Gaben is a 5' 7" manlet

>gaben is a 5' 7" manlet
when will Sup Forums learn?

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this thread will die, just like your hopes and dreams

>tfw 5'3"

I think 5'7" is fine.

>feet and inches
When will amerishitters learn the world has meters and centimeters for measurements?


Yeah, funny. Keep laughing. I'm 5'6", and you should try and pull that shit on me. I'll beat the shit out of you.

haha manlet

5'7'' is average, 6 is tall and 6'2'' and above is weird-ish.

Who /averagemasterrace/ here?

>Gabe is also named Logan

Damn, I also got 3 names and all of them are lame as fuck.

I am 100% sure there is a correlation between having a nice name and becoming successful in life.

Also it's been scientifically proven that shorter people are more inteligent than taller people.

At least I have a job, have friends irl, and have had girlfriends and boyfriends.

Unlike 99% of you virgins.

Eh, I can no longer respect Gaben knowing this...

Manlets really don't deserve respect from anybody.

Wtf, I thought he was a really big guy. He's the same height as tall is Kojima?

are you a grill or a bisexual turbomanlet

Smaller body = smaller head

So were dinosaurs smarter than us?

manlets tend to have big bodies and short legs tho

Bisexual turbomanlet.

I just happen to be an attractive bisexual turbomanlet.

that's way past cool

are you a trap

That small people are billionaires?

>it's another le manlet thread

that's the accepted medical term

>gabes middle name is my first name

hey, thats pretty good

most intelligent people are manelts
nothing new

Nah, 6' is pretty tall, 6'1 to 6'4 is tall and above that it starts getting into lanky territory
5'7 is on the lower end of average in most western countries


no it hasn't, you are conflating the fact that most smart people are average height with "only short people are smart", but that is just what that is, average and therefore more people will obviously be shorter. correlation != causation

>*dashes so quickly you can't track with the naked eye*
it's nothing personnel...... kid...
>*unsheathes katana and executes my signature move; the dark blood shadow of death*
you should have been more careful to mess with me fool...

A lot of people who are 6'7" are built like fucking fridges though

not much shorter than the richest man on the planet

seems like the corporate height bias doesn't apply to tech nerds

Nah. I am feminine in mannerisms and my body but I don't actively pretend to be a girl because that's way too much effort.

>5' 7" manlet
How much is that in normal people units?

no you wouldn't you turbomanlet weightlet

>thread theme

You know what they say about ring fingers and dick size.

RIP Zyzz

they say if you can fit your entire ring finger in your dickhole you have a big dick


other way round lanklet

day of the rope soon

Height war now

Whats your issue?

*gracefully dodges your feeble attempt*
you really thought... hahahhahaha it is no wonder i am the 6th hokage
*turns the air into piercing knife from a millino angels and kills you*
*spits on your quivering corpse*
you were no match for me, i thought i would be able to play with my food though... no matter i like my meals fresh
*sucks blood from your hart*


>be 5,8
>feel of average height in everyday life
>apparently I'm a manlet on the internet

That indian guy Raj on the big bang theory is shorter but hes dating miss india whos taller than him so there that


The "centimeters that matter" order is :
-Wallet thickness

>never learned

Why do you guys care about height on an indonesian duck plucking network? Nobody can see anyone and nobody has a reputation. I can claim to be a 6'7" God and you cant prove shit.

You wish, parasite.

We are stronger than you and better at literally everything.

Bring it on, midget.

Manlets are parasites and deserve to die.

You should only care about your height if you care about your social status, which is for faggots.

>weak lanklet virgin mad that all the fit alpha "manlets" are getting pussy when he isn't

give up

>be 5'8
>6' blonde girl kept asking me on dates and hooking up with me
really made me feel like a manlet

well fuck you

so do people with mental issues

>We are stronger than you and better at literally everything.
lol most of you are weightlets and there's fewer of you
>better at literally everything.
every great man was a manlet
every great writer was a manlet
every great prophet and philosopher was a manlet

idk why you're even fighting us regular manlets on this when let's face it our real enemies are turbomanlets

someone had his girl stolen by a manlet

If you don't have height she'll never see your dick.
When will you ever learn?


You can do it too user, you stupid fuck.

Just try.

Because Sup Forums is populated by insecure white men.

There are many clever ways to show people your dick.

My favorite is the "can you read my watch?" There's also the classic "putting your dick in her ice cream" or even the old "hole in the bottom of the popcorn bag" standby

>disgusting midgets have the guts to even speak to me



Because height more than dick size makes people incredibly butthurt.

And there no much you can do about it, and can't hide it. You can go to the gym, get fit, try to compensate as much as you want but at the end of the day you're a fucking manlet, a disgrace to manhood and a laughing stock to females. It's fucking hilarious and the fact that not even being fully anonymous will help you is the cherry on the top.

i'm 5' 8"

Let's go nigga, I'm 6 ft i.e. king of manlets. Let's see what you can do against my army.


>not a midget

>implying I'm ever going to leave my comfort zone

N-no thanks.

No way, werent a good chunk of people from the Gaben birthday meetup even shorter than him in the picture?

god I hate being a manlet

it's not though you skinny fuck

Nice delusion, midgets.

this explains why Sup Forums is angry all the time

turbomanlet rage lmao

>Minding my own business, while managing my own business
>Some punk-ass teenager and his annoying father come over and start making fun of how tall I am
>I get some of the pipe-hitting IT guys to work them over

Aww, hes all riled up

>he didnt roll the manlet rage damage multiplier
>he doesnt like his attack stat increasing based on the height of the opponent

Enjoy your +1 charisma for not being short faggot

day of the rope soon
>turbomanlet tears

>day of the rope soon
>reaching anyone's' neck

we'll cut off your legs first

How the fuck is 6feet kingu of manlets?

stfu manlet

You're right, it should be 6'2

>All this sub 6'5" manlet shitposting