game, not only good for beginners.


It's not in European Union any more. It's still in Europe. Countries don't just walk out of continents, user.

R-Type Delta.

this, its great and usually cheap

its not Europe retard
it is located IN Europe of course. But theres more to that continent than the UK which you would know if you werent a massive retard

fuck yes. r-type in general is so good


"Europe" and "The European Union" are not synonymous.

Touhou games on normal mode have a really good difficulty curve for new players. Mountain of Faith (number 10) is really basic without any gimmicks so you just focus on shooting, dodging, and bombing to save yourself.

are you retarded?

You're confusing the Union with Europe itself, you imbecile.

I live in UE, so I do know that every country is totally different which is something most Americans can't comprehend, but that guy was clearly implying that UK has left UE.

Far too many bullets. For shumps older is better.

>only two pictures of fat tiddy cosplayers
hello Sup Forums? Are you okay?

Galaga '88

I'm in the UK and I've never head this, everyone uses "Wallet".

Why do people leave their figs in the box?

oh boy

god i would do anything just to be able to suckle on anri's enormous and full breasts for just like 1 min

they probably retain their value that way? idk honestly

Fuck, I meant "I live in Europe" and "that UK has left Europe". This is getting ridiculous.

Raiden series
I'd almost say its the Kirby of shmups as its pretty easy but it still manages to be good

We like 2d, faggo
Keeps them clean.

Is that the only response you could muster up? I'll explain it in more detail since clearly you don't understand.

"Europe" is the name of a continent. Any countries, counties, cities, towns, buildings, etc located within the bounds of that continent are part of the continent of Europe. Europe is not a political group, the European Union is.

Maybe you should try learning what words mean before calling others retarded. It only makes you look retarded.

Wo sind meine Brudis? Warum sind Amerikaner so dumm?

But your joke is actually very British
I like it tho

lol its in europe you fucking sperg.

even a scrub like me was able to 1cc Deathsmiles. Solid game, nice music, not too long, fun mechanics, nice characters with different shot types.

2hu or mushihihiememama

Afrikanisches blut

Please don't let one Asukafag represent the whole of the US.


This all traces back to the comment that someone thinks the UK is synonymous for all of Europe, not that the UK is not a part of Europe or part of the EU. The whole train of argument is retarded for all parties, myself included.

Play Aero Fighters.


Did this even come out?

Don't worry, plenty of other Americans have proven themselves to me. And not only on the internet.

Most retarded name I have ever heard for a genre. What's wrong with shooting game, scrolling shooter, or even STG?

Verpiss dich nach Sup Forums.

If Germans are so smart, why did you elect a woman that's letting middle eastern immigrants ruin your country?

I like the artist on bottom left

oh lawdy es ist ein deutscher Gelehrter.
Schützen Sie Ihren Anus von seiner fettigen Faust

She is also German, that means she's smart enough to trick other Germans if she does it well.

>Most retarded name I have ever heard for a genre
but what about "character-action" games? that's a really bad name too. i actually have slight panic attacks when i see ppl say that.
shmup sounds retarded as well but i've gotten used to it

Who /Ikaruga/ here?

nice generalization, faggot

>Most retarded name I have ever heard for a genre.
Roguelike. Why the hell are these games only roguelike and not rogues, and what the fuck does rogue even mean in video games?

It was mediocre

>tyrian and raptor mentioned in same post
you are my nigga

Oooh, forgot about that. Also bad. I also hate "anime fighting game" since every notable fighting game not named Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct is Japanese with a retarded Dragon Ball Z plot anyway.
It's in reference to the 1980 dungeon crawler Rogue. That was considered the first game of its kind, so now every other dungeon crawler with those elements is called a roguelike. Come to think of it, that is kind of dumb, since we don't call platformers Mario-likes, though I have seen people call Lords of the Fallen a "Souls-like"
>doesn't recognize the legendary Diamond Dog

What's she even cosplaying
Looks like that pink dancing NotMiku. For some reason I never cared enough to find out what anime it's from.

I've ok with it, but I call them shoot 'em ups. Rolls off the tongue nicely and you can say it fast.
Shoot 'em up shoot 'em up shoot 'em up shoot 'em up

and that image is too real. I know /jp/ has to have a completely different thread for Touhou GAMEPLAY, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's full of waifufags that spend more time sorting their image folders and listening to awful music than playing the games.

The game "Rogue". Look it up, it's neat.

you're welcome

Why do Yuropoors always think that every comment they don't like is made by an American?

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

"Shooting game" is vague enough to also encompass first-person shooters, third-person shooters, shooting galleries, and even the platform-shooters. Hell, not even all games in the genre use shooting as a mechanic and instead have a melee focus, but still keep the core focus on evasion and bullet patterns. Same goes with scrolling shooters, not all of them scroll, not all of them are vertical, some wouldn't even qualify for the "hell" part of bullet hell, some of them aren't even on-rails and allow free motion.
SHMUP is just an acronym for Shoot-em Up anyway, the genre lines are blurry but generally when people refer to those they are talking about the ones spawned in arcades.