Why do sonyggers always think their exclusives are a selling point?

Why do sonyggers always think their exclusives are a selling point?
Most of it is weaboo garbage, and the only exeptions are garbage. Litterally the only worthwhile game on ps4 is Bloodborne and even that isn't good enough to buy an entire console for.

>Why do sonyggers always think their exclusives are a selling point?
exclusives are the selling point for a Sup Forumsirgin like me because I already have a pc for multiplats
not an argument

I agree about bloodborne, since I bought mine solely for SRW and Gundam.

why are you so upset?

You wouldn't understand as you've never had a good system exclusive.

>why are games a selling point?
sasuga, Sup Forums

>I already have a pc for multiplats
Not an argument either.


LITERALLY the only good exclusive thats worth getting a PS4 for is Bloodborne

Honestly? It's just logical reasoning. We've already spent years debating this over and over again. Consoles serve no purpouse these days as the PC has everything and much much more than consoles. So in truth this is the only reason to buy one, I'm not the one to judge if they're good or not since I have not played any of them nor do I own a PS4. So in truth it's up to you which I think most Sony console owners realize. I know for a fact that Nintendofanboys will continue to try and convince me that the next boring installment of Mario and Zelda will be sooo good, But I know for a fact that they look the same, feel the same, evolved little to nothing. So I'd only be playing out of sheer nostalgia. I've always found that Sonyfans are generally more reasonable than other console fanbases. They discuss games, what is bad and don't defend the company for all its actions. Sony is after all pretty shitty in many regards and they are aware of that. But for example, Nintendofans will act all elitist and completely ignore any bad anti-consumeristic behavior that the company resorts to.

Why would multiplats be a selling point for me if I already have a PC?
Use your head

>lel no games
>here games

>lesbian seduces straight

kek the irony is palpable

they get so uppity when guys want to seduce lesbians

>Games for edgy teens

>Games for kids and manchildren

>Games for weebs

Pick your poison.

Exept that pc has way more exclusives.

>Inb4 b-buh none o-of those t-thousands are g-good!

The fact you have something better to play multiplats doesn't have shit to do with justifying buying a ps4 in anyway, retard.

I am not upset, just confused.

Smartphones have more exclusives than pc

>Inb4 b-buh none o-of those t-thousands are g-good!

Why would you edit an image like that..? Nevermind I don't want to know...

name some AA or AAA Japanese exclusives coming out on PC in 2017. Go on. I fucking dare you

>Sonyfans are generally more reasonable than other console fanbases
Stopped reading there.

Ok if you enjoy buying a brick just for 5 games, that's fine. Just show it off to Sup Forums and enjoy poorfag tears.

good point

wow dykes are all over porn

There is a difference between a powerful pc, and a fucking phone you mentally stunted autist.

I don't know. Why do multiplats sell better on the PS4 by a huge margin? I thought there were like 50 billion stream users.

It's just my personal opinion. And I do spend a lot of time here. Over the years I just find other fanbases more obnoxious, after 2011 that is. Through the years they became less vocal after the PS3 I believe. Which makes sense if you think about it

>Why do sonyggers always think their exclusives are a selling point?
lol what? Nintendorks use the "muh exclusives" thing more than sonyfags do
Also what's the point of owning a console if it werent for the exclusives?
Delete your thread and yourself famicom

that and also games for cucks and SJW women.

>cuck of war
>Uncharted feminist 4
> the last of cuck 2

pathetic console for pathetic cucks no wonder why they love to suck sony's cock so much.

>Why do sonyggers always think their exclusives are a selling point?
they don't? literally every sony shill boasts about having ports

>big black dick

yeah buddy

>Sonygger's delusion

i bought my ps4 for bloodborne and now i regret.

Because sonyggers are poor and can't afford a proper pc for multiplats.
We all know idort is the way to go anyways.
But whatever console to play whatever you wat to play, without stupid brand loyalties.


When did Sup Forums became a chicken coop?


hello cuck

I agree

t. PS4 owner

>duped by the hype for Destiny
>bought a PS4 for it
>it was terrible
>oh well I'll try Bloodborne, I liked DaS
>it's ugly and boring to me
>wow this console has no games
>go to day one release of MGSV
>holy shit this game is awesome
>doesn't have an ending
>pre-order FFXV because it seems like it will be the most complete/finished game for the PS library on release
>I'm actually satisfied with it, but it's still incredibly flawed
Wow finally my PS4 has 1 (one) game. Hope Death Stranding is good. I may buy Nier to support Kamiya

PS4 is largely sucks.

Spotted the cuck.

Nailed it

Fucked up the quote this was for


Sony always has the more interesting exclusives as an idort, on top of multiplat support.
Nintendo nowadays gets the worse library of the 3.

I will pick PC

>weaboo garbage
>wanting to play cuckfest western (((games)))

True, a phone is actually useful and costs less.

Congrats you get all three of them, enjoy the cancer