Well, they fucked it up

Well, they fucked it up.


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Well that was underwhelming.

Considering they probably couldn't handle the copyright for the original song, I can deal. At least the rest is intact

I hope it is.

Hardin said that everything is intact. I know he's been a bit unreliable with P5 stuff but he made the Yakuza 0 statement when it was already given a release date if I recall, so it holds water

I still preordered it and I will buy it, I want more Yakuza in west. But still, it feels shitty to have artistic vision altered.

But my point is that the only thing altered is the opening due to copyright. Everything else seems to be the same

>I know he's been a bit unreliable
He's the PR guy for a subsidiary of a company that endlessly pisses off fans. The new Miku game is digital only, yet makes the previous game worthless.

Well I don't care if it's just the intro. I will skip it anyway to dodge spoilers.

who cares about the fucking intro? how autistic can you be

Actually, PDX's tracklist is exclusive to itself. FT only covers everything before it, so it still holds merit


We've never gotten the op for any Yakuza game ever, licensing it in the west would cost as much as the whole localization for some reason

>for some reason
Music licenses are the most asinine thing. One song alone can cost thousands under the right conditions

>Sega promises that NOTHING would be censored
>The fucking intro song has been removed completely

What the fuck.

Seriously, why are you guys just accepting this? This is absolutely disgusting. Are you telling me that Sega is so cheap they can't be bothered to commit a little extra to the development of the game so that it can come over here completely uncensored?

I'm glad I bought this game through PlayAsia. This is a disgusting practice and should NOT be supported. If you buy this shit, you are part of the problem.

>Are you telling me that Sega is so cheap they can't be bothered to commit a little extra to the development of the game so that it can come over here completely uncensored?
Considering that supporting Yakuza in the first place is a rather risky business practice on their end? Yes. You forget how literally every Yakuza game has had their intro song altered due to copyright. The cost of licensing these songs would be unreasonable because the music industry is fucking dumb

License issues =\= censorship

Maybe the reason no one can get excited about western releases for Yakuza is because they keep CENSORING everything the creators did. I can't possibly in good faith support a company I know can and will cut out content simply because they are cheap. CENSORSHIP is something that should never be supported.

If you absolutely must play Yakuza 0, but it directly from Japan. Don't touch this neutered mess. I shudder to think of what else Sega has changed.

I bet you're the one who refused to buy Dragon's Dogma on PC even though it's everything what people wanted.

Go back to tumblr, retard.

>Are you telling me that Sega is so cheap they can't be bothered to commit a little extra to the development of the game
These games are localized on a shoestring budget, so yes. The amount of people who buy them was around 100k or something for 5 if I remember right, if they even break even is up in the air at this point.

Because I'm sure when even less people support the game, they'll be sure to license one or two songs, instead of necking the localization.

It's nothing compared to Y3 localization or Nintendo ones.

>get the demo on japanese PSN
>Watch the intro
>Pop your english copy into PS4
>Start the game

Problem solved, retards

Damn. That looked good.

Or maybe your head is so far up your own ass that you forget just how niche Yakuza is. The only time it's actually been censored is with Yakuza 3 and the backlash was enough to keep Yakuza 4 pretty much intact.
Stop shitposting.

Yakuza openings are always so shit i skip them

Who the fuck cares?

That's always been the case.

Most of the Yakuza games never retain the original theme because of copyright, if not all of them.

I'd rather the West not get the game at all than see an inferior product get released.

>Pretty much intact

We have CONSTANTLY seen examples of Sega censoring games in the past several months. They are far, far worse than Nintendo. They were the ones were ordered Atlus to censor Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Persona 5 (Hence the strange double standard as to why Smash, Xenoblade, and Fates are allowed sexy costumes but TMS isn't) and you even admit that Sega has a history of CENSORING this particular franchise.

You are asking for the original intent of the creators to be CENSORED by suits who are too cheap to localize the game properly. This is a disgusting practice that no free country should have to endure. Censorship of any kind is wrong, and Sega is quickly proving themselves to be the ABSOLUTE WORST.

>They were the ones were ordered Atlus to censor Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Persona 5
>[Xenoblade] allowed sexy costumes

One man's quest for (You)s

>Hence the strange double standard as to why Smash, Xenoblade, and Fates are allowed sexy costumes

I've seen swimsuits in the English release of Fates. They probably weren't unlocked yet when this photo was taken.

Why are you trying to deflect my criticisms of Sega by crying about Nintendo? They have NOTHING to do with Yakuza or censorship in general.

Sega, in Yakuza 3, completely removed the Hostess Clubs, an important gameplay feature. That ALONE is much worse than anything Nintendo has ever done, and yet they are still censoring content.

Well, I guess I'm part of the problem then. Sorry.

I prefer the original, but I still liked this one. What are they using for the beginning of the game with all the establishing shots of 80s Japan though? This wouldn't fit at all.

Show me one actual instance of censorship. And protip: replacing a song they couldn't get the rights to is not censorship

It was also in the beginning of the story, setting the mood of the game.
So it's a shame.

>They have NOTHING to do with Yakuza or censorship in general.

Oh, yes, they do. It allows people to ignore any serious debate on censorship because people start thinking, "Oh, it's just the usual console war faggots braying again," and tune out the rest.

that was due to time constraints (there are also dozens of sidequests missing) rather than censorship

Nintendo cut up lots of games. Sega censored Yakuza 3 and they apologized afterwards, now most Yakuza games are kept intact besides the intro music and a japanese quiz. Even the fucking rakugo side story stayed in Y5.

Yakuza is shit so why does it matter? Nobody here is actually buying this trash are they?

I like the tune but would've preffered Bubble

What I dont get is that both Y1 and 2 got the original intro but from 3 onward they change it for something else

what's the matter? jealous it's not out on the switch?

>I've seen swimsuits in the English release of Fates.
That's the fan translation you fucking dumbass
Why am I even feeding you (You)s
2/10 got me to bite

On the topic of Switch. Why is everyone so obsessed with every game and them asking or saying that it's coming to Switch? It's not just this site, but game news articles also get flooded with retards asking about Switch. I know the reveal is soon, but are people really that obsessed with every game that they want it on Switch?

Did we get the two Crazy Ken Band songs in Yakuza 2? I only played the Japanese HD version.

You just hyped me up for 1980's Yakuza user. Well done.

For reals though i hope this made it in?


If i won the lottery tommorow i would own my own nightclub and just have others fucking run it but act like the fucking bigman, fuck yeah

Installs for Yakuza are a PS3 thing, but I think you can view the install screen in an extras menu on PS4 if I'm not mistaken.

I remember one of them playing after Kiryu tells Kaoru that Kazuma killed her parents

>Sega, in Yakuza 3, completely removed the Hostess Clubs
Considering how creepy that shit was in 4, they did the west a favor


whatever, they did that for the other games too.

Do any of you fucks crying CENSORSHIP even know what it fucking means? This isn't censorship.

>important gameplay feature

Hostess clubs are a barrier to 100% completion only enjoyed by betas in Japan who either can't afford paying for the real thing or who are too ashamed to actually visit one. Cutting them out entirely but leaving the girl substories in for the EXP boost was easily the best part of 3's mangled localization, primarily because you didn't have to waste millions of yen visiting vapid cunts purely so Kiryu could fuck them to level up. Cutting twenty substories and several minigames for no reason was the actually disgusting part, although it meant no mandatory Shogi or Mahjong so that's at least one positive.

Yeah, fuck you too. Go to Japanese reddit.

Persona 5 is censored?

>Removing a song duo to licensing issues is censoring
How retarded, or how much of a baiting shitposter can you be? Jesus Christ

Look at this fuckwit pretending to be outraged to make people that care about games loosing actual features and content look stupid.
Fuck you pal, you cant have this (you).

3 onward is when they started getting really expensive artists. There's a licensed song edition of 0 where you pay like $15 extra to listen to Eikichi Yazawa and TM Network on your walkman.

>opening song is altered because of licensing issue
user, I think you need to sit down and calm down a little

If we're lucky maybe they'll remove the garbage remix of Funk Goes On from Kiwami.

>Censorship baiting
>PlayAsia shilling

8/10 Bretty guud

I wouldn't mind some kind of original soundtrack DLC, like with Ateliers.

Why the fuck did they forget how to make good bosses for this series between 3 and Ishin? They're just embarrassing in 4 and 5.

Hostess clubs being removed from Yakuza 3.

We just don't know what they're removing from Yakuza 0 yet.

>Time constraints

You believe that shit? Ha ha.

> (You)
>Nintendo cut out lots of games!

The games that Nintendo are blamed for censoring, Bravely Default, Dragon Quest, and TMS were under the eye of other companies. Nintendo themselves DO NOT censor games.

>bad bosses

You said that Yakuza games are still getting censored. Where?

>Kiryu in 4
>Bad boss

Hostess Club removal was not censorship. It was localization, and a poor one at that. You could make the argument for removing massage parlors from 3 as an act censorship, but Kiryu still unambiguously fucks the Hostesses on dates, he does nothing of the sort in the actual club sequences. Removing Hostess Maker Dress-up is not censorship. Removing licensed music is not censorship. Removing mahjong and pachinko is not censorship, it is a kindness. Removing twenty substories because they're considered too Japanese for the English people playing a Japan Simulator? Utterly stupid, but not censorship, still a localization issue.

Haruka's sexy bonus outfit getting removed from the English version of 5 because she's underage? THAT was censorship. Especially weird because that fucking little devil costume from Dead Souls wasn't censored, and that was pure pedo-bait.

Already confirmed Y0 is not censored. They've already showed an S&M sidestory in english and gravure videos are also in. I don't get why you keep shitposting though. Rhetorical question, don't sperg out or answer it

i was expecting this
only time they havent had to change the op song was for like 1-2 since they were in house or something
this new one isnt that bad imo

>anything good

Only good boss fight in 4. But you're right.

is this guy still making $15 off his patreon?

I actually like this one.

Reminder that Ruka best girl in Yakuza 0.

Also, licensing issues are not censorship.

So do I, going to need to see what they do for the in-game cutscene the original plays in though before I give Sega a pat on the back.

3's English opening was much better than the Japanese one actually. They just used the final boss theme. 4's English op was basically just an instrumental version of the Japanese one.


Wait, I was wrong about 4.



Looks like someone fell for the censorship meme without knowing what censorship is

You're a fucking retard and I hope you get more replies telling you how much of a faggot you are


Gamespot is currently streaming, IGN will be streaming in a bit

damn it looks pretty good
all the stuff is translated nicely, doesnt look all fucked up or anything

The localization team learned their lesson from 3, which means they will do a great job

Tekken sure has taken a strange direction.

Honorifics is still garbage and is plain done by stupid Atlus enforcing.

Yazawa's track was great though. The only good thing about 3.

>I Did It For The Trophy
Fucking 10/10

Was the removal of History quiz in 4 censorship as well?

> Nintendo themselves DO NOT censor games.
Treehouse does censor a lot though. DQVIII is exception since it was censored in Japanese version as well.

Wouldn't even be the weirdest thing Tekken's done Tbh

I can forgive honorifics in Yakuza because yakuza culture is really specific with these kinds if things and unlike generic high school settings replacing it with the American equivalent doesn't really work. Plus it's totally worth it just to hear Mark Hamill say Kazuma-chan in the first game.

This is niche as fuck right? So how many months before it's like 10-20$ in a bargain bin?

Baba was GOAT

And majima fight in Y5 was better than against Kiryu in Y4

>Mark Hamill
That man really was the saving grace of that game's dub. Everyone else seemed so unenthused.

I find it more annoying that everyone and their mother seem to already have the game. Yakuza Fan is a small channel and still has a 1h preview video up. Or is there a secret demo I don't know about?

>I can forgive honorifics in Yakuza because yakuza culture is really specific with these kinds if things and unlike generic high school settings replacing it with the American equivalent doesn't really work.
It's honestly quite pointless. There's a good reason why practically zero games have them included with English text

Probably one of the best duys ever.. comedywise.


Nowhere near as good as Bubble but still a great fit IMO

Sega probably have out review copies to anyone who asked.

It's already $10 off on Amazon, expect it to be $20-30 in a few months.

Kill this... ... ... dumb motherfucker.


>he doesn't have best buy GCU
$48 bucks at launch baybee

did kiryu really swear in the japanese version of 1?
if he did i wish he still did