Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet?
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet?
Delete this thread and repost it with a less ugly image.
this. for gods sakes THIS!
Because I just found my 3ds last night,and then I found out my computer is Fucking broken.
you guys don't get it. do you?
I wish/hope this is real
i get it. its that guy who bricked everyones 3ds with the otp he left in. its a shitty ugly picture and looks retarded.
That's kind of the point, user.
Because I own 50+ physical copies of most of the library I wanted, and have more ordered on the way.
Too late now.
Because the 3ds is the only good console last and this gen and it is dumb to steal from nintendo for doing a good job.
no games
I posted 50+ games user.
>"failed to install cdn title" when trying to install from a qr code
fuck is up with that?
Meesa no wanten hack una 3DS, meesa muy bombad at computin'.
knew it.
the point was how ugly he is
ugly = bricking peoples 3ds
>try to hack my 3ds
>get to the part where i launch soundhax
fuging ebic
there's a file you were supposed to name something-app.bin, right?
did you name it something-app.bin.bin?
it's named otherapp.bin like the guide said
Otherapp.bin, not otherapp.bin.bin. just write otherapp
yeah, but did you add the .bin when you named it?
that means it's named otherapp.bin.bin since you probably don't have visible file-types in windows
don't worry, buddy
i did the exact same thing
Because the insignificant amount you spend is going to make any real difference in Nintendo's sales right? I mean really, who's actually the dumb one here?
how do i add sfx and music to a theme im making?
what vidya should I install now?
these hacking threads really shows Sup Forums's terrible reading comprehension
Because I have expendable income and like looking at my physical collection of games. I wonder, do (exclusively) piratefags stare at their shit lovingly?
I wish i could see comments from his first video.
So I just finished the hack. Where is the Freeshop? Are there alternative ways I can get games?
>try to use safehax
what do
It was a shitstorm of level 11.
all i got
How do I get the video games now
I did, there's just nothing I want to really play on it.
I basically just hacked it so I could play monster hunter, then I played monster hunter and burnt myself out.
I might look into it again for XX, but it's been about a year since I played it.
Yakara is cute!
u get them frm gogole dot .com
Quick question:
The guide says "You should be on 2.1.0". Does it want to boot Decrypt9?
Why would it?
you should be on 3d home menu on version 2.1.0
but my system settings say 11.0
was it because I played pokemon moon real fast?
Guys please help, none of my apps are working on my home menu anymore.
shoulda followed the guide
did you do the ctrtransfer step?
>region free
>save manager
Being a buyfag is not an excuse. It's never been.
I can't do /anything/.
I tried doing the LR UP whatever recovery thing and it's not loading. I got to 2.1 but didn't do the next part before playing the game and it changing version numbers.
I got it done with 3ds.guide
now I have a9lh + Luma, no emuNAND method or that kind of crap, just using sysNAND and it works like a charm
so, if they drop a future update, like 11.3, can I simply go to system settings and update my firmware normally? Is it safe?
Anyone here got freeshop 2.4 qr? I only have 2.3
Because I want to wait till the switch event and see for any 3DS connectivity or transferring confirmation so I don't screw myself over when the switch is out
>games unreleased in the western market
>rare as fuck games such as Cave Story 3D
>ambassador GBA games
I'm enjoying mine OP, and yeah, I'm a collector fag, but let's be honest with ourselves, we're not stupid enough to import a JP 3DS, learn japanese, import their games and spend $150 on a Cave Story 3D copy just because Ninty want us to
hard to tell without knowing what steps youve done or havent done, and im no expert anyway. just ask around these threads or on the reddit before you totally fuck up and brick yourself.
>14 y/o beard
that guy should just remove himself from the gene pool
I followed the steps to the dot. I remember reading 2.1.0 and downgrading and all the that nonsense , but am not sure how to get to back to that state.
I don't own one.
I think its okay. Read the guide.
are you on a new or old 3ds?
Tried doing the ctrtransfer again but now I'm getting pic related after i rebooted
>not changing the filename
Im on the last page of the guide, I was asked to Delete the 3ds folder from the root of your SD card if it exists, I did and then copy the contents of starter.zip the guide says: This will include a brand new 3ds folder to replace the one you just deleted,
But then I must copy the contents of the SafeA9LHInstaller .7z and there is another 3ds folder inside,
I already delete the 3ds folder in order to put a new one and now i will overwrite?
delete system 32
Yes. Nintendo can't do anything about an exploit on arm9, so updates are always safe.
how has nintendo fucked up this badly?
degenerate hampsterposter
It's too much like homework.
Too much work. The whole reason i bought a n3dsxl was to have a physical collection that i will keep for decades. I regret selling all my consoles and games as a kid. 3ds os a perfect system to keep forever because it wont become obsolete when tv inputs change. Pirating games on my pc always felt like it degraded the experience
I did the whole thing on the last page, until section II, on the reinsert the sd card step i did and turned on the 3ds nothing happened, I got a black screen.
I dont want to give up now that Im so far on the guide plz help
>Pirating games on my pc always felt like it degraded the experience
Yeah, I feel you on that. I would pirate a lot of games but really only finished Dead Space games and then hours of tf2.
Pirating games and testing their graphcis on PC was a lot more fun.
Okay I laughed at this one
I always regreted pirating undertale instead of buying it
I turned it off took out the sd card and turned on again and it works,I guess I must insert the sd card now with 3ds on and continue
enjoy your paperweight
So I bought Street Fighter 4 on 3ds but got my 3ds stolen.
Is there no way to download it back to a new 3ds?
install cfw, pirate it
Going to do this now. but holy shit. how many of you guys actually tested your sd card for errors before the 3ds.guide?
pic very related - it's only 16gb
You fucked up. The guide tells you not even to put your 3DS into sleep mode after the 2.1.0 firmware downgrade, and you think playing games on it is safe? You are on 2.1.0 BECAUSE it's BROKEN and EXPLOITABLE, you were there to only to install A9LH and then UPDATE BACK TO 11.2 AS SOON AS ALL THE NECESSARY PAYLOADS ARE INSTALLED because shutting around on 2.1.0 is begging to brick. If you're lucky your fuckup was doing a partial downgrade, which means just opening homebrew and repeating the 2.1.0 steps. But desu that's unlikely to be the case, enjoy your doorstop.
Is merging folders 2hard 4u? You're moving folders, not zip files
>why haven't you hacked your 3ds yet?
Lol, user. to be honest if you are nervous don't bother but the best advice is
can someone link me a tutorial in making themes? idk how to add sound and music to it among other things.
So, I just backeup up my NANDmin.bin (which is essential) and the OTP file.
Since the guide says I should keep a backup of these, I just saved to my cloud storage and cleared both from 3DS.
Question is: will I ever need OTP again since now I'm fine with Luma + A9LH? I mean worst case scenario, I fuck up and lose my SD. Will I ever need that OTP file? Is it okay to not carry it inside my 3DS SD card?
Too many OP images of people making stupid faces Sup Forums. Like way too many
The OTP is kind of useless unless you somehow lose a9lh, in which case it'll let you get back up to speed quickly again.
Otherwise it will only be good for getting some encryption keys if we get bootrom dumps in the future.
Will a R4I SDHC work for DS games or do I need to purchase the R4i 3DS RTS?
I won't do it again. I just wanted to make fun of that guy.
any should work if you're using CFW, even those that don't advertise 3ds or even dsi support
Because I'm a retard and don't want to brick it
so I keep the 3ds folder dont overwrite it and just add the other files then?
Losing A9LH? You mean if I fuck up and end up completely removing it from my NAND? Or a broken SD without backup already means A9LH is gone for good?
Got it, thanks.
>You mean if I fuck up and end up completely removing it from my NAND?
forgot pic
Is the online for Animal Crossing still alive?
This is where you can actually brick it
>when in 2.1 downgrade, if you decide to be a retarded and mess up with the system, remove the battery while doing something important etc
>if you CLOSE THE LID ENTERING SLEEP MODE while on a New 3DS. Seriously. That's a guaranteed brick.
>if you fuck up with your OTP.bin, using another console's OTP, or simply ignorning crucial steps to install A9LH
>if you literally can't read the guide and decide to do things on your own without paying attention to each step
Do it EXACTLY as the 3ds.guide says and you're fine.
it's as safe as it gets with soundhax entrypoint
at the time i hacked mine the guide didnt suggest to do so like it does now
After hacking 3DS. And getting a new sd card.
Just copy and paste to new card right?
fuck this shit I just tried for 2 fucking hours to get this working and I couldn't.
I feel so impotent for not being able to do this. I can install a fucking processor for my pc but this? this is what I get stuck on.
fuck this. i'm out.
don't leave. tell us what happened?
no I'm so done with this.
I installed the european Fire Emblem Fates via freeshop, i chose conquest. Now how can i play birtright and revelations? They told me to download the dlcs from 3dsiso but i find only updates and minor dlcs, not a way to download the other two versions. Can someone help me please?