>tfw too dumb to understand MOBAs
Tfw too dumb to understand MOBAs
>gigabytes of meta to learn in order not to suck ass
>"""community""" that's more cancer than all oncology wards in the world combined
>constant rebalance patches so you have to learn new meta
>constant e-begging for skins and champs
Gee, you're really missing out, user.
Holy shit, is that like from the Alpha days?
To play at casual fun tier, you don't have to fucking do any research. It's pretty simple, put attack damage items on heros that like to auto attack....
And lose 60% of the random battles and get spastic screeching from Russian 9-year olds on chat. fun.
I honestly don't even know what the fuck I am looking at when I see these. I don't know how people spectate this.
Autism or normie hive-mind
Play Skirmish mode in Future Cop LAPD instead
all my chad friends understands and enjoy mobas, but I don't
What are MOBA'S? Is this a new kind of ASSFAGGOTS?
>too dumb to understand the extremely dumbed down knockoff of another game which was never even that complex
I'm surprised you can even remember how to breathe.
>get spastic screeching from Russian 9-year olds on chat.
It's even worse when you have full grown fucking adults doing this.
And LoL is full of them. It's like a gathering place for all the most obnoxious people with a incredibly bad temper & sense of humor.
It's because Chads are actually autistic in their own way.
>sports statistics
>sports memorabilia
>getting emotional about sports
And MOBAs (and maybe shit like CS:GO) are the closest things in gaming to that vibe. When I hear someone talking about MOBAs or streamers I immediatelly stop listening to that person forever.
Isn't that always the case?
Well it doesn't help that he posted a fucking 7 year old screenshot.
What if someone likes MOBAs, but thinks "pro e-sports" is retarded and doesn't understand the appeal of watching other people play games?
Well DESU one of my best bros plays MOBAs but he doesn't yap about it all the time. He's not into competitive, either and I don't think he watches streams. The cancerfags I described are either the majority or the vocal minority and it's bad either way.
As someone who plays numerous MOBAs, I honestly think it's the majority sadly. During league's last major tournament series or whatever, they kept fucking spamming me notifications about it going on, I assume that's because enough are interested in it going on.
I just don't like how long the matches takes
underage please leave
>TFW too dumb to play RTS competitively
underage??? how did you get that out of my comment??
>tfw never played LoL or DOTA before
He's implying you're ADD or something. I can play BF1 matches for 30 mins and it feels like 5 mins but can't stand 10 minutes of moba gp.
Normally it would be the opposite, since I actually have shit to do. Also, usually you are able to tell if you can win like 5-10 minutes into a moba game.
All my friends seem to be ranked at bronze or silver and I don't really play this game. Other games that use this style of rank usually have those ranks as really low like usually next to the bottom so is that true? If I'm like 3.7-4k mmr in dota 2 what rank would I be in league.
DotA is WC3 for retards.
Low silver probably desu
Just tried to play league and what the fuck
I want to play draft as support but it won't let me use it's feature to do so and designates me as some other role I don't know shit about because im noob. Wtf is a top or bottom am I having gay sex? I don't even have the heroes unlocked or the knowledge to pick properly other than for support and I got kicked for dodging because I didn't pick fast enough reeeee.