So this is why sonyggers and nintoddlers don't get along
So this is why sonyggers and nintoddlers don't get along
But Final Fantasy has been on Nintendo systems since.
I couldn't care less.
Actually the quote was something along the lines of "JRPG are for losers who dye their hair brown" from Hiroshi Yamauchi.
And then Nintendo got fucked by Sony for years. They still havent recover lol.
Mainline titles haven't since VI though.
no main series game desu
>bravely default
>ff3/4 remakes
>Crystal bearers
Don't think so, Tim.
They got fucked out of the main series after VI.
You can't contest this.
Squaresoft was pushing for better technology and was thrilled by the Sony collaboration announcement. When Sony approached Squaresoft and said they were working on their own console, with the performance and storage space to leave files uncompressed, Squaresoft left Nintendo.
When Squaresoft left, so did other JRPG publishers. Which obviously made Nintendo bitter.
And now Cloud is in smash bros so who cares what they said 20 years ago
why are people reporting on this now
we've known this for years
Main series has been shit lately anyway; even the mobile spin-offs are better these days.
Yamauchi was hardcore. I feel like he was the one reigning Miyamoto in from being a retard.
read the article instead of jumping to conclusions.
Main series has generally been unredeemable shit since VII.
All of this shit over a vapid game mostly composed of compressed as fuck videos about an angsty faggot with spiky anime hair? You can keep it.
>le relatable common speech headline
"Nintendo boned us hard, but then we decided to make it our mission and be vidictive assholes and impress Sony by making sure Nintendo lost. Because it would be better for us. And we did all this at the expense of our two best directors because we were too blinded by seething rage to think clearly. It was worth it in the end, because now Nomura's in charge and he's not such a slave-driver, and I've got more money in my pocket, so win-win... win.
Oh yeah, this is in spite of the fact Mr. Miyamoto-san had tried to befriend us by offering to make a Zelda X Final Fantasy crossover before we left.
What in the hell did they mean by this? They actually let this get published?
I am pretty sure the actual quote was: "Only disc fags play JRPGs, platformers for life yo. GTFO."
i would take XII and Tactics over VII.any day.
>www-ww--wwe ddddiddnt wannt it anyway
Nintoddlers everyone
Considering most of the good games SE released on the last years were nintendo exclusives, it seems it didnt last long
Bravely Series
FF theathyryhtmrtymrthmryh
What did SE make for other platforms? ff13 and ff15? Lol, pass
>Nintendo tries to bully Square
>Square finds even stronger partnership with Sony and less dickish about going multiplatform
You think Sony said "Don't you ever talk to me again" when they announced that FFXV and FF13 went to xbox?
Fuck no.
Its funny because SE did come back begging to let nintendo port old FF games to GBA
This was back when SE was in the brink of bankruptcy
Nintendo isn't the one with FFXIII and its sequels on their system. I say, they won in the end.
To be fair that was worded like a breakup between two intimate lovers
They haven't had a console capable of running a main series FF game since VI either.
Seems like the more obvious explanation.
I love Tactics but I couldn't even finish XII.
"Hey, you know that next massive RPG in the #1 RPG series in the world we promised you? Well we could've made it on N64 but we need to shove prerendered cutscenes that will look like shit in literally less than a year and Sony's offering sooo... yeah. Bye!"
Regardless of who's right or wrong if I was Nintendo I'd be fucking pissed too. You're gonna leave after collaborating on shit like Mario RPG and releasing every game you've EVER fucking made on Nintendo platforms and now you're going to switch because of file size limits?
Oh yeah and prerendered cutscenes didn't stop FFVII from being hot fucking garbage anyway.
>good games
Nintenbabby here, I bought a PS for the sole purpose of playing FFVII back in the day.
64 could've easily ran 7 if it weren't for the cutscenes
>releasing a game on two consoles is totally the same as leaving one console for another.
Not to say Square wasn't justified, but seriously?
>if it weren't for the cutscenes
Well there you go
Nintendo alienated nearly every other JRPG developer in the past by threatening to sue them for ripping off Final Fantasy. Even when it wasnt their own game, just because it was their exclusive
Well they developed on playstation only for a while.
Nintendo's hardware was just shit for large games like FF7.
Square were assholes too.
Dragon Quest
Are you retarded
FF is a ripoff of DQ
even without cutscenes trying to fit 4 disc worth of data onto 64's teeny weenie cartridges would be impossible without sacrifices
Actually that was Sony's doing, and what's wrong with that? Pretty much every video game company was bringing the bantz back then.
desu the snes era (4-6) was by far the best era of final fantasy
I dont run nintendo but they are retarded, yes
Imagine. It would be a new level to shit to Final Fantasy flamewars.
>FF7 without cutscenes released
>I play games for the GAME not the STORY the N64 version is superior
Ninty still salty af FF7 creamed OoT as the best release of the generation and still tops it as one of the best games of all time.
Yamaguchi was literal Yakuza.
He made Hanafuda become the most popular card game in Japan by having his Yakuza cronnies run illegal hanafuda gambling houses.
I'm not even joking
That's wrong though the only reason there is 3 discs is due to the space the FMVs take up. Every disc of FFVII actually contains the whole game just with the appropriate cutscenes.
There's nothing wrong with it. Square couldn't put Final Fantasy 7 on cartridges, and Nintendo told them to fuck off. I don't think either company were really in the wrong in that situation.
Thats badass
Some excerpts
>Tomoyuki Takechi, President and chief executive officer, Square – It was pretty uncomfortable. There were about four to five years where we couldn’t really talk with Nintendo. We didn’t have a friendly relationship with them.
>Shinichiro Kajitani, Vice president, Square USA – When we made the decision to go with Sony, for about 10 years we basically weren’t allowed into Nintendo’s offices. From a consumer’s point of view, it was good to have two companies competing with each other because prices wouldn’t rise and it would be better for them. But from a business perspective, our main interest was making sure that Sony won and Nintendo lost, basically, because that would be better for us.
>George Harrison, Senior vice president, marketing and communications, Nintendo of America (1992-2007) – The period when PlayStation first arrived using CDs rather than cartridges was a tough period for Nintendo with publishers. Nintendo wanted to stay with cartridges to minimize counterfeiting but publishers wanted the extra capacity available on CDs. This was especially true for games like Final Fantasy with rich graphics.
>Shittendo literally got the ESRB created because they were butthurt about Sega being the better system
Most cancerous company in the industry. It needs to burn.
Sony handled the advertising for it. Just like they handled the advertising for No Mans Sky in exchange for the game releasing on PS4.
He's calling you retarded because Nintendo never sued for making a JRPG. And like he said FF (like all JRPG) ripped off Dragon Quest.
They left because the couldn't code in 3D, so they went backwards to PSX so they could code in software-generated "3D." They had to use 2000 polygons to render Behemouth.
In fact, a more cynical user than I might say they never learned by the way FF games are always trying to push graphics. It's like they're still stuck in the "games are art" phase of amatuer developers of today, since 1996.
N64 was the most powerful processor on the planet for 4 years running. The first 3DFX cards didn't start coming out until 2000, and they were the size of a fingernail like the reality co-processor of N64. That's a greater leap than the PS3 cell was back in '06. And these guys were saying it's not powerful enough.
WTH were they trying to make, Reboot running on N64?
LMAO. If a developer told you that your console wasn't powerful enough while you know Starfox 64, the best looking game till the PS2, was in development, wouldn't you want them off the team too?
>Square leaves Nintendo to make prerendered bullshot rpg cgi movie games for the Playstation
>Makes an actual movie
Why do all Nintendo traitors die or suffer a horrible fate?
>Free Radical - muh Sony exclusive game!
>Factor 5 - muh Sony exclusive game!
>not the best ff since ffix
>not a great game
>bu-bu-but they rehashed 2 hours in a 60 hours game!
>Darren Smith, Project manager/manager, Nintendo of America (1993-2000) – I knew it was important [when Square left], and it certainly was a loss. But for me, it wasn’t such a devastating loss. I knew it was very important for [Nintendo in] Japan. I’m not so sure about the U.S. market. But we knew it was a big deal to have lost it on our system, and knowing that it would make Sony a bigger competitor, it just made the work that much more important.
>Hiroshi Kawai, Character programmer, Square Japan – I’ll say this. I’m impressed with what Nintendo [was] able to do with the 64 hardware. Mario, Zelda — their devs must be top notch to be able to do that. But that’s essentially the extent of what you can do with the hardware. And you would get nowhere near anything like a Final Fantasy running on it.
It's a little more than Sony having a jab with Nintendo, though. I know it wasn't Square, but if they made the ad the text wouldn't be much different.
I'd say Nintendo is, for sticking to cartridges during a time when even Sega were moving onto CDs.
Sony paid them to do it. It had nothing to do with file sizes.
How in the fuck are there still console wars?
The fact that if it wasn't for Nintendo's massive install base at the time, and them reviving the American market after Atari fucked it up, FF and DQ would be deader than Metroid right now.
>Squaresoft was pushing for better technology
That doesn't seem to be a good reason to go with Sony in the 90's
Rare aren't doing horribly. Neither are Rockstar.
>Hironobu Sakaguchi – When we made our decision, the president of Square [Masafumi Miyamoto], our lead programmer [Ken Narita] and I went to a meeting with Yamauchi-san. There is an old cultural tradition where, in Kyoto, someone will welcome you with tea, but you’re not supposed to really drink that tea. It’s just polite to have it there. And Yamauchi-san welcomed us with a very expensive bento meal and beer, and gave us a very nice welcome and basically patted us on the back to say, “I wish you the best.” No bitter feelings or anything.
>Hiroshi Kawai, Character programmer, Square Japan – I think [Sakaguchi] is just trying to be politically correct with that one.
>Yoshihiro Maruyama, Executive vice president, Square U.S. – I don’t think [anyone from Nintendo gave us a hard time]. They said, “Oh, we don’t need that.” That’s what they said. [Laughs] Their philosophy has always been that Nintendo hardware is for their games, and if a publisher wants to publish, “OK you can do it.” But if you don’t like it, “We don’t want you.”
>Hiroshi Kawai, Character programmer, Square Japan – What I heard was Nintendo said, “If you’re leaving us, never come back.”
None of the fans of the big three can let go.
And Nintendo made better games because of it.
Did you miss the DS and Wii?
>Rare aren't doing horribly
Good one
And then there was the guy who practically invented portable gaming, whom Nintendo callously tossed aside. Goes to show not even they care about their own innovations.
>make shit hardware
>get mad at developers
classic nintendo
im convinced 90% of it is just pure shitposting, most of the people that participate in it are old enough to buy whatever the fuck they want
I haven't played Smash since melee, how the fuck is this real? what happened?
They aren't. They were, but ever since Killer Instinct they've been back on track.
nintenyearolds too young to remember what a mental case Yamauchi was
I'm sure the hundreds of developers who talked about it were lying and gentle nintendo would never commit a misdeed
Only after Hiroshi Yamauchi bite the dust.
>Rare aren't doing horribly.
That's a good one, I would laugh if it didn't hurt so much.
Here are the last two bits of the interviews
>Hironobu Sakaguchi – Politically it was a drastic change and a huge decision, but for me it was more of a natural decision because that was the hardware we needed to make the game.
>Jun Iwasaki, Vice president of marketing, Square U.S. – I thought it was the right decision, but yeah, there was a lot of [tension] with Nintendo after.
It says in the interview that Nintendo wanted to use cartridges to combat counterfeiting.
Final Fantasy 7 is an important game in Nintendo's history (despite never being released on any of their systems), I suppose.
>Nintendo wanted to stay with cartridges to minimize counterfeiting but publishers wanted the extra capacity available on CDs.
Typical Nintendo, always standing in the way of progress and innovation.
>endured shitty FF entries (except 5 was okay)
>the one time Square decides to actually try, is being a prick about it
I mean, I'm glad that Square went and got the CD's they needed and didn't change FF7 to fit Nintendo's shit, but damn, Square needed a slight reality check, too.
People people will never stop ridiculing other peoples purchasing decisions for expensive items.
Look at car fans still shitting on each other, Android vs iOS, PC vs Mac.