This game is really fun

This game is really fun
Why does Sup Forums hate it?

/v hates fun

glory kills
weak weapons with some bullshit distance shit
too few enemies on screen

instead the enemies should be powerful as fuck, but at the same time die easily, just have more enemies to compensate that

too much arena shit, instead should be running around corridors and shooting whatever comes at you while figuring out where to go and backtracking a little more

arena combats
forced QTE kills

I remember fun.
I used to have it.

also they should make the game hard as fuck and embrace it instead of having 20 second loading screens and annoying checkpoint placements

>glory kills
make it so you healing doesn't stop the flow of combat
>weak weapons with some bullshit distance shit
learn to upgrade
>too few enemies on screen
stop playing on easy

glory kills aren't qtes and aren't forced on you in any way
there's nothing wrong with arena combats

Nope. The game is far from ""fun"".
This shit's barely mediocre, typical AAA shit reboot of this decade. Only Xbots who've literally born and raised with Cod & HALO would find this tedious slog enjoyable.

I played on nightmare

also, fuck you in general

>I played on nightmare
Sure you did
Fuck you in general

>make it so you healing doesn't stop the flow of combat
GKs do exactly that: stop the flow.
Hell, the fucking constantly spammed lock-down arenas stop the flow of the game, and result terrible, linear map design. And don't even try to justify 99% of the game with your level 2, Todd.

Not to mention the GKs become totally obsolete later on anyway, since enemies still explode into HP and ammo.

>learn to upgrade
yeah, because DooM was totally a Borderlands-like FPS-RPG! Not.

>stop playing on easy
there's THAT argument again.
The game literally CANNOT show more than a dozen enemies at once. That's the whole reason the game locks you down into those tiny arena rooms and spawns waves against you. Lazy ass design, made with consoles in mind.

And all that's just the tip of the shitberg.
To make this game anywhat enjoyable, you'd have to remove those annoying, insta-kill pit including platforming sections, ALL the cutscenes - including the item pickup / door opening / mission objective smashing cinematics, all the upgrade & rune bullshit, boost the ammo cap and weapon damage a great deal, re-introduce hitscan cannonfodder enemies, make power ups hard to find permanent / level lasting boosts instead of momentary, staged novelties, and literally overhaul every single level to be at least on par with the Foundry.

>GKs do exactly that: stop the flow.
a 0.5 sec animation exactly flow stopping
not to mention they reward being aggressive

>yeah, because DooM was totally a Borderlands-like FPS-RPG! Not.
>isn't exactly like old Doom so it's bad

>The game literally CANNOT show more than a dozen enemies at once. That's the whole reason the game locks you down into those tiny arena rooms and spawns waves against you. Lazy ass design, made with consoles in mind.
isn't the 12 enemy limit only on snapmap?
old Doom also had limitations, I don't see you nitpicking about them

nostalgia fans man

not him but more like at least 2 seconds, like I literally spam f and then scratch my head while the animation plays and yawn and then preplace my finger on the wasd to run to the side when it ends

Its a good game, people here just shit on everything though

You could make a 1to1 clone of the original doom and people would still shit on it

I did play it on nightmare

I got fucking annoyed with the weak enemies which run to you, they get in the way while not being a challenge at all, you just wish you could blast them to hell faster but no you fucking shoot your shotgun and then have to press F or wait until you can shoot another shotgun round

>a 0.5 sec animation exactly flow stopping
Theyre longer than that, and they stop flow as bad as reloads.

You get much more "rewards" for simply running in a big circle, kiting enemies behind you, and occasionally blasting one or two with a rocket / SS, which grants you more HP the lower you are.

Upgrade trees, skill trees, level up systems.... = pseudo RPG bullshit, that has no place in a fucking DooM game.

>isn't exactly like old Doom so it's bad
when a Doom game does not even play like a Doom, it's instant failure. Enjoy your Brutal Boredomlands.

>isn't the 12 enemy limit only on snapmap?

>old Doom also had limitations,
128 in OG 1993 release, upped way past 250 in D2 version. And you could have ALL the enemies active, spawned and on the screen at once. And only lockdown arenas were in bossfight levels.

>lol nostalgia!
The literally empty card GenZ kids pull out when they run out of argument ideas.
It's sad to hear you only play your games once and then let them rot in the shelf. I at least have played OG Doom games, 64 included, dozens of times. Last time mere day after finishing nuDuum, because it left such shitty taste in my mouth I had to wash out.

>Its a good game, people here just shit on everything though
Nope. Everyone's just not Zenimax paylist, or has not let Xbox-generation trash melt our brains and lover our standards to rock-bottom levels.

>You could make a 1to1 clone of the original doom and people would still shit on it
On the contrary. Serious Sam 3 was WAY better "Doom4" game, and one of the most enjoyable FPS games this decade.

Pretty amazing what kind of results you can get with fraction of the budget, when you're not trying to appeal to CoD-kids and make things work on dead-on-arrival tier console toys.

>You get much more "rewards" for simply running in a big circle, kiting enemies behind you, and occasionally blasting one or two with a rocket / SS, which grants you more HP the lower you are.
Better than running around the map looking for health and armor.
>Upgrade trees, skill trees, level up systems.... = pseudo RPG bullshit, that has no place in a fucking DooM game.
Who are you to say what belongs on Doom or not?
>when a Doom game does not even play like a Doom, it's instant failure. Enjoy your Brutal Boredomlands.
It plays like Doom.
>The literally empty card GenZ kids pull out when they run out of argument ideas.
The "kid" argument nostalgia fags usually pull. I playing the original Doom on fucking release.

Can we not have 50 nu-doom threads a day with OP moaning that the game is fun while people provide reasons as to why this game is complete garbage and underages who didnt play the original doom go apeshit?

boring and generic as fuck modern shooter, tuns of bugs, kill x demons to proceed! enjoy your corridors!

>Serious Sam 3
Yeah I sure loved those hitscan enemies and garbage map design. Opinion discarded.

fun is a buzzword you fucking retards
don't use it

buzzword is the worst buzzword

But nostalgia fags are getting BTFO. Maybe you should get an argument that involves something more than "u-underage!".

the original doom isnt even on par with current shooters
you dont even have to aim

buzz off

There's more threads asking why Sup Forums hates Doom than hate threads about Doom.
It's an okay shooter that suffers from atrocious level design, that's it.

>you dont even have to aim
Did you play the game on console with autoaim or something? What kind of stupid statement is this?




>Did you play the game on console with autoaim or something? What kind of stupid statement is this?
Have you ever played the game?
You just have to look at an enemy and it does everything for you.

You mean yoh have to look at enemies and shoot like every single FPS ever made? Are you retarded or something?

>any other game
>you have to actually have your crosshair on the enemy
>you just face them because everything has homing bullets

>you just face them because everything has homing bullets
Objectively wrong. Stop shitposting

>le hitscans = bad meme
Way to show your age, child.
Doom and all its clones had hitscan enemies, and nobody has ever complained. The key is in the balance; hitscan foes are most often the weakest and slowest of the enemy library, which is compensated by their instantly hitting attacks. That contrary to popular believes, can be dodged / avoided, unless gamedevs were morons.

The map design was way more impressive and fun to explore than anything in nu-Duum.

Nice job evading the criticism on the main topic, btw.

>instead should be running around corridors and shooting whatever comes at you

That's literally what we got, just sometimes the doors lock

yeah because replacing arenas with corridors would make the game less linear

jesus christ you're some kinda autistic

>Way to show your age, child.
I'm seriously convinced you're an underage trying to fit in.
>The key is in the balance
Good thing they're aren't balanced in the slightest in Serious Sam 3, they're by far the most bullshit enemies in the game.
>The map design was way more impressive and fun to explore than anything in nu-Duum.
It's incredibly bland and too empty, there's nothing impressive about it. Level design was much better in previous SS games.

>yeah because replacing arenas with corridors would make the game less linear know those times when you see something so absolutely mind-blowingly stupid, that you can just stare at it and not say a word? Your comment just caused me to have such moment.

I mean holy living Batman-Elvis, son! Can you not fucking read? Have you ever even played original Doom games?? Because it really, really sounds like you never have done that.

>Have you ever even played original Doom games

yes I have. I replayed 1 and 2 before going in for 4. The only difference between them is that old doom was older, so it was slower, fewer enemies, and no verticality.

The level design in nudoom is just like the old games but much bigger and there are occasional points where you go in a tight circle killing a bunch of shit. and it's faster and more complex thanks to newer hardware.

> know those times when you see something so absolutely mind-blowingly stupid, that you can just stare at it and not say a word?

yeah, all your arguments

>I'm seriously convinced you're an underage trying to fit in.
On the contrary. I'm so old that shop keeps don't even bother asking for my papers anymore when buying alcohol.

>Good thing they're aren't balanced in the slightest in Serious Sam 3,
They use the exact same balance system as in original Doom, but are even weaker and slower than in Doom.
Go check out The Gamemaker's Toolkit video about the original.

>It's incredibly bland and too empty, there's nothing impressive about it.
I think you need to get your eyes checked.
With the sheer amount of details, combined with the environmental destruction and tons of secrets, SS3 has been easily one of the most awe-striking and rewarding games to play this decade.

>weak weapons
Other than the anemic rocket launcher, I had the opposite impression. Most enemies feel too soft and easy to kill to be even slightly fearsome.

>The only difference between them is that old doom was older, so it was slower, fewer enemies, and no verticality.
Someone is baiting, never realized to use SHIFT / Capslock, and also seems to be completely blind.

>The level design in nudoom is just like the old games but much bigger and there are occasional points where you go in a tight circle killing a bunch of shit.
Son, the nuDuum's mapdesign is absolutely nothing like in originals. They are linear corridors, leading either to lock-down rooms or those circles you mentioned. It's literally way simpler and lazier, CoD-era design.

Original Doom's maps were pseudo-open, circular systems, that seldom funneled you to one direction.

>yeah, all your arguments
And you don't even have any. It's like talking to a wall.

>never realized to use SHIFT / Capslock
that's not the same thing and you know it. You also can't jump

>Son, the nuDuum's mapdesign is absolutely nothing like in originals.

yes it is, you have no idea what CoD-era implies, apparently

>It's like talking to a wall.
I know the feeling...

lmao @ old farts unable to play DOOM because it's too fast for them

>Most enemies feel too soft and easy to kill to be even slightly fearsome.
I never found any enemy in nuDoom to be scary, but neither did they feel "soft". When as basic enemy as possessed soldier takes up to 5 shotgun shots to even "stagger" for GK, there's something wrong with the game's development philosophies.

and compare image to this...

that's part of why D44M was so great, it felt like the old school level design

choose one.

>that's not the same thing and you know it.
No, it's not. Original Doom puts much more emphasis on quick maneuvers and choosing your fighting locations, while new one guides you to tiny playgrounds and goes have a cup of coffee for a while.
>You also can't jump
You also don't need jumps, and maps are designed with this in mind.

>yes it is, you have no idea what CoD-era implies, apparently
Oh, I do. Just because you can occasionally backtrack, or take amazing TWO routes to same fucking room, does not make it significantly different than your basic Cowadooteh pipe.

>tons of verticality
>enemies have tons of movement

>no verticality
>enemies basically walk towards you

Nostalgia cucks will defend this

The map in D44M only MAKES the levels seem complex and open. You are also put to walk a set-path, and you never really need to be "searching" for keys nor secrets.
Guess how many of those rooms are lockdown arenas as well?

After playing BLOOD for the first time last year, the nuDuum was not only slow, but also piss easy as hell in comparison.

>enemies jump around like maniacs thanks to pre-set triggers in the tiny rooms, to create an illusion of wild foes

Only atheists hate it, cause it reminds them how doomed they are

Still a step above arrowing towards you.

Just about every shooter is piss easy compared to Blood desu

they pretty much do just that.

but not a good excuse.

Multiplayer was pretty bland and executions in single player are dumb
Overall a good game with a few flaws

>Why does Sup Forums hate it?
The PC version sucks.
DOOM is meant to be played on console.

>they pretty much do just that.
This wrong. Go ahead and prove it.

there are many times where theres more than 10 demons on screen in nightmare. Besides Doom4 enemies are much more engaging than original. Don't take this the wrong way, original Doom is one of my favorite games, but the firefights in Doom4 on nightmare are much more intense and fun. It rivals Serious Sam on Serious difficulty for me.

Glory kills are fine. Very fast and allow you to heal, also dangerous to use because you can get mobbed when you mistime them. Works well given the fundamentally different design of Doom4 compared to original.

Honestly i find it sad that Sup Forums has decided to shit on such a genuinely great game out of contrarianism. Meanwhile they've been fellating shit like crysis lately. Place gets worse every year

>>isn't the 12 enemy limit only on snapmap?

Wrong. Stop saying things

>and you never really need to be "searching" for keys nor secrets.

so you haven't played d44m then?

>Guess how many of those rooms are lockdown arenas as well?
Old doom sometimes forced you to kill enemies until portions of the map opened to reveal keys to progress as well...

>Honestly i find it sad that Sup Forums has decided to shit on such a genuinely great game out of contrarianism.

where are you getting this? It's obviously the same thread started by the single guy who hates it as a meme

If nu-doom garnered negative reception Sup Forums would love it

Fuck off, Todd.

>Go ahead and prove it.
go ahead and play the game.

>so you haven't played d44m then?
It's just hilarious how much Zenimax shills love to use THAT ""argument"" whenever someone criticizes the game.

Majority of the secrets are literal non-secrets. You can easily stumble upon an item or end up taking a route that could just as well be the main one, only to be surprised by the game informing you that they're "secrets". Not to mention by the time you hit Hell, majority of the skull keys spawn right next to the door you need to use it. No exploration, no backtracking, no fucking nothing.

>Old doom sometimes forced you to kill enemies until portions of the map opened to reveal keys to progress as well...
key word: Sometimes.
And like said, those maps were more often than not literal bossfight levels, ends of chapters.
With nuDuum's design, the E1M1 would pretty much stop you in every single room before the goal switch, to kill spawning shit behind locked doors.

I'm not the original doom is better fag by the way, I'm just complaining about this game you fuck

>go ahead and play the game.
I did, you apparently not.

>It's just hilarious how much Zenimax shills love to use THAT ""argument"" whenever someone criticizes the game.

not an argument, just an observation. There's MORE on an incentive to explore and find secrets in d44m thanks to the levelling system.

>ou can easily stumble upon an item or end up taking a route that could just as well be the main one, only to be surprised by the game informing you that they're "secrets".

this happens to me all the time in older games though...

>Not to mention by the time you hit Hell, majority of the skull keys spawn right next to the door you need to use it. No exploration, no backtracking, no fucking nothing.

I think you're overstating the amount of exploration needed in old doom, often the key would be placed close to your direct path as well.

>key word: Sometimes.
you're not in arenas constantly in new doom either, and you still don't have an explanation as to why it's worse than just having corridors all the time.

Oh, on the contrary.
How about you actually try to prove your claims, since so far you appear to either have been drugged while playing it and thus have magically "forgotten" everything, or you just have not played it at all.

>Oh, on the contrary.

prove it ;^)

>they pretty much do just that.
You're the one that made that statement, go ahead and prove it.

alright, thats fine

the multiplayer at least on console is total trash
damage numbers are wrong or dont count for the enemy you're shooting
no health pick ups in round based mode, so if your team is shit its impossible to come back
not sure what gun it was but it was the only one that people used and it was OP as shit everything else felt useless in comparison

fuck the multi is SO BAD

>top 3 players
>dancing and dabbing taunts
>damage done not adding up for dmg numbers
>op weapons
>supershotgun is complete and utter shit
it just doesnt feel right at all
its disguised as an arena shooter
but thats like saying destiny is an mmo

they don't. you probably hear plenty of that from faggots that haven't' played the game though.

i honestly dont get why anyone ever takes v opinion serious. you're a fool to.

new doom is good.

>too few enemies on screen
>stop playing on easy

game just increases the number of waves on higher difficulties, not the average number of monsters on screen
you fucking bullshiter shill

still has more enemies on screen on average compared to the old doom lol

and it's a false equivalency anyway given how much more complex enemy behaviour is in nu-doom

Sup Forums loves it. Only a vocal minority of shitposters hate it.

You can witness it with your own eyes if you just go and play the game, mate.

happy now?

>Zenimax loves it

>I played the game so all the bullshit I spew is right

The level design isn't as good as it should be. Half the fun of doom, for me, was learning the maps. The design was usually so unique that they remained interesting even after playing them numerous times. Can't really say the same for the new game, honestly.

In general there are too few enemies, and the guns are too weak. I don't think this new balance works completely, but it's what makes the glory kill concept viable.

I'm not sold on glory kills, either. I have heard people say it keeps the "flow" of combat going, but sometimes it seems like the opposite is true. Finishing off weakened enemies with guns lets you stay on your current path, which seems like the best way to keep the game flowing

It's an okay game but between the relatively uninteresting level design and sparse enemy counts, it could be better and there's no excuse for having put off more single player content for so long. Snapmap will never provide anything remotely as interesting as user-created maps and content for old doom

>The level design isn't as good as it should be. Half the fun of doom, for me, was learning the maps. The design was usually so unique that they remained interesting even after playing them numerous times. Can't really say the same for the new game, honestly.

disagree myself

>get called out for "not having played the game", because I criticize it
>prove I've played it more than enough
Just how big's that Zenimax's paycheck? I could use some cash. I'm damn good at coming up with total bullshit lies if needed.

>everyone that calls me on my bullshit is a shill
Having playing the game doesn't make your statements right.

Guys just try to accept it that the 30 year old neckbeards defending the original Doom dont want to play a video game about shooting demons but they rather walk around in a maze and point their mouse at the general direction of the buggy 2d sprites while accidentally sidestepping slow moving projectiles.

When the typical replies to the criticism vary between "lol you didn't even play the game!?" and "GTFO nostalgia fag!", as in completely ignore it all, you're either dealing with poor underaged Xbots who obviously are going to be impressed by this "Brutal Painkiller RPG", or literal Zenimax shills, that have long ago been proven and caught be working on this very site.

Excuse me that I've not let my standards fall to the murky bottoms because of console AAA trash.

Nope. I just want to play an actual Doom-like egoshooter.
You know, actual maps, pre-set enemies, limited supplies that encourage secret exploration, no RPG bullshit... ?

nobody cares, barneyfag

>actual maps, pre-set enemies, limited supplies that encourage secret exploration, no RPG bullshit... ?

>it's different so it's shit!!!!!!!

I guess I mean that, even if you took all the demons off the maps of old doom, the maps themselves would retain an interesting quality and would be fun to "solve" like mazes, at least for a couple times, based on their merit as maps alone. Could you really say the same for the new game?

Someone else mentioned enemy behavior, and that's a definite plus of DOOM. Probably the biggest thing that keeps it fresh

Spawns are fixed. Exploration is a meme that dies after first the firsty playthrough and limited supplies just make the game that "oh I didnt find secret number # I guess I will have to backtrack and press e on every wall". And what RPG bullshit? Just play the game once and then you can do Arcade without collecting any of that shit.

Because the multiplayer is trash-tier Quake garbage. Shitloads of meaningless dlc. Coop snapmap is cookie cutter garbage.

They really should have let Doom be Doom and recycled the engine/multiplayer for a new Quake game.

I thought the majority of Sup Forums thought the game was okayish. Though that might have been influenced by the fact that pretty much every reboot lately has been shit

>Quake garbage

what did he mean by this

>Could you really say the same for the new game?

uh, yeah? That's part of what made it such a good game

The embodiment of Sup Forums

I do.
Several Anons do.
Quite many people elsewhere do.
My wife does.
My best friend do.

Anyone who's a fan of the old Doom games should.

Lovely trivializations, Johnny Jim.
You're still not engaging the subject one bit.

>Spawns are fixed.
...uh huh?
>Exploration is a meme that dies after first the firsty playthrough
Nope. There's still many secrets in OG Doom and its clones that I've yet to find. And no, I'm not a casual moron who Googles their shit out.
Also, said games integrated exploration and secrets into the gameplay. You only make the game harder for yourself if you ignore this aspect.

>Just play the game once and then you can do Arcade without collecting any of that shit.
People even mentioning the tacked on bullshit the "Arcade" mode clearly don't understand jack shit what made DooM a timeless classic, and nuDuum a mediocre, literal flavor of the month crap.

takes all kinds I guess

>uh, yeah? That's part of what made it such a good game
Were you literally born in 1999, or does this handholding babby's first FPS - 2016 edition really differ THAT much from the typical console shooters of current era? Genuinely interested, because I don't play on consoles.

D44M was fucking linear and guided as hell.

>See Quake 4

oh, I blocked quake 4 from my memory, that explains my confusion